Becoming Rich In A Beast World

One hundred and ninety eighth chapter ready to close the net three

Remember in a second【】

Hearing this, Cain couldn't help frowning.

"But if it's not the same level as mine, why can't I lock his breath?"

Adam didn't answer Cain's question. After thinking seriously for a while, he asked, "Can you lock his position and trap him the moment you sense his breath?"

Cain was silent for two seconds.

"it should be OK."

"That's enough!" He reached out and patted Cain's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Go find a place to hide, I will seduce him, and the moment his breath leaks, you will trap him. "

Cain said nothing.

But Adam knew what he was worried about, so he continued, "We have to find someone, we might as well try first. If it's really not suitable, then we can secretly dispose of it without telling Sugar Baby."

Cain glanced at Adam, his obsidian eyes revealing a joyful emotion.

The two looked at each other and smiled, but there was a trace of bloodthirsty coldness in the smile that Su Tang had never seen before.

Cain was lying on a rock protruding from the rock wall. Because of the dim light and the high position of the stone, Cain could clearly see the ingredients and the surrounding environment, but it was difficult for the people below to pay attention. to Cain.

everything's ready.

Adam stretched lazily, and found an open space next to the ingredients to lie down, with one hand bent and his head supported, the whole person looked drowsy.

As the fragrance in the cave became stronger and stronger, the hooked person's stomach growled.

Adam smacked his lips, turned over, lowered his eyelids, and seemed to be talking to himself, "Hey...there is no food in the wilderness now, the patriarch told us to eat with open arms. Knowing whether it can support us to walk out of the wilderness..."


There was silence all around, and after a while, it seemed too boring, Adam's head nodded, as if he was dozing off.

Cain's eyes were like a torch, lying on the rock wall with a high degree of concentration, always paying attention to the surrounding situation, especially the small cave where the abnormality was found before.

Not long after, Adam was already lying on the ground with his eyes closed,

Listen carefully, it seems that you can still hear the sound of snoring, and the whole person seems to be asleep.

Cain's expression suddenly froze, and his eyes were directly locked on a corner in the distance. If he didn't feel wrong, there seemed to be some fluctuations there just now.

He held his breath and remained motionless.

But it's strange to say that since he just noticed that breath fluctuation, there has been no movement.

The more this happened, the more Cain didn't dare to relax his vigilance, and directly narrowed the vigilance to the open space near the ingredients.


A piece of meat was missing at the edge of the food storage, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, and Cain hadn't noticed any fluctuations.

He tried his best to suppress his breath from leaking out, and kept his eyes on the other ingredients scattered nearby.

The man was also very cautious, just collecting some inconspicuous scattered ingredients around, and the positions were not fixed, sometimes he might collect the ones on the left, but suddenly ran to the right in the next second.

Soon, he collected all the scattered ingredients around.

Adam was still lying motionless on the ground, snoring slightly, as if he had really fallen asleep.

The man's courage gradually grew, and he began to move closer to the center of the food pile.

The corner of Cain's mouth on the stone wall raised slightly, and the fish was hooked, so he was ready to close the Internet bar.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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