Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 36 Collecting Chestnuts

Huang Guo took it for granted, "Mating! But Tangtang, aren't you really a cub?"

Su Tang's face turned red, and she didn't know how to refute for a while!

And look at the females around, as if they all think so!

"I'm not a pup! I'm an adult! And I didn't mate with Cain, mate, really!"

It's a pity that Su Tang's appearance and voice are not convincing at all.

The females all thought that Su Tang must be too shy, so they were reluctant to admit it! In fact, I had long wondered when Su Tang and the patriarch would hold a companionship ceremony.

The sacrificial adults have not returned yet, and the tribal sacrificial ceremony must be held by the tribal sacrificial priests and approved by the beast gods. The orcs engraved their animal patterns on the fingers of the female right hand.

That's the only way to be a true partner!

So even if the patriarch is in a hurry, he has to wait for the priest to return. Thinking that there is no hope in a short time, all the females sighed regretfully!

But seeing Su Tang so shy, one of the orcs named Tiemu felt sympathy for their patriarch!

Tiemu is an orc, so he can clearly smell that there is no Cain's breath on Su Tang, which means that they have not yet mated!

Because Tiemu is a married orc, his females are shy and only want to mate with him in the cave at night!

So he thought, if the patriarch becomes a partner with Su Tang in the future, he must be the same as him!

Seeing the surrounding orcs are all like 'We all know! We don't talk nonsense! 'Look, Su Tang felt that his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and lungs were aching!

If you talk too much, you will lose, so let's hurry quietly!

The road in the jungle was not easy to walk. Although everyone took good care of Su Tang and deliberately slowed down, they still walked for more than an hour to reach their destination, the chestnut forest.

At this time, Su Tang was already tired and sweating profusely!

In the past at Blue Star, I either studied at school or practiced in the hospital. I stayed indoors all day, and my physical fitness was naturally poor.

How far has this come? Some can't stand it!

Qingguo asked with concern, "Tangtang, are you alright? Why don't you sit here and rest for a while, let's go pick thorns first!"

Su Tang gasped slightly, nodded and said, "Don't take it off, let the orcs find a longer wooden stick, hit the trunk hard, and wait for the thorny fruit to fall off by itself!"

Qing Guo's eyes lit up and said, "This is a good way! I'll go and tell Tiemu, you rest first!"

After saying that, Qing Guo ran to Tiemu and said a few words to him. Tiemu nodded and picked up a branch nearly two meters long on the ground.

They shouted to Huang Guo and others who were about to pick the thorn fruit, "Let me give up! Let me knock down the thorn fruit!"

Seeing this, the females all fled! Leave enough space for Ironwood!

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Accompanied by the beating sound, the thorn fruit packets fell one by one on the ground, densely packed like rain, the scene is extremely spectacular!

In just a few tens of seconds, the ground was covered with a layer of thorn fruit, and it was almost impossible to find a place to go!

"Alright, alright, don't hit Tiemu for now! Wait until we've picked up the ones on the ground before hitting them!"

Hongguo is older and more meticulous in her work. Seeing that there are already a lot of thorny fruit bags on the ground, she stops Tiemu's movements aloud.

Tiemu stopped in a hurry and said to the other four orcs, "It's very interesting! You can try it later!"

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