Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 180 Conspiracy

Remember in a second【】

Xiong Da and Xiong Er looked at each other and looked at each other.

Xiong Da spoke first, "You have done nothing wrong, why do we forgive you? Also, our name is not Lin Erzhier, I am Xiong Da, this is my younger brother Xiong Er, don't call me wrong in the future! "

Lini didn't speak, and lowered his head slightly, but Su Tang saw a sense of loneliness and sadness in this big man.

Couldn't help walking forward, and said in a tone as calm as possible, "Uncle Lini, don't be too sad, since you have recognized Xiong Daxiong Er, the days to come are still long, just get along slowly, name Left and right are just a code name, so don’t pay too much attention to it.”

Rini nodded a little distraught.

Cain gave Adam a wink, and Adam immediately understood, and returned to his cold sacrificial appearance, saying, "Xiong Daxiong Er, you guys, go out first, don't talk nonsense!"

This sentence seemed to be their salvation, Xiong Daxiong led his brothers out of the small cave without saying a word.

Lini paused, then stretched out his hand subconsciously, looking at the back of Xiong Daxiong Er, with a nervous and hesitant expression.

The small cave was empty again, and the scene was quiet for a while.

Su Tang looked at Lini, then at Cain, and finally said nothing, sitting in a corner of the cave with Gaia in his arms, quietly serving as the background board.

"What do you plan to do next?"

Cain spoke first, breaking the calm in the cave.

Lini was silent for a while, without directly answering Cain's question, he said with a bitter face, "Liner...Zhier, they live well..."

Adam raised his eyebrows slightly, a hint of calculation flashed across his fox eyes, and he said inadvertently, "If you want, you can stay too."

Rini bowed his head in silence.

After a long while, he finally spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, with a touch of pain, "If I stay, who will avenge my dead clansmen? And only in Banguo can I become stronger... I can't let my people lose their lives in vain..."

After listening to Lini's words, Cain raised the corners of his lips mockingly, pointing out the problem to the point.

"You want to take revenge? How do you take revenge? With your own strength, how can you fight against Bangguo? In fact, you know in your heart,

No matter how many seasons pass, you will have nothing to do with Bangguo! "

Lini's fists hanging on both sides of his body were clenched tightly, creaking, and the veins on his thick and powerful arms were also bulging.

He said with great difficulty, "But I'm not reconciled! I have witnessed the tragic situation of my female and cubs, as well as my clansmen. I must kill the king of the kingdom of beasts, definitely!"

Adam sighed and said, "I can understand your feelings, but you have lived in Bangguo for so long, you should know how many gods and warriors there are in Bangguo, and how can you compete with them? Why don't you join my winged tiger tribe first and work hard Improve your own strength, when you are strong to a certain level, no one can stop you."

Rini shook his head, "No, you don't understand. If I want to become stronger, I can only go to Bangguo, because only Bangguo has the cultivation method that can make me stronger..."

Hearing this, Su Tang couldn't help laughing.

Adam couldn't help but curled his lips.

Rini looked at Cain with a puzzled expression, as if he didn't quite understand what the two of them were having fun with.

Cain's expression softened a lot, "If it's just a matter of practicing exercises, you don't have to worry about it!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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