Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 190: The Disappearing Meat Strip II

Remember in a second【】

Su Tang smiled slightly, "The patriarch is just trying to scare you, don't be afraid, my sister believes in you, so who of you can take me to the place where the meat strips disappeared?"

The cubs in the tribe hid behind Hutian one by one, poking their heads out quietly to look at Cain secretly.

Although Hu Tian is also very scared, but he is the biggest one in this group of cubs, he must protect the group of younger brothers and sisters.

So I boldly puffed up my chest and said, "Sister Saint, please come with me..."

Su Tang gave them a friendly smile, and finally took Gaia's hand and followed them.

Before leaving, he turned his head and glared at Cain, and said in a low voice, "Why are you so fierce? You're still just cubs, can't you be gentle?"

Cain:  …

He found that he, the patriarch, had less and less status!

Under the leadership of Hu Tian, ​​a group of people came to the place where they played.

This is a relatively remote corner, and the lighting without torches is a bit dim, because the small caves here are too small to accommodate people, so everyone didn't come here, so this place became a place for the cubs to play.

Hutian pointed to a small cave with a big rock beside the cave entrance, and said, "Sister Saint, the meat strips were placed on this big rock at that time, and I was standing in front of the big rock. It's very strange. I didn't hear a sound, I didn't smell a smell, but when I opened my eyes, the strip of meat was gone."

Hearing this, Su Tang stepped forward to examine it carefully.

Her senses can be said to be inferior to those of orc cubs, so she couldn't find anything naturally.

She didn't have much contact with the cubs in the tribe, but she also knew that these cubs in the Maverick tribe were very obedient and obedient. Since they said they didn't take them, they definitely didn't take them.

Turning his gaze to Cain behind him, he said with sparkling eyes, "Come on, Ah Yin~ You are better, see if you find anything?"

Cain enjoyed such a title and gaze very much, and the unhappiness in his heart disappeared immediately, and he walked forward happily physically and mentally.

He carefully looked at the stones where the meat strips were originally placed, explored some nearby traces, and sniffed the residual smell in the air.

There was a flash of thought in Cain's eyes,

Turning around, he said to the group of cubs, "Hutian, go and invite the sacrificial priest and Uncle Dunshan, and the other cubs go back to find your father and mother."

The cubs who got the order scattered in all directions, and the speed of escape made Su Tang stunned.

A little curious stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter? Did you find anything new?"

Cain frowned slightly, and said, "I seem to smell a strange orc, but we have been staying in the cave all this time, and have never seen a strange orc."

"Could it be..." Did you smell it wrong?

In the middle of speaking, Su Tang quickly stopped!

Cain is a level 5 warrior, and as a beast white tiger, how could he make a mistake?

If she really asked this sentence, it would probably hit Cain's self-esteem!

This kind of question is like asking a man if he is okay in front of him.

Fortunately, it stopped in time.

Su Tang quietly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Cain turned around with some doubts and asked, "Could it be something?"

Su Tang quickly shook his head, "No, it's nothing... Let's wait for Shield Mountain here. Isn't he a beastman? He should be able to smell better!"


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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