Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 184 Initiating Inaction Transformation

"Go away!"

Chanyuan Maki wields the super magic tool Yuyun with all her strength.

As the only one among the special-grade spells that does not have spells engraved on it, You Yun possesses extreme violence.

The stronger the power used by the user, the greater the power of You Yun will be.

At this time, Maki, who has completed the complete heaven and curse, is definitely the top in the world.



Maki's all-out blow just knocked back the huge shot and made it rippling, and then continued to attack Maki.

"Cut, what the hell is this..." Maki dodged quickly, and at the same time waved You Yun to swing the huge tentacles away, and quickly rushed towards the barrier.

"It's really... a powerful force!"

In the enchantment, the real person absorbed the huge amount of spell power in the enchantment, and manipulated his arms to keep growing bigger.

That's right, the giant white tentacles that fought Maki were real people's arms.

Articulation... Do nothing to transform!

The real person regards the soul as being born of the body, and the shape of the body will be affected by the shape of the soul. His inaction transformation can touch the soul, change the soul, and achieve the effect of changing the body.

At this time, under the curse of tens of millions of human beings, Daoist absorbed the fear and hatred of human beings and grew rapidly.

At the same time, relying on massive mantra power, the real person's body becomes extremely huge and powerful.

"Aren't you going to kill those guys to avenge Hana?"

Suddenly, Luo Suo appeared next to the real person wearing Xia Youjie's appearance and smiled.

"No need." The real person looked at Rosso and said with a low smile: "Before this operation, we were already prepared to die, and whoever dies doesn't need revenge.

"It's really ruthless!" Luo Suo sighed and walked towards the real person.

"This power, it's okay to use!"

"Very easy to use!" the real person grinned.

In the next moment, the palm of the real person touched Luo Suo directly, and Luo Suo dodged as expected.

"Why did you attack me! The real person..." Rosso looked at the real person with a smile on his face.

"Isn't it you who wanted to use the spell to manipulate me first?" the real person asked back, laughing in a low voice.

"I am very clear, as I was born from the fear and hatred of human beings towards human beings, I understand human beings very well."

"I underestimated you!" Rosso laughed in a low voice.

"However, when did you have it? I don't have the illusion of manipulating you."

As Luo Suo's voice fell, the real person's movements stopped instantly, and the attack he was about to launch on Luo Suo also stopped in mid-air.

"The source of power that does not belong to you, don't accept it casually, it's very risky!" Luo Suo walked up to the real person with a smile and said with a smile.

However, there was no surprise on the face of the real person at this time.

"Sure enough, I knew it would be like this!" The real person sighed.

"You don't seem surprised?" Rosso raised his eyebrows.

"I've said it all, as I was born from the fear and hatred of human beings, I understand human beings very well." Zhenren laughed in a low voice.

"It's not surprising that I can guess it!"

"Since I guessed it, you wouldn't want to come here?" Rosso was really surprised now.

"Because it's very interesting! Your purpose..." Zhenren looked at Suo with a low smile and said, "You were not joking when you said your purpose."

"It's really... an accident." Luo Suo shook his head slightly, looked at the real person and said, "Although it's rare to meet someone I really want to chat with, but I don't have time anymore."

Rosso said regretfully, and put his hands on the real person.

"Curse Spirit Manipulation——Extreme Swirl!"

With the activation of Luosuo's technique, the real person quickly shrank towards Luosuo's palm.

Even the real person's huge arm was absorbed in just two breaths.

Looking at the ball in his hand, Rosso swallowed it without hesitation.

The mantra of the mantra is extremely powerful, and its ability can extract the spells of the mantra for its own use.

As for the real person's technique, there is no change, and Luo Suo has been coveting it for a while.

Afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, Luo Suo directly launched the Wuwei Transformation with the help of the enchantment of the Imperial Tomb of the Kyoto Mountain Country.


Rosso couldn't help shaking his head after feeling the success of the long-range spell.

The magic spell extracted by his magic formula stagnated and would not grow the moment it was extracted.

Originally, he wanted to let the real person grow up for a while!

And Hana is also...

Rosso has also been coveting for a long time the spell that absorbs the life force of plants and transforms it into mana.


Rosso looked at the figure outside the barrier.

Another sky and tyrant?"

Luo Suo laughed twice, and the curse spirit slowly emerged from under his feet, engulfing him completely, and then disappeared together with the curse spirit.

"what happened?"

Maki watched the unknown curse spirit that had been attacking just now disappear, and her expression was extremely vigilant.

The strength of this curse spirit is much stronger than that of the special one just now.

She couldn't tolerate being careless.


When Maki carefully went to investigate the barrier, she didn't see anyone at all.

"Have you left?" Maki frowned, she didn't think she scared the other party away.

"Hey, Maki-san! How's the situation here (De Zhao Zhao)?" Gojo Satoru's voice sounded behind Maki.


Maki turned to look at Gojo Gokan.

The other party would run away, obviously aware of Gojo Satoru's arrival by some means.

"It's too slow, Mr. Wujo, the enemy has already escaped!" Maki said with her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry, sorry, because there is also a problem with the results on the other side!"

Gojo Satoru said with a grin, and at the same time, Six Eyes quickly scanned the surroundings.

"Sure enough, it's the same method as the enchantment of the Imperial Palace!" Wujo Wu's eyes flashed coldly.

Although the real identity of the other party is still unclear, there are 1.5 things that cannot be guessed.

"The human being mixed with the curse what Luo Lin said before! That bastard curse master who stole Jie's body!"

The killing intent in Wujo Wu's heart gradually rose. .

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