Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 347: No Coincidence

Remember in a second【】

But just now.

Cain saw Erha shrunk his head, cautiously fearing that Su Tang would find out, and quietly left the room.

When she looked at Su Tang again, the expression on her face was no longer so rigid.

So he asked softly, "Su? What's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

Cain's voice brought Su Tang back to reality.

Su Tang only hesitated for a second before deciding to tell Cain the whole story.

If she wants to change her physique, she can't do it alone. She is willing to believe in Cain and needs Cain's help.


The rain outside the window was still pattering non-stop, but it was much less than the previous few days.

Su Tang told Cain the whole story with a little adaptation.

I thought that the big tiger would comfort me with a distressed hug after listening to it, but I didn't expect that the big tiger had an indifferent expression on his face.

"That is to say, only if you change your physique can you cultivate the ability to awaken the power, and the longevity can be comparable to ours, and now you have the map of the Wood Immortal God's Mansion, we need to collect all five keys of the Wood Immortal God's Mansion, right? ?”

Big Tiger has a calm and calm face, his logical thinking is clear, and he can analyze the current situation clearly in a few words.

Su Tang nodded aggrievedly.

Cain paused, "As you said, the five keys should be five crystals. Do you still remember that Bai Zheng from the Kingdom of Beasts snatched Gaia for the gold crystals?"

"Well, I remember."

"We already know the whereabouts of the first key. When the cold season is over, I will go to Tiger Valley to look for gold spar."

Su Tang immediately asked nervously, "Do you want to go alone?"

Cain hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Tiger Valley is far away, but I will come back as soon as possible. When I am away, you must stay in the valley and not go anywhere."

Su Tang's eye sockets turned red again.

Cain sighed,

Pulling her into his arms, "Be obedient, when I come back, I will take you to Bangguo together. There are not so many coincidences in the world. Bai Zheng went to borrow gold spar, maybe it was also to go to the Wood Immortal Mansion, as long as we need There is no conflict, it is completely possible to cooperate.”

Cain was right, there are not so many coincidences in the world.

"But we don't know the purpose of Bai Zheng's visit to the Muxian Shenfu, just in case..."

"No, no matter what his purpose is, the red blood crocus belongs to you only."

Su Tang lowered her head in annoyance, and gently leaned against Cain's arms.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have let Bai Zheng go. Didn't I say that he is the most beloved son of the king? We tied him up and took him to Bangguo, and we didn't believe that the king ignored his life."

Cain rubbed Su Tang's head, "Okay, don't think so much."

Su Tang was a little depressed.

"Ayin... Do you also think that I shouldn't have let Bai Zheng go?"

Cain didn't answer in a hurry, and after considering his words, he said, "I don't know what the place you lived in was like, but I can tell from you that it's beautiful there! But the world of beasts is different from your place. They are full of dangers, and if you are not careful, you may die."

"I agree with Bai Zheng's departure because he doesn't know where we are going. Even if he returns to Bangguo, he won't be able to find us. Otherwise, even if he leaves, I will catch up with him and kill him, otherwise For our tribe, this is a disaster no less than the wrath of the mountain god!"

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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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