Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 130 Completely Cut Off The Mana Channel


Luo Lin rubbed his nose with a strange expression.

"Is it because it's too cold at the bottom of the ocean?"

Luo Lin complained casually, and then completely blocked the tenth channel, which is the last channel connected to the barrier.

In this way.

The top ten pure realms on the island country can't get a steady supply of magic power from here at all.

"It won't be long before those barriers will collapse by themselves!" Luo Lin scratched his chin and smiled.

In his previous investigations, although the ten pure realms also had the ability to extract mana from the islanders and use it as energy.

But its efficiency is extremely low, and there is no way to support the ten pure realms.

Next, as long as the magic power stored in the pure world is completely consumed, even if the ten pure worlds do not collapse, they will probably shrink to the point of being useless.

"Speaking of which, what is going on with Tian Yuan..."

Luo Lin looked at the Tianyuan substitute he had made.

Obviously before, he was using this Tianyuan substitute to capture Tianyuan's own immortality spell, but the result was not as smooth as he imagined.


The undead technique has definitely been captured, but... Through the induction between the double and the main body, Luo Lin can feel that Tian Yuan is not dead at this time.

It is clear that in his previous investigation, after losing the undead spell, in the state of Tianyuan, he should die immediately.


"During this period of time, Tian Yuan has taken the last step, and he has completely completed the magic transformation of himself by the undead spell!" Luo Lin thoughtfully.

If that's the case, it's not surprising that Yin Yuan didn't die.


"After completing the magic transformation of the undead technique, can I still live like this?" Luo Lin frowned.

The spell transformation of the undead technique is probably a more thorough and deeper transformation of the so-called curse spirit incarnated by the curse.

It seems that Tianyuan has only completed half of the transformation and is already in the same form as a curse spirit. If he takes the last step and completely transforms into a spell...

At least according to Luo Lin's calculation, Tian Yuan at this time can no longer be regarded as a human being.

"Let's go back and have a look!" Luo Lin had made up his mind, no matter how much speculation he meant, it would be better to actually take a look.

"I poured five hundred years of information and intelligence in one breath, I don't know if you can still run away!"

Gojo Satoru looked at Luo Suo who was lying on the ground lifeless, and snorted coldly.

After hearing from Tian Yuan that Luo Suo had escaped from the six-eyed magician several times, Gojo Satoru was thinking about how to deal with Luo Suo.

In the end, the solution Gojo Satoru came up with was to deprive the opponent of the ability to escape by trapping in the domain, and then inject information far beyond the limit of the opponent's consciousness and brain to kill the opponent.

Although there was a small accident, his domain has no sealing effect, but combined with Rosso's own domain, the closed domain may not be able to win the opponent.

And now...

At least in Gojo Satoru's eyes, Rosso would never survive.


"Hey, what's the situation?"

As soon as the domain was released, the scene outside fell into Gojo Satoru's eyes.

Gojo Satoru looked at the giant flying in the sky with a dazed expression.

I saw that Tian Yuan, who was still hovering in the barrier before, had already flown into the sky, no, to be precise, he stood up.

Hundreds or thousands of slender limbs like insect joints supported Tian Yuan's incomparably huge body, placing him at a height of 100 meters.

From a distance, Tian Yuan at this time looks like a centipede flying in the sky, but the body of this centipede is beyond imagination.

The diameter of the body is nearly 100 meters, and the body length is several thousand meters before protruding out of the barrier.

Regardless of the intensity, just the impact of this huge volume is enough to make anyone tremble.


Ninety (aidf) Nine Yuki was smashed from a distance.

But after all, he is also a super magician, Jiujiu Youji stabilized his body and landed safely not far from Wujo Wu.

"It's too slow!" Ninety-Nine Yuki spat lightly, spitting out the blood in his mouth.

"It's only been less than a minute! How did this guy become like this!" Gojo Satoru asked, not caring about Kujiu Yuki's complaint.

"Who knows... not long after you and that guy opened the field, this guy let out a miserable scream, shouted Luo Lin's name angrily, and then started to grow legs.

Ninety-Nine Yuki quickly explained.

"Luo Lin?"

Gojo Satoru was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that Luo Lin seemed to be looking for something when he met Luo Lin in the deep sea.

"If Luo Lin really did something, this guy must have become stronger no matter how you look at it!" Wu Tiaoqing complained looking at the monster that could move freely.

"It doesn't look like it, it just got stronger now!" Jiujiu Yuki, who had fought this monster before, added.

"Since this is the case, it means that Tianyuan will scream like you said..."

"Isn't the impact on the other side not combat power, but future potential?" Gojo Satoru squinted his eyes and looked at Tian Yuan at this time.

At this time, Tian Yuan didn't care about Gojo Satoru and Kujiu Yuki next to him, but ran wildly. After the other party's huge body was pulled out of the barrier, two slender legs would suddenly grow out. limbs.

"Did he figure it out?"

Jiujiuyouji looked at Tian Yuan at this time and frowned.

Obviously she and Gojo Satoru were nearby, but Tian Yuan frantically ran in another direction.

"No, he just wants to go in that direction!" Gojo Satoru squinted his eyes, looking at the direction Tian Yuan was heading in.


Gojo Satoru spoke suddenly.

"What?" Ninety-Nine Yuki was stunned and asked strangely.

"In that direction, the only goal I can think of for Tianyuan is Hokkaido, which is a natural land.

Gojo Satoru moved his hands and feet: "Although I don't know why, but this guy can't be satisfied."

Wutiao Wu's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared instantly, appearing in front of Tian Yuan's head.

"It's really enviable mobility." Kujiu Yuki looked at the disappearing Gojo Satoru and shook his head: "We can't watch that kid show off by himself..."

Ninety-Nine Yuki's Shiki Divine Phoenix Wheel once again appeared at his feet in a ball.

"Right! The Phoenix Wheel——"

As Jiujiuyouji's voice fell, he kicked the Huanglun flying away. .

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