Jin Yanchuan took the nearest flight and flew from Toronto in the east of Canada to Vancouver in the west more than five hours later.

Walking down the gangway, on the tarmac not far away, the gleaming streamlined car had been waiting for a long time.

I saw him from a distance, and the driver respectfully opened the door for him.

Leaning preciously on the back of the leather chair, he rubbed his tired eyebrows.

It's time to go back and see the old man.

Tell him the news of marriage.

The car slowly arrived at the Jin's old manor, and Jin Yanchuan looked at the European-style building in front of him calmly.

At the huge dining table, Jin Weihua, who is in his fifties, sits solemnly above him and glances at him, "Why don't you eat?"

"I want to get married."

Jin Weihua has no waves, and his expression is calm and he can't see the slightest emotion.

Put a piece of meat in the bowl, "Who do you want to marry."

Jin Yanchuan put down the cold silver chopsticks and said nothing.

Jin Weihua asked again, "Who do you want to marry."

"You know her."

In the next instant, Jin Weihua slapped his chopsticks on the table and sneered: "An Ruofeng, isn't it?"

Jin Yanchuan specially flew from Toronto to Vancouver, and Jin Weihua knew what he was here for.

The anger that was finally suppressed was once again uncontrollable, "Is she crazy? She is Anjia's daughter!"

After flying from Canada to Shencheng, Jin Weihua knew that things were not that simple.

Jin Yanchuan can bring any woman back, but he can't bring her, let alone marry her!

At first, Jin Weihua received the news from the people below, and also expected Jin Yanchuan to be confused for a while, and that the fresh energy of ghosts would pass, but he came here specially to tell him that he wanted to marry her!

Simply whimsical!

"Yanchuan, do you want to make me angry, don't you? She is the woman of the An family, the child of the prisoner, even if the family is still there, you can't marry her!"

The man sat there with a tall and stalwart figure, saying, "She is my fiancee."

"Enough!" Jin Weihua was furious, and his crutches hit the luxurious floor hard, "Yanchuan, you are not a three-year-old child! You know in your heart that you can marry anyone, An Ruofeng is absolutely impossible , You shamelessly, our Jin family still has shame!"

Jin Weihua looked black and terrible angrily, and almost didn't stroke her breath, "She is the prisoner's child! Absolutely not!"

"Dad, have you forgotten who made her the prisoner's child?"

Jin Weihua slapped him severely: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Jin Yanchuan didn't hide, scarlet blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth.

He did not move.

Just sit there without retreating.

Jin Weihua gasped quickly, looking at his son with a cold aura in front of him, and slowly calmed down: "You are going crazy, I will not stop you. But this is Canada, I am the person in charge of the Jin family, you have to understand, I have 11 million ways to make you sober! If you don't believe it, my son, you can try it."

"Don't move her."

Jin Yanchuan's voice was not high, but coldly terrifying.

After saying this, he stood up directly from the dining table.

Standing undressed, he left without hesitation, regardless of the obstruction of his servants.

With a sound of footsteps, as if stepping on people's hearts calmly and introvertedly.

The sharp, straight, handsome figure gradually faded away.

It was the airport where Jin Weihua's dedicated driver sent him to the airport and watched him get on the plane.

Maybe Jin Yanchuan is really crazy.

After getting off the plane, the driver came to pick him up. He called and asked the butler: "Before boarding the plane, you said Mrs. Ann arrived at the manor. How is the situation now?"

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