Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 118: Anxious Battle X Life And Death

Hisoka didn't stop at all, and continued to circle in the forest.

Unlike Hisoka, who needs to run for a long distance, Chrollo's embodiment can easily catch up with Hisoka only by quickly turning the muzzle.

The distance he opened just now was caught up in an instant, and Hisoka returned to the state where he was only one second away from death.

But Hisoka didn't care, his face was full of excitement at this moment.

"Sure enough, my assumption was right!"

Hisoka felt the moment just now, the excitement in his eyes became more obvious, and he turned his head to look in the direction where Chrollo was.

"The conditions for victory are already necessary, and then it depends on my luck." Hisoka licked the corner of his mouth, and rushed over there without hesitation.

Of course, Hisoka will not be so reckless as to rush directly, while moving quickly to avoid the incoming bullets, Hisoka rushed towards Chrollo.


Chrollo has been observing the movement of the muzzle of the sniper gun. At this time, he noticed the shift of the muzzle and instantly raised his vigilance.

The next moment, in the burning forest, Hisoka's figure suddenly rushed out from the flame 08, his figure kept changing, dodging the attack of the flame bomb.

But at this time, Hisoka rushed out so openly, enough time for the figure of the heavy machine gun, which had been difficult to turn the muzzle, to finish aiming.

next second.

The overwhelming flame bullets directly covered the past.

Whether it is the power of the bullet or the speed of the bullet, it is much more deceiving than the attack of the rifle figure.

The rushing Hisoka only dodged for two seconds, but couldn't keep up with the speed of the muzzle turning, and was overtaken by dense bullets, and one after another explosions directly engulfed Hisoka.


Chrollo's eyes froze.

Although he is very confident in his own strength at this time, Hisoka... will not be solved so easily.


Chrollo looked at the sniper rifle on the side and was still aiming at the direction where the heavy machine gun fired, thinking quickly in his heart.

"It's behind!" Chrollo reacted instantly, and at the same time, the sniper rifle next to him aimed at the muzzle and moved up instantly.

"On top." Chrollo looked quickly, and a figure quickly rushed out from above the smoke and dust raised by the explosion, and then rushed towards Chrollo's direction.

"This speed..." Chrollo was startled, resisting the pain, and used the ignited air to condense on his eyes.

In an instant, Chrollo saw a mind thread sticking to his side at some point.

"When?" Chrollo was shocked.

Although because of the use of the person who burns himself, his air-conditioning will burn even himself.

But just like now, knowing Hisoka's ability, he will naturally endure the pain from time to time, and guard against Hisoka's ability on the premise of not really hurting his eyes.

But even so, he was unknowingly glued to Hisoka's Nen.

"Fire!" Chrollo ordered directly with a cold expression.

The fastest figure with two guns aimed his muzzle at the rushing Hisoka, and fired bullets without hesitation. At the same time, the figures with rifles and heavy machine guns also turned their muzzles to aim at Hisoka in the sky.

"Wait... heaven..."

Chrollo paused in his heart.

Under such circumstances, would Hisoka choose to attack from a direction in the sky that has no shelter and is extremely difficult to avoid?

Subconsciously, Chrollo looked at the sniper figure next to him, and saw that in Chrollo's impression, the muzzle of the gun that should be moving upwards was not raised at all, but was still aimed at the place surrounded by the smoke and dust of the explosion.

At the same time, amidst the smoke and dust, Xi Ban pressed his body and rushed towards Chrollo.

Chrollo could even see the smug smile on Hisoka's face.

be cheated!

Chrollo reacted instantly.

In the lingering smoke just now, Hisoka probably fixed himself with his stretchable love first, making sure that he would not jump out of the range covered by the smoke, and then leaped up, releasing the fake "frivolous illusion" in mid-air. body.

Then the main body quickly returned to the ground and rushed towards him.

"Crazy... this guy is a lunatic!" At this moment, even Chrollo couldn't help but shudder when he looked at Hisoka.

If he hadn't been fooled just now, or noticed the lowered muzzle of the sniper rifle, then for Hisoka who really lost his vision, what was waiting for him at this time must be enough to blow him to pieces Flame bullets.


There is no if in reality, but the current situation is, Hisoka made the right bet!

"That's too late!"

Chrollo's expression tightened.

With Hisoka's speed, he would definitely be able to get to him before his one-man army could turn their guns around.

"General!" Hisoka looked at Chrollo's obviously tense face with a smile, but in the next second, the scenes were reversed.

Hisoka's face tightened, and Chrollo showed a smiling expression.


Target Hisoka!

The muzzle of the bazooka that hasn't moved since it manifested has been aimed at Hisoka, and...fingertips snapped!

In fact, normally speaking, the launch speed of the rocket launcher is far less than the speed of the bullet exiting the barrel. Even the rocket launcher made by Nen, the initial acceleration speed at this time is not impossible to dodge.


910 was launched together with the bazooka, and there was also a sniper bullet.

Hisoka couldn't dodge the sniper rifle bullets whose exit speed exceeded four or five times the speed of sound.


At this speed, the power of the sniper rifle bullet is extremely small, even at this distance, it is at most equivalent to the power of a Common pistol.


Hisoka would not think that the bullets from the sniper rifle were used to kill people.

Combining the tracking and positioning ability shown by the sniper rifle before, and Chrollo's judgment at this moment, Hisoka has no doubt that the bullet is used to add positioning and even tracking capabilities to the rockets fired later.

"Do you want to distance yourself and dodge?"

This thought flashed through Hisoka's mind. With his ability, if he retreated quickly to open the distance, he would have a little time to react. It wouldn't be difficult to detonate in advance or avoid the bazooka.


"Keep a distance and dodge? Are you kidding me!"

"I've been waiting for this moment!" Hisoka had an excited smile on his face, and his speed increased rather than decreased, rushing towards Chrollo.

Looking at Hisoka rushing towards him like crazy, Chrollo looked calm.

"Goodbye, Hisoka!"

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