Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth I am your father

Remember in a second【】

The blood on Rob's body surged up and rushed straight to his forehead, almost making him lose his mind.

Ruhua, however, seemed to be trapped in a nightmare, and said to herself, "City owner! Ah Yue not only cheated on others, but also lied to you, Adam is not your cub at all, Ah Yue thought she caught me She forced me and Rob to help her and let her cub become the young master, otherwise she will expose the relationship between me and Rob!"

Rob roared, "Shut up! Are you crazy?!"

While talking, he walked towards Ruhua, trying to knock her out so that she wouldn't talk nonsense.

But as soon as he made a move, Ru Hua kept backing away like a frightened bird, she explained with a flustered expression.

"City lord, I had no choice but to help her hide it from you. I already knew I was wrong. Can you forgive me? Forgive me, okay? Ayue is a cruel female. Don't be fooled by her again, City lord. She, ah..."

Rob took a stone and slammed it on Ruhua's head, and Ruhua fell limply to the ground without a sound.

Rob breathed a sigh of relief, he turned his head to look at the terrified Yali on the stone bed again, and smiled lovingly.

"Don't be afraid, baby, your mother is just sleeping for a while, and she will wake up after a while."

Yali was still staring at Rob stupidly, his lips trembling slightly, and it was very difficult to force out a voice from his throat, "You..."

Rob saw that there was no one else around, so he didn't hide it anymore. He nodded and sighed, "Yes, you are actually my cub, but only you and me know about this, don't worry, The young master of Shangshou City will only be you, Father will help you!"

When Rob actually said this, he was very proud of himself.

After all, he and Ruhua have kept it a secret for so long, and no one has noticed that Yali is actually his cub.

Moreover, the city lord also listened to his words very much, thinking that Yali was a cub favored by the Lord Beast God, who had awakened his supernatural ability before becoming a gift, and loved him very much.

But in fact, Yali has already become a gift.

Ruhua conceived cubs nearly half a warm season earlier than Ah Yue, but at that time the city lord was all focused on Ah Yue, so he didn't pay attention to other females at all.

So Yali is actually older than 'Adam' by half a warm season,

But Rob suppressed the news, everyone thought that Ali was only one day older than Adam.

Immersed in a secretly smug mood, Rob didn't even notice the frightened look reflected in Ari's pupils.

"Don't be afraid, Ali. The doctor will be back in a while. Let him take a look at your injury when he comes back. What's wrong with your eyes? Are you uncomfortable? Come here and let me take a look."

Rob moved towards Yali, but Yali shook his head desperately, and kept shrinking into the corner.

Rob was puzzled by his reaction, "Ally?"

"The priest shouted kindly." Kerry's voice came from the direction of the cave entrance.

Rob's body froze suddenly.

He quickly reacted, adjusted his mood and turned to face Kerry, "My lord, I don't know why my lord suddenly came here?"

Kerry's face was so calm that no one could see any waves, he said lightly, "What? I need to notify you when I come here?"

Rob lowered his body even lower, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, "That's not what I meant."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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