Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 328 This brat is definitely doing it on purpose!

Remember in a second【】

Without waiting for Su Tang to answer, Bawang Huazai patted his stomach, and shouted crisply, "Hungry!"

Cain: "..."

The clean and pure voice of the little milk was particularly pleasant among these orcs. For a while, all the clansmen silenced their voices, and the scene was quiet for a while.

The rock squeezed and squeezed in the crowd, and finally came to Yan Li, and said in a voice that he thought was small, but in fact everyone could hear it.

"Brother, is this the cub of the patriarch and the saint? Why is he red-haired and green-eyed? But he's kinda pretty..."

With the beginning of the rock, the clansmen around here immediately started talking in whispers.

Huang Guoyuanyuan and the other females who have a good relationship with Su Tang even leaned in front of them, teasing the cubs and asking Su Tang.

"Tangtang, your speed is quite fast, there will be cubs so soon!"

"Yeah, I can't tell. When did you get pregnant? We don't know."

"Your cub is so pretty, as white as you, and I want a cub that is so white."

Cain: "..."

Su Tang: "..."

Because Zai Zai was being held by Cain, they surrounded Cain and Su Tang, chattering non-stop, and Cain was almost annoyed to death!

And Bawang Huazaizai looked like he didn't understand anything, no matter who he was, he greeted everyone with a smile, and let them pinch his small face, and he had a good temper.

In the end, it was Hongguo who stood up and rescued Sutang.

"Look at what you look like. If you like cubs, go and give birth to one yourself. Tang cubs don't even have animal rings on their hands. How could this be her cubs? Hurry up, they're all scattered, you can't breathe around here Angry!"

After being taught by Hongguo, the little females reluctantly dispersed. Mengsheng.mengshengxs.

This is the second time Su Tang has heard the word beast ring today, and she really wants to ask Hongguo about it, but obviously this is not a good time.

Hongguo patted Su Tang's shoulder with a smile, "Okay, don't be dazed anymore, didn't you say you want to teach the clansmen how to make rice, why don't you go quickly?"

Su Tang nodded,

He greeted a few familiar little females and took them to deal with the rice pods.

Hongguo walked up to Cain, teased Bawang Huazai, and asked, "Where did you get Zaizai? It's so pretty."

Cain looked reluctant, "I picked it up!"

Hongguo raised her eyebrows slightly, but she didn't ask any further questions.

There are no other tribes in the Death Forest besides their tribe. Where can I find such a beautiful cub?

Just like the Erha next to Gaia recently, she has never seen such a human animal before, but she is a bit stupid.

The patriarch also said at the time that it was picked up, but no matter what the truth is, she just pretended not to know.

Smiled, and said, "I can tell by looking at you that you have never hugged Zai Zai before. Let me do it. It is uncomfortable for you to hug him like this, and it is getting colder and colder now. I will take him to put on some clothes. I just gave him a while ago. One of the fur coats made by the tribe’s cubs is too small, it looks like he can wear it, I’ll take him to try it on.”

Cain handed Zai Zai to Hongguo without saying a word, with a neat posture, as if the Zai Zai in his hand was some kind of scourge

Facing Shang Zai Zai's seemingly innocent eyes, Cain didn't say anything, but gave him a warning look.

Hong Guo hugged Zai Zai and left. Zai Zai lay on Hong Guo's shoulder, walked a distance, and stuck out his tongue at Cain.

Cain: "..."

You son of a bitch is absolutely deliberate!

He suddenly felt that, compared to Gaia, this overlord flower cub made him hate it even more!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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