Becoming an immortal against the will of heaven

#443 - Chapter 443: Is everything going to end like this?

"Damn it, a defective product is just a defective product, completely useless!"

Seeing this, Chen Tian couldn't help but curse inwardly.

As mentioned before, because he lacked some of the most important materials when making the 'Aura Concealment Talisman,' Chen Tian used other materials with similar properties to replace them.

But no matter what, even if the properties were similar, it still couldn't make up for the huge difference between the two materials.

Therefore, the 'Aura Concealment Talisman' he made was greatly reduced in terms of usage time.

A real 'Aura Concealment Talisman,' once activated, could guarantee the user's effectiveness for twelve hours. But the inferior product made by Chen Tian, according to his estimation, could only last for several quarters of an hour.

Chen Tian had originally侥幸thought that this inferior product should be enough for him to escape from this place, but he never expected that the actual time would be even shorter than he had estimated, lasting less than a quarter of an hour before it失效.

This made Chen Tian miserable, because at this time, he had only walked halfway through the camp!

But those cyan insects obviously wouldn't understand Chen Tian's distress. After sensing Chen Tian's aura again, they turned red-eyed, quickly vibrated their wings, and gradually凝聚 into a cyan cloud.

Chen Tian's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and without any hesitation, he捏爆one of the 'Aura Concealment Talismans.'

Instantly, a very faint purple罩笼罩 enveloped Chen Tian's body.

After doing all this, Chen Tian looked at the group of cyan insects with anticipation, as if waiting for them to散去 as before.

But the final result disappointed Chen Tian. Not only did the group of cyan insects not散去, but the vibration frequency of their wings became even greater, their eyes闪烁着红光, coldly looking at Chen Tian.

"Damn it, can they still sense my aura?"

The scene before him instantly turned all of Chen Tian's expectations into nothing. He didn't bother to think about the reason, and with a little force in his right hand, he捏爆 the last 'Aura Concealment Talisman.'

A wisp of飘飘渺渺 purple烟雾 rose into the air and merged into the purple光罩护 that was protecting Chen Tian, making the color on it a little darker.

Chen Tian looked at the sky again and found that the group of originally暴怒 cyan insects had suddenly become a little迷茫. The red light in their eyes was gone, and they were all flying around aimlessly, as if searching for something.

Chen Tian sighed in relief when he saw this. It seemed that under the effect of the two 'Aura Concealment Talismans,' Chen Tian's aura was hidden again.

However, Chen Tian did not relax his vigilance because of this, because he found that the group of cyan insects in the sky did not散落 to the ground as before, but were still聚成 a sphere and拼命searching for Chen Tian's踪迹.

It seemed that the叠加 effect of the two 'Aura Concealment Talismans' was still too weak.

Chen Tian knew that the time left for him was running out, so without saying a word, he放开全部 speed and急朝 rushed towards the gate of the camp.

Because Chen Tian's aura was not completely收敛, and he had created some灵力波动 at this time, the group of cyan insects in the sky instantly定位 Chen Tian's position, and then vibrated their wings and猛地 chased after him.

Although he didn't look back and couldn't see the situation behind him, Chen Tian knew from the阵阵庞大威压 coming from behind that the group of cyan insects was紧追 after him.

Chen Tian's face became even more阴沉, and with a覆手, he took out ten血灵丹.

Because of Chen Tian's肆大肆这两, most of the血灵丹 in the鬼道宗里库藏 were consumed by him. These ten血灵丹 were obtained by韩无命费老大的劲 from his掌宗师兄. They were given to Chen Tian as a临行前的礼物.

Chen Tian originally wanted to keep them in case of emergency, but now it seemed that if he didn't use them, then there would be no万一, and he would definitely die.

So Chen Tian didn't bother to心疼, and with a仰脖, he swallowed all ten血灵丹.

As soon as the血灵丹 entered his stomach, it化作股股股股 pure灵力,充斥 in Chen Tian's四肢百骸, making Chen Tian's speed instantly doubled,犹如道闪电般朝前疾射.

But at this time, the purple光罩 on Chen Tian's body began to appear with丝丝裂痕.

Chen Tian's eyes were冰冷 when he saw this, but he didn't care about it. Instead, he focused on冲 towards the camp gate.

Because Chen Tian saw a碧绿色的河 in front of the camp gate. Chen Tian planned to逃 to there and跳下去 to see if he could get rid of the追击 of these cyan insects.

And because the紫色光罩护 Chen Tian was裂开, his aura was more and more显露, which made the group of cyan insects have a more明确的directionality, and全部朝追追.

They露獠牙, and the双目闪烁着红色幽光 also泛起丝丝贪婪, as if they had already regarded Chen Tian as their美味的午餐!

And feeling the蜂鸣声愈 from behind, Chen Tian was心急如焚, but at this time, he had no other way but to拼了命往逃, hoping that the河能够带 him奇迹.

But at this time, the裂缝 on the purple光罩 became more and more, and at the same time, under Chen Tian's肆无忌惮, the威十血灵丹 also began to gradually.

Everything昭示 Chen Tian had entered a very危急的时刻.

Chen Tian's face became more and more阴沉, and his teeth also because咬得太过于用力,发出了刺耳的磨牙声.

But Chen Tian did not放弃, but调动 he all his power, like a受困猎豹朝前猛烈逃窜.

Because Chen Tian knew that if he abandoned at this time, then he必死无疑; and if he坚持, perhaps there was a生存的可能.

Chen Tian was a不到最后关头绝不放弃的人, even if the hope was再小, but as long as it was possible, he would用尽一切去争取.


Like a野兽般怒吼, Chen Tian拼尽全部力气纵身一跃, finally跳出了营寨的门口.

But at this time, the笼罩 Chen Tian's purple光罩,发出一道不堪重负的声响后便轰然消散了. At the same time, the灵力 of ten血灵丹 was also陈天消耗一空.

And Chen Tian距离那个河,还足足有五百丈之远!


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