Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 200: Chiseki Village 2

Remember in a second【】

While cutting the meat, Su Tang asked, "Hey, that's right. You just said that there was nothing in the cage, but you felt the fluctuation of Yuanli. Does that mean that the awakened ability of this orc is invisibility?"

Adam was about to speak, but after noticing Cain's knife-like eyes, he silently closed his mouth.

Cain withdrew his gaze, and casually pinned Su Tang's lock of hair that hung down to his cheek behind his ear, and replied in a very gentle tone, "Well, almost."

Su Tang couldn't help sighing, "Wow! It's so cool!"

Invisibility abilities!

This kind of ability is simply not too easy to use. It is exciting to think about it when you substitute it into yourself!

Cain put the pieces of meat sliced ​​by Su Tang on the plate, and asked calmly, "Cool, what do you mean?"

Su Tang was still immersed in the world of what would happen if he had the invisibility ability, so he replied casually and perfunctorily, "It means very powerful."

Cain nodded, and said abruptly, "Then I'm cooler than him!"

In a word, Su Tang was brought back to reality from the dream world.

Suppressing a smile, he looked Cain up and down, nodded in agreement, and replied solemnly, "Yes! That's right! My Cain is the coolest!"

After receiving the award, Cain's mood rose several steps in an instant.

Su Tang waved him away, "Okay, okay, you go first, I'm going to cook!"

Cain was not annoyed, but said happily, "Okay, then I'll help you light the fire."


Ruan Ruan Guo has already made noodles for Gaia and Hu Tian to eat.

So Su Tang mixed all the remaining ingredients together and made a big pot of dishes.

There are meat, vegetables and soup, they are satisfied with Cain and they are full of praise.

Even Gaia, who had already eaten, couldn't help but taste a small bowl. If Su Tang was not afraid that he would eat too much and spoil his stomach, he might have to eat another bowl.

After eating, there is no need to brush the pots and stoves, Cain touched it lightly,

These things turned into golden light spots and dissipated in the air, saving time, effort and resources, and it was simply not very useful.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone leaned on the animal skins and enjoyed life.

There was only a sound of heavy footsteps coming from outside the cave, and then Xiong Da walked in.

"Patriarch, I... Lini asked me to tell you that the orc who stole the prey has been caught, and the orc said he wants to talk to you, so let me call you."

Cain nodded and got up.

Su Tang caressed his arm excitedly, "I, can I go with you?"

Holding Su Tang's small hand with his big hand, he smiled faintly, "You are the saintess of our clan, of course you can go."

When Adam heard this, he also hurriedly got up, and said lazily, "Then I, the priest, will also go to see what's going on, Nibo, take care of these two cubs in the cave, and we'll be back in a while."

Old Nick smiled kindly and nodded, "Hey, okay, you can rest assured that I'm here, you go..."

Seemingly seeing the reluctance of the pressure, Su Tang patted his head and comforted him, "Yaya, be good, and wait for sister to come back and make you meat strips, okay?"

Gaia thought for a while, and drew a big circle in the air, "Then I want so many meat strips!"

"Okay, okay, but you have to stay in the cave obediently and don't run around, you know? You can play the clapping game I gave you yesterday with brother Hutian, obediently, let's go first."

"Goodbye, sister-in-law~"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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