Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 363: Shut Her Mouth

Remember in a second【】

Gaia: "???"

Children, do you have a lot of question marks?

Ye Qiao resisted the urge to laugh, and looked at Gaiya, "Well, Yaya, where is your room? Tell me, we can go by ourselves."

Gaia: "..."

Shut up, his father and mother don't love him anymore...

After telling the location of the room, he went down to the river with Erha to take a bath like a poor little one who was not loved.

Wen Jue took Ye Qiao, walked past Cain swaggeringly, gave him a provocative look, and went upstairs to Gaia's room.

Cain: "..."

Taking Su Tang back to their own room, they vaguely heard the voice from the next door, "Ah, what a cute little cub! Come and give me a kiss!"

Su Tang was startled, and patted Cain's arm, "Hua Sheng and Hua Mo are still in the room, go and bring them here quickly, don't disturb your father and mother's rest."

Cain nodded, and went to the next room to bring Hua Sheng and Hua Mo out to Liu Ye for the time being.

Then I went downstairs to boil water for Su Tang so that she could take a hot bath.

Seeing Cain going downstairs, the clansmen who had been whispering together dispersed immediately, but they couldn't hide their gossiping eyes.

In the midst of all the attention, Meng Ze brought Gloo forward, "Patriarch, this is the orc from the Shang Beast City, and he came with...uh, that lord."

Meng Ze didn't know how to address Wen Jue, so he had to use that adult instead.

Cain glanced at Glo, and then told Huang Guo, who was watching the excitement, "Go and boil some hot water first. If I don't come back after a while, I will send it to Tangtang."

Being called suddenly, Huang Guo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded hurriedly, "Ah? Ah, oh, oh, okay."

Cain looked at Huang Yuan who was hesitant to speak again, "I'll talk about anything when I come back!"

Huang Yuan made way sideways, "It's okay, you are busy with your work, I am not in a hurry."

Cain nodded and walked out of the house first.

There are too many people in the room, and it is inconvenient to talk.

Glo was almost taken aback by what had just happened. Seeing Cain waving at him, he hurriedly followed.


Upstairs, through the window, I saw the backs of Cain and Glo.

Ye Qiao looked at Wen Jue worriedly, "Old Wen, why do I feel that Zai Zai doesn't like us?"

Wen Jue was silent for a moment, "Be more confident and remove the appearance."

Ye Qiao raised his foot and kicked Wen Jue angrily, "Fuck you, what are you doing, how could my son not like me? He must have fought with you in front of his sweetheart, and I haven't hit you before. It hurt the child's self-esteem , so I also hated it with me! Yes! It must be like this!"

Wen Jue: "..."

Yes, yes, you are right!

Ye Qiao stared again, "What's your expression? Don't you love me anymore? Do you think I'm annoying? That's right, we've been partners for so many years, you should dislike me."

Wen Jue: "..."

Why is this getting more and more outrageous?

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his waist, and Ye Qiao was seen twisting his soft flesh with a fierce look on his face.

"Hey, you're ignoring me, aren't you talented? Don't think that I can't cure you if I don't bring a washboard! If that's the case, then don't come to me tonight... eh."

Wen Jue bent down and swallowed the words between his lips and teeth.

Sure enough, if she gagged her, nothing would happen!

-----Off Topic-----

No class this afternoon, just finished writing.

Fresh and hot chapter

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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