Becoming a Saint by Leisure Reading

Vol 4 Chapter 323: Kill the game and kill the 2nd rank, and return to Dongcang with full staff!

"Is it here?" According to Mastiff Lingling's instructions, Chen Luo came to a place that looked like a secret room. As soon as he entered the room, he felt the same as when he entered Gou Ride's practice room last time, with a strong blood rushing towards his face.

Mastiff Lingling nodded, turned around and closed the door, and said, "Respected guest, in fact, we monsters who come to Barbarian Heaven will more or less steal some barbarian blood, which is considered an open secret."

"After all, barbarians are similar to monsters, and blood is the foundation of cultivation. It is said that when Barbarians gave birth to barbarians, they referred to the monsters of heaven."

Chen Luo understands, just copy and copy to make it bigger and stronger... I have never played this way, but I have seen it!

"Then the barbarians don't bother you?" Chen Luo asked in confusion.

"How majestic is the blood that supports a barbarian city, what is the point we stole! Anyway, the source of this blood is said to be condensed by Thor Khan's array of sun and moon radiance sprinkled on the barbarian plain. As long as it is not enough They don't bother to check."

"Besides, this is also a tender way for the barbarians to attract the demons."

Chen Luo nodded, this Mantian is very bad, he has already made a pirated copy, and he still wants to hook up with the genuine one!

Mastiff Lingling walked back and forth in the secret room for a few times, her nose kept twitching and twitching, and finally stopped at the first place near the southwest corner.

"Respected guest, this is the place. If you dig down from here, you can dig up to the formation."

"Dig a hole?" Chen Luo froze for a moment, shouldn't stealing the power of the formation be to arrange a reverse formation handsomely, or change the arrangement of the formation ingeniously?

You let me dig a hole?

Looking at Chen Luo's eyes, Mastiff Lingling suddenly realized: "Oh, I took the liberty. How can I do such a thing as a respected guest?"

"I come!"

Chen Luo hurriedly shook his head and said, "I didn't mean that..."

Before he finished speaking, Mastiff Lingling had dug a hole to accommodate his upper body. He leaned out of the hole and looked at Chen Luo: "Zun Ke, what did you say?"

"I said... hard work!"

"Oh, no trouble! How can you call it hard work!" Mastiff Lingling laughed heroically, and was overjoyed.

There is a favor in hand, one step closer to Keqing!

Mastiff Lingling was suddenly full of energy and digging into the ground frantically.

Chen Luo glanced at the bottomless pothole in an instant, and touched his chin: "This master mastiff, if you can go back with me and see a home, it will be too sweet."


About a quarter of an hour later, Mastiff Lingling emerged from the hole and waved at Chen Luo: "Respected guest, okay..."

"So fast?" Chen Luo quickly took out the master's body, held it in his hand, and fell into the hole with Mastiff Lingling.

It was dark in an instant, but it soon became bright again. Mastiff Lingling grabbed Chen Luo, who was falling, and said, "Respected guest, here we are."

Chen Luo opened his eyes with a look of shock on his face, and looked at Mastiff Lingling: "This is the Barbarian City Formation?"

Mastiff Lingling also sighed: "When I first saw it, I was as surprised as Zunke, but this is the Barbarian City Formation."

"There are one hundred and eight barbarian cities in Mantian, and there is such a formation under each city."

Chen Luo lowered his head and looked at the shocking scene.

It was a mighty giant like a mountain. It was half-kneeling in this huge underground cavity, holding up the entire barbarian city with its four arms. Under the giant was a blood-colored lake, rolling huge bubbles, and the bubbles rose into the air. , and then exploded, and a blood gas flew out of the bubble and penetrated into the barbarian city overhead.

Standing beside this giant, Chen Luo was like a sesame seed placed next to an adult, small and inconspicuous.

Before that, the biggest reminder that Chen Luo had ever seen was the original shape of Wu Litao and the ancient tree in the future that turned into the big turtle, but in front of this giant, the two of them were insignificant, at most It is only the size of the giant's palm.

"But..." Chen Luo deliberately stood a little further away, and barely saw the giant's face, not the appearance of a barbarian, but the head of a beast.

"I once heard a barbarian king mention it when he was chatting..." Mastiff Lingling said aside, "This giant, called Titan, is a race that the barbarians bred before the barbarians. But it was later abandoned by the barbarians."

"Tolkhan united with the top masters of the barbarians and killed all the Titans. Then they used sacrifices to train their corpses to create the formation of the barbarian city."

"There are only one hundred and eight barbarian cities, and that's because the Titan family has only one hundred and eight people!"

"Titan?" Chen Luo nodded slightly, but he was worthy of the name.

At this time, Mastiff Lingling pointed to the sea of ​​blood that drowned half of Titan's body and said, "Respected guest, the blood lake is the source of blood and energy in the barbarian city, and it can be absorbed a little closer!"

Chen Luo nodded, holding Qinglian around the body of Tai Tan, like a small fish like the sea, small and inconspicuous, he landed on the blood lake and slowly put Qinglian down. Qinglian floated on the blood lake, rippling slightly.

"Elder Brother, how do you feel?" Chen Luo asked.

"A little... faint..." Qinglian responded.

"Bad?" Chen Luo was suddenly unable to complain, or he would sprinkle some salt in the lake of blood for you.

"I'll go inside... have a look..." Qinglian heard a voice again, and floated towards the center of the lake.

Chen Luo was taken aback: "Inside? Senior Brother..."

At this time, Qinglian has happily floated towards the center of the blood lake, and the water of the blood lake is surging around Qinglian.

"Elder brother, wait for me." Chen Luo couldn't worry, and quickly followed. Mastiff Lingling hesitated for a moment and decided not to mix. Based on his short-lived experience with this little honored guest, they can get into trouble and not die, that's them, forget it.

Just keep the exit.

Mastiff Lingling suddenly laughed at himself again: "In this ancient city of Tuo, all the barbarian kings and above have been recruited to go out, what danger can there be?"

"My head is broken, why are you always thinking nonsense?"


But on the other side, in the depths of the blood lake, there is a mighty figure sitting at the bottom of the blood lake. The majestic blood scoured the figure's body. When he inhaled, the blood lake water around him formed countless small vortices. When he exhaled, those small vortices drifted away and gradually disappeared in the blood lake. Just between this breath and one breath, this piece of water is full of blood.

If anyone is here, it can be seen that that mighty figure is a second-rank barbarian king!


At this time, Chen Luo gradually approached the center of the blood lake with Qinglian, and the blood energy was absorbed by Qinglian, and Qinglian's appearance was much more solid than before.

"Little junior brother, there must be blood crystals under the blood lake, which will be of great benefit to your martial arts. You can take the opportunity to get some." At this time, Lang Feixian also spoke a lot more powerfully, and no longer seemed so weak.

"The bottom of the lake? Well, senior brother, you absorb it first, I'll go down and have a look." Hearing Lang Feixian's suggestion, Chen Luo plunged into the blood lake.

Chen Luo entered the blood lake and kept diving. It took a while to dive to the bottom of the lake. After searching for a while at the bottom of the lake, he found a red spar the size of a fist.

"This is the crystal of qi and blood?" Chen Luo sensed it, and it did have a tempering effect on the body. Chen Luo suddenly thought, if you use this thing to build a house——

A necessary blood room for fantasy novels!

The students of my martial arts academy must not be wronged, and the martial arts academy must have other things that are available in the Transcendent World School!

Thinking of this, Chen Luo left full of energy, took out the storage order, and picked it up at the bottom of the lake.


"The little girl picking mushrooms, carrying a big bamboo basket, walked around the woods and hills with bare feet early in the morning..." Chen Luo picked them up while humming a song, "She picked the biggest mushrooms... the big ones... Um?"

Chen Luo suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"Big? That Titan is so big..."

"Chop off a little finger and bring it back, it should be a treasure!"

"Well... No, I seem to have forgotten something? Senior Sister Six seems to have said something... Forget it, I can't remember it."

Chen Luo quickly surfaced to the surface, just as he saw Qinglian leisurely spinning around on the surface of the blood lake, a song came from Qinglian—

"One doesn't make you worry, and two doesn't make you worry."

"Three do not tell you to wear the wrong one, little sister's flower pocket..."

Chen Luo: ( ̄ェ ̄;)

The world is different, why haven't the lyrics of this song changed?

Record it first, then go back to the second senior sister.

With that said, Chen Luo took out the videotape.

"My little sister gave me my husband... hey... hey? Junior brother, what are you doing?"

"No..." Chen Luo hurriedly put away the video talisman and walked to Qinglian, "Senior brother, I have an idea."

Chen Luo said his thoughts again, and Qinglian suddenly shook and said excitedly: "Little Junior Brother, you have a good idea!"

"Go, go, move!"

With that said, Qing Lian floated towards Tai Tan, Chen Luo was overjoyed, and hurriedly chased after him.


The barbarian king Fei Du slowly opened his eyes.

Many years ago, he encountered the great scholar Lang Feixian of the human race, was seriously injured by him, and escaped with his life by luck. Fortunately, the lord of Tuogucheng was his brother, and he took him in and let him heal at the bottom of this **** lake.

To this day, his injuries have finally healed.

"It's time to go out for a walk..." Fei Du stood up, "I don't know if Lang Feixian was beheaded by my barbarian hero!"

Thinking of this, Fei Du felt helpless.

He knew that he could not take revenge himself, and could only hope day and night that the damned Lang Feixian died in the hands of the barbarians.

"It's time to go..." Fei Du was about to rush into the blood lake when he suddenly heard a familiar voice--"Little Junior Brother, it's not right to cut like this, we're going to use chopping, do you have an axe?"

Fei Du trembled.

He will never forget this sound!

It's that **** demon!

He actually got here!

What are they going to chop? Could it be that they have already laid down Tuo Gucheng and are disposing of their brother's body?

Fei Du dared to look in the direction of the voice, his eyes passed through the obstruction of the lake of blood, and finally saw...

A weak human race?

A green lotus?

Fei Du was stunned for a moment. He saw that the human race was cutting the toenails of Tai Tan's corpse with a knife and axe, and the voice that made his heart skip a beat came from the green lotus.

"Then Qinglian is... Lang Feixian?" Fei Du hesitated, "I can't admit I'm wrong! That's Lang Feixian."

"He was injured, so his soul was hidden in that green lotus! Yes, it must be like this!"

The smile on Fei Du's face grew stronger and stronger: "Man Tian has eyes!"

"Lang Feixian, I, Fei Du, have come to seek revenge for you!"

Fei Du's whole body burst out with blood and energy, and rushed towards Chen Luo and Lang Feixian.


Mastiff Lingling floated on the blood lake, leisurely absorbing blood energy, suddenly his ears moved, tilted his head, and saw Chen Luo running towards him with Qinglian in his hands.

"Huh?" Mastiff Lingling stood up, "Did you meet the barbarian king in the blood lake?"

Mastiff Lingling was full of demonic energy, and shouted: "Respected guests, don't panic, my Mastiff Lingling..."

Halfway through the shouting, Mastiff Lingling suddenly sensed the rhythm that was chasing after Chen Luo, and swallowed in his throat.

"Great Barbarian King?"

As soon as the words in Mastiff Lingling's mouth turned, they turned into: "Again... run away with your back!"

After saying that, when he turned around, he turned into the original form of the dragon mastiff again. Chen Luo jumped and jumped on the back of the dragon mastiff. Mastiff Lingling didn't talk nonsense, and ran out towards the tunnel he dug out.


Tuo Ancient City.

The Manhou Mansion of Mengheli suddenly exploded, and the mastiff was carrying Chen Luo, turning into a ray of light and heading south. Immediately afterwards, another huge coercion rose up into the sky, turning into blood and chasing after him.


"Senior brother, who is he?" Chen Luo asked loudly, sitting on Mastiff Lingling's back.

"How do I know!" Lang Feixian said helplessly, "Second-rank little brat, how can I remember!"

Mastiff Lingling: Hey, hey, now it's a third-ranking person who is leading you to escape.

Mastiff Lingling is worthy of being the Great Sage of the Dragon Vein, and his speed is only slightly slower than that of the Great Barbarian King. But after galloping for thousands of miles, he was eventually pulled closer by Fei Du.

"Lang Feixian, you can't escape from Mantian!" Fei Du laughed wildly, "I will avenge your revenge for hurting me back then!"

Feeling the more intense pressure of qi and blood behind him, Mastiff Lingling also shouted: "Respected guest, what other means are there to use. Don't hide it!"

Chen Luo also had a headache. He had just tried it earlier, and the booklet sent by the town king didn't seem to have passed the cooling time.

Chen Luo's heart sank, turned around, and shouted at Fei Du, "Barbarian, the Marquis is in front of him, and you can follow me if you can!"

Mastiff Lingling's eyes lit up: worthy of being a distinguished guest! Actually, the Tianluodi net has already been laid out in advance?

Fei Du laughed loudly: "Boy, don't lie! You give me Lang Feixian, and I won't hurt your life!"

"Bah!" Chen Luo spat, this foolish man couldn't deceive him!

"Okay, you have the guts. I'll let them out now!" Chen Luo shouted, "The hero of the human race, the king of slaying the barbarian! Come out!"

Chen Luo shouted, and Fei Du frowned and paused for a while, but found that there was no change in the surroundings, and his face suddenly became furious: "You are playing with me!"

Mastiff Lingling was also stunned: Brother Zun, did you deceive the barbarian king?

Fei Du chased after Chen Luo again: "Boy, this king has changed his mind. I want to kill you together!"

Chen Luo looked at the barbarian king and shouted again, "This time it's true."

Mastiff Lingling sighed: He is the king of Daman, do you really think he is a fool?

Thinking of this, Mastiff Lingling sped up a bit.

"The hero of the human race, the king of barbarians! Come out!"

Mastiff Lingling is helpless: "Respected guest, stop making trouble, let me escape in peace..."

Mastiff Lingling's voice was not finished, and suddenly a blue light shot into the sky in front of him, and the sound of spring thunder sounded.

"Xiang Jixuan, the great Confucian of the human race, obey the order of the city master!"

"Jin Zhijian, the great scholar of the human race, obey the order of the city master!"

"The great Confucian of the human race has the same aspirations, and obey the order of the city master!"

"Qian Fangyi, a great scholar of the human race, obey the order of the city master!"


A series of voices sounded, and finally came together into a sentence: "Welcome the Hou Ye home!"

Mastiff Lingling opened his mouth.

Twenty great Confucians, is this the energy of the honored guest?

He really set a net of heaven and earth!

Mastiff Lingling can't help but straighten his chest, although the other party is of the third rank like himself, but he is the Great Sage of the Dragon Vein!

That Fei Du finally slowed down, he hesitated for a moment, turned around and ran away!

At this moment, a black and white light intertwined with two colors descended from the sky and hit Fei Du. Fei Du was hit **** the ground. When he raised his head, he saw a stunning woman standing in the air, behind him a chess set of phantoms. flashing.

"Didn't you hear my junior brother say he wants to kill you?" Yun Siyao said slowly, and finally the chess sheet behind him was fixed on a killing game. Yun Siyao raised his hand, and a black chess piece appeared between the **** and the index finger. .

Yun Siyao put down the black chess piece in the air, and the killing game in the chess book behind him suddenly flashed the last step. Immediately, the chess sheet turned into a ray of light and flew out, flashing over Fei Du's head. Fei Du's head was chopped off neatly, and the headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Cut... Slash the Dragon Xuanguang!" Mastiff Lingling felt a chill in his neck and looked at Yun Siyao.

"This... this is... His Highness the True Dragon?" Mastiff Lingling turned his head slightly and looked at Chen Luo on his What is the relationship between this honored guest and this True Dragon Highness?

"Sixth Senior Sister!" Chen Luo shouted happily, picking up Qinglian in his hand and shaking it vigorously, "I rescued Senior Brother!"

Lang Feixian: "Little... Lulululu junior brother...don't be laughing...lululu dizzy...halo!"

Yun Siyao landed next to Chen Luo, took Qinglian to look at it, and sighed: "Senior brother, you have suffered."

Lang Feixian: "It's okay, exciting!"

Yun Siyao looked at Chen Luo again, smiled and said, "You've worked hard too, I'll take you home!"

With that said, Yun Siyao looked up at the sky: "I don't know if the barbarian emperor is here. If you want to stop it, you can try!"

"Master, Bei Wang, go home."

"Okay!" The figures of Wu Litao and Xin Jiaxuan slowly emerged in the sky, Xin Jiaxuan pointed towards a void, turned and flew towards Chen Luo with Wu Litao.

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