Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 126 Outbreak Far Beyond The Speed ​​Of Sonic X Netero's Prayer

"Ha ha!"

After becoming stronger, Luo Lin was the first time to use his full strength.

Luo Lin couldn't help but burst out laughing with the terrifying power that filled his whole body. Looking at the Gold palm that suddenly appeared in front of him, he punched it without hesitation.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the fist that condensed nearly 50,000 thought energy showed amazing power at this moment.

This time, the palm of Netero's hundred-style Avalokitesvara couldn't hold up, and Gold had a big hole in his palm.

The sharp punch was mixed with energy and shot towards Netero with a bang.

But at this moment, another Gold palm suddenly appeared in front of Netero, and he slapped it out, directly blowing away the energy.

Regarding the scene in front of him, Luo Lin wasn't surprised at all. He didn't think he could defeat Netero with a single punch.

Blood boiled all over his body, and Lu Lin rushed over excitedly.

Under the strengthening of the thought energy filling the whole body, and the sharp thought energy that easily cuts the air on the surface of the body, Luo Lin's instantaneous burst speed directly exceeded the speed of sound, even more than twice the speed of sound, that is, six to one hundred and eighty meters per second.

"That's it, that's it!"

Netero is also extremely excited at this time, concentrating on Luo Lin, not daring to relax in the slightest.

"Hundreds of Avalokitesvara—the ninth palm!"

The huge Avalokitesvara statue behind Netero waved its arms and fists at a speed not inferior to that of Luo Lin.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Gold palms of Baishi Avalokitesvara appeared in front of Luo Lin one after another, slapping Luo Lin with terrifying strength.

If it were the Common people, or those fighter jets that can soar twice the speed of sound or even faster, they might not be able to escape the stormy attack of Netero at this time.

But Luo Lin is different. Luo Lin who has entered the ultra-high speed state has not only speed, but also a reaction and flexibility far beyond the limit of human beings.

In order to test Netero's attack power, he resisted twice before, but now... Luo Lin will not continue to be beaten.

His figure flickered, and at supersonic speed, Luo Lin's figure was like a ghost, dodging Netero's attacks one after another.

At this time, Netero kept clasping his palms together, and that seemingly slow movement was able to react in a matter of minutes [Two Song Gold palms appeared before Luo Lin's attack


But Luo Lin didn't care, immersed in the state of wantonly venting his power, Luo Lin became more and more excited at this time, and his spirit became more and more concentrated.

And the result is that Luo Lin compresses the somatosensory time deeper and deeper, and Luo Lin's speed becomes faster and faster

Twice the speed of sound...Three times the speed of sound...

In the blink of an eye, Luo Lin's speed far exceeded the astonishing kilometer per second.

What's even more astonishing is that at this speed, Luo Lin's nerve response ability and muscle contraction conduction speed have completely kept up.

It can be said that Luo Lin at this time seems to be really not on the same time flow as other people.

"The speed is getting faster and faster, is this kid really a monster?"

At this moment, Netero didn't even have time to be shocked, and devoted himself to praying.

The speed at which Netero folded his hands and prayed was getting faster and faster, which almost surpassed the speed of human beings, no, it was almost beyond the speed of physics.

It is clear that the speed of Netero's palms together far exceeds the speed of sound, but except for the moment of punching, Netero's hands clasped together did not feel the barrier of the sound barrier at all like Luo Lin.

It's as if... Netero's prayer with his hands together doesn't happen in a short moment, but... he still adjusts his breathing, worships, prays, and then starts To punch out, a complete set of movements takes five to six seconds.

And it takes five to six seconds to pray, how could it break the sound barrier because of the speed!

...ask for flowers...

Luo Lin's speed is still improving at this time, three times the speed of sound is far from his limit, it's just...

Looking at Netero in front of him, Luo Lin was filled with shock.

"That old man... is a monster!"

Luo Lin looked at Netero and was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, because Netero's speed is too fast, they can't see anything, but Luo Lin can see Netero clearly at this time.

In this high-speed battle, the old man was still adjusting his breath, worshiping, praying, and then began to punch.

That kind of devout prayer attitude, even though Luo Lin's speed has increased several times compared to before, Netero still has not changed.


The Gold palm of Baishi Guanyin suddenly appeared in front of Luo Lin, but this time Luo Lin did not choose to dodge, but punched the Gold palm.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

Just like before, that Gold's palm was easily pierced by Luo Lin, and then blocked by another Gold's palm.

Nothing changes!


This is unreasonable!

You must know that before Luo Lin's speed could barely exceed the speed of sound, but now, his speed is at least four times the speed of sound.

Although Luo Lin complained before that the sudden appearance of the sound barrier is scientific, but it also proves that in that super high-speed state, Luo Lin's power also follows the principles of physics

Energy = Velocity x Mass!

In the case that the quality of Luo Lin itself has not changed, while the speed has skyrocketed, Luo Lin's attack will also skyrocket.

But his attack at this time is still the same as the beginning, it can only penetrate one palm of Netero's hundred-style Guanyin.

Luo Lin was thinking in his heart, but without the slightest hesitation in his body movements, he dodged Netero's stormy attacks one after another.


Luo Lin felt as if he had peeped into the essence of Netero's hundred-style Avalokitesvara ability.

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