Becoming a Saint by Leisure Reading

Vol 4 Chapter 204: It's up to you, Dongcang City

   Chapter 207 It was decided that it was you, Dongcang City

   Things are not that simple.

   Chen Luo pondered in his heart, there are thousands of cities in the thirteen states of Xuan Xuan, how to choose can reflect his true thoughts.

  Perhaps, this is the real test of the teacher.

  If Chen Luo's choice is a prosperous place, Bamboo Sage will naturally agree, but the evaluation of Chen Luo in his heart may decrease.

   What about the icing on the cake? Still rich and rich.

   But if he blindly chooses the cold and dangerous places, it will appear that Chen Luozhi is big and talented, and he lacks a clear understanding of himself.

  The Holy Land is not the same as the family fief, and you can leave it alone. Once the Holy Land is determined, it is the private domain of the semi-holy, and the imperial court will no longer interfere, and everything needs to be taken care of by yourself.

   Therefore, how to choose is a difficult problem.

  Thinking in the good direction, the teacher has given him a base for free development; thinking in the bad direction, bah, can the things the teacher send out are bad? Don't think about this.

  Chen Luo remembered what Yun Siyao said before, and had a clear understanding in his heart.

  This is not just a city, but a place to ascend.

   is to stand in a high place and see the world clearly.

   Great leaders have taught that when dealing with problems, we must be good at grasping the main contradiction and the main aspect of the contradiction.

   What is the main contradiction in the world today?

  Battle of the barbarians.

   What is the main aspect of the contradiction?

  The human race is in a passive position of defense among the barbarians.

  Perfect, break the question √.

  Chen Luo quickly set his eyes on the north of Daxuan.

   Those eyes released the light of playing "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" in the previous life, looking for the light of the first city!

   "Sixth Senior Sister, can you tell me about the battle of the northern people?" Chen Luo said.

   "Battle of the Barbarians?" Yun Siyao's face relaxed slightly: "No problem."


   "The struggle between humans and barbarians, in the final analysis, is actually a struggle between Heavenly Dao and Barbarian Heaven. You must already understand this." Yun Siyao said, "But at a specific level, you still need to study it carefully."

   "Heavenly creatures, human races and demon races who master extraordinary power."

   "Barbarians are born with spirits, and those who master extraordinary power are barbarians and beasts."

   "Do you know why my human race has been strong several times, but in the end I can't completely wipe out the barbarians?" Yun Siyao asked suddenly.

Chen Luo shook his head. He actually had the same question. Without further ado, he said that Emperor Lin and Emperor Wu of this dynasty, the two generations of male lords, were the great emperors who looked down on the world. When he is called a minister, he stops the battle and stops the army.

In the Han and Tang Dynasties of the previous life, those Hu people could escape all the way north, go to the Western Regions, go to Central Asia, West Asia, and even hit Europe, but in this world, it is said that the extreme north is the boundless ice field that can freeze the barbarians to death, even if they drive them away If you enter the ice field, you can also cut grass and roots, why not do it?

   "Alas..." Yun Siyao sighed, "This is related to the cultivation characteristics of the human race."

   "Don't talk about Buddhism, just talk about Confucianism and Taoism that have mastered the general trend of the human race."

   "The essence of Confucianism's magical powers is to arouse the resonance of heaven and earth with reason, and to obtain the power of transcendental sanctification.

   "But once the monks of Confucianism and Taoism entered the barbarian plains, the connection with the Tao of Heaven weakened, and the power of the magical powers of magic would naturally weaken."

  Chen Luo was shocked: World suppression?

   "Only the semi-sages of Confucianism and Taoism and Taoism, who are self-contained, can get rid of this bondage."

   "Great Confucian and below, Daojun and below, the deeper you go into the barbarian land, the weaker your combat power will be. The only solution is to replace the power of heaven with strong luck, but the amount of luck you need to consume is amazing!"

   "Therefore, it is very difficult for the human race to completely exterminate the barbarians."

  Chen Luo knew it in his heart, but a new question emerged: "What about the barbarians entering my heavenly land?"

  Yun Siyao said: "In the barbarians, regardless of the barbarian **** lineage or the barbarian sacrifice lineage, it is the barbarian gods who gave them power to inject into their bodies and souls, and they are not affected by the separation from the barbarian gods."

  Chen Luo nodded, probably understood. In fact, Confucianism and Taoism are more like Confucian generals, focusing on mobilizing the soldiers and horses of Heavenly Dao, while barbarians are more like fierce generals, relying on personal bravery.

   "That means that the barbarians have no effect at all when they enter the Dao of Heaven?" Chen Luo confirmed it again.

  Yun Siyao nodded, affirming Chen Luo's statement, but added: "So let's talk about the Great Wall of Righteousness."

  Chen Luo concentrated his attention. He always heard the "Great Wall of Righteousness" before, and he was puzzled. Could it be that in this extraordinary world, a single Great Wall can stop the barbarians? But I was worried that it would be embarrassing to ask random questions, so I held back and didn't ask.

   "The real name of the Great Wall of Righteous Qi should be 'Heavenly Dao Yuman Array', but it is an 'Anbang National Technique'. Have you seen the official techniques that officials use to mobilize Qi through official seals?"

  Chen Luo nodded, of course he had seen it before, and he spent several thousand taels for this.

   We are Cai Tongchen and Cai Tusun who received the money!

   Not noticing the strange look on Chen Luo's face, Yun Siyao continued: "That official technique is the 'Anbang National Technique', and the 'Heavenly Dao Yuman Formation' is the only other national technique."

   "When the barbarians step into the formation, there will be heavenly might, suppressing the blood and soul of the barbarians, and increasing the attrition of the barbarians, so it can resist the barbarians."

   Chen Luo frowned slightly and asked, "Since the 'Heavenly Dao Yumanshu' is so powerful, why not arrange it in the entire territory? Is it too expensive?"

Yun Siyao shook his head: "No. There was indeed a semi-sage who proposed this idea, and even put it into practice. But the overall power of the imperial formation has an upper limit. The more dispersed it is, the more suppressing power of a single formation. The worse it gets, the more you have to give up.”

   "After countless years of matching and trying, the current Great Wall of Righteousness is the most efficient way to deploy the Imperial Barbarian Array."

"The Great Wall of Righteous Qi is not a continuous formation, but is composed of nine formations." After speaking, Yun Siyao stretched out his hand and clicked a few places on the territory map, explaining, "From the westernmost to the sky, From the snow mountain to the easternmost Xingchen Sea, and the long border of the people, it is divided into nine formations in total."

   "Each section has a heavy city as an eye, suppressing the formation, so it is called a town."

   "These nine border towns are the nine towns of the human race. Beneath the town town, there is a second-level military town to suppress the core formation road, which is called Lucheng; outside the Lucheng, there is a guarded place called Acropolis."

   "The town-road-wei three-level system is where the Great Wall of Righteousness is located. As for the fortresses further down, they are basically built around the Great Wall of Righteousness, either to store grain, or to store troops, or to give early warning."

"The 'Wanren Mountain' is the main one in the middle of the nine towns." Yun Siyao clicked on the map to mark the location of Wanren Mountain, "As the general town, the power of the mobile formation can be allocated to assist the urgently needed places. , so it is also the location of the Shogunate of War.”

   After saying this, Yun Siyao paused and looked at Chen Luo with a smile: "Little Junior Brother, do you want to choose a town? Maybe the teacher won't agree to this."

   "Of course not." Chen Luo shook his head quickly, joking, this is where countless lives are concerned.

   He looked at the map carefully, pointed to the open space between the two righteous Great Walls and asked, "Senior Sister Six, what about the places where these formations are disconnected?"

"What should I do? Fight!" Yun Siyao shrugged, "These places are also called 'flesh corridors', and they are places where barbarians must attack. Except for a few battles where barbarians attack the Great Wall of Righteousness, most of the time, barbarians will pass through. Attack these places and go south to the hinterland of the human race."

   Chen Luo's heart sank slightly. The gaps on the map are not big, but if they are placed in the actual geography, they are enough to pile up a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

   "Don't choose here, it's not suitable." Yun Siyao looked at Chen Luo in a daze and said.

  Chen Luo smiled slightly, he naturally wouldn't choose this place, not because he didn't dare, but because he couldn't. His eyes moved slowly along the long border, and finally landed on the most eastern city.

   That place is very interesting. The entire area protrudes out of the coastline abruptly, and rises slightly. If the positions of all the important towns in the entire border are basically kept within a width band, this city is a point above the width band.

   Below that area is a half-moon shaped bay. The territory is vast, but there are not many cities.

   "Dongcang City?" Chen Luo looked at the name of the city, then looked at Yun Siyao, "Sixth Senior Sister, this city doesn't seem to be within the scope of the Great Wall of Righteousness?"

Yun Siyao glanced at Dongcang City and nodded: "Dongcang City, built in the previous dynasty, thousands of miles into the barbarian plain, is the Barbarian Roar Valley where barbarians gather. If the barbarians attack, it will cause barbarian riots. , so this place does not face the danger of the barbarian army."

   "The original intention of the former Dynasty was to open a sea route to transport front-line supplies here, and then transfer them to the major border towns in the east."

   "It's just that the water monsters in the sea of ​​stars gathered, and there were many lootings. Emperor Hou Yang opened an inland river to Leya City in Yuanzhou, and Dongcang City was abolished."

   "However, due to the Manhou Valley, the power of the barbarians will infiltrate from time to time. So although there are still some people in the city and officials take care of them, it is much less than other towns."

   "It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bitter cold place."

   "Although it is not mentioned in the data, there should still be some barbarian tribes here."

   "Little Junior Brother, are you interested?"

  Chen Luo touched his chin and nodded, very interested.

   This opening is in Gongsun Zan mode.

   It's just a little bit of savage power, and the body of Confucianism and Taoism is not good, but he is martial arts, can he care about this?

  There is a population in the and the regime can still operate, which means that the nearby barbarian tribes are not strong, and they should be able to deal with it after taking over the city.

   feels like a great place to grow.

   Also, who would have thought of finding a development site on the front line?

   "You can think about it carefully." Yun Siyao clicked on a city named "Jianjia" on the map and said, "This matter is not in a hurry, you can take a look again and consider it carefully!"

   "That's it!"

  Chen Luo nodded affirmatively and said to Yun Siyao: "Sixth Senior Sister, I will choose this Dongcang City!"

   Yun Siyao looked at Chen Luo's determined eyes, smiled lightly, and gave up the dissuasion.

   "Okay, listen to you."

   "It's Dongcangcheng!"

   Well, the setting details are haunting...

   There is one more update tonight.

   Ask for a monthly pass! !



   (end of this chapter)

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