Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter five hundred and ninety sixth: walk from above

Remember in a second【】

The trees here grow thickly and densely, and the big tiger after Cain's transformation can't stretch out here. Xi is a mermaid, Adam is a red fox, and there is no advantage at all in this terrain. .

Everyone was silent for a while.

But Su Tang cheered up again soon, she smiled and encouraged everyone, "It's okay, we have actually overcome the biggest difficulty, which is the poisonous miasma here, as long as we are not afraid of these poisonous miasmas, we will reach the entrance of the first-line sky sooner or later !come on!"

It is true to say so, but in the past hour, they only moved a distance of less than 100 meters. You must know that this distance would have taken half a breath of theirs in the past.

Now in order to avoid those swamps, you have to spend more time and effort to go around the longer road, so the cost of time and pills has increased greatly.

But now they have no other better way, it's better than being wasted here, so they took a breath and prepared to continue on the road.

At this time, a dead branch fell from the tree, and the sharp wooden thorns hit Su Tang straight.

"Be careful!"

Cain let out a brief exclamation, and pulled her over violently. The next second, the dead branch was inserted obliquely at the place where Su Tang was standing just now. tv debut..

Seeing this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Su Tang's forehead instantly, and she suddenly felt limp in hands and feet. If it wasn't for Cain, she might be about to turn red!

The rest could not help but frown.

Adam said, "Let's not stop here, let's get to the plains of Sicily earlier and then rest!"

Qiu Mo and Xi both nodded in agreement.

Su Tang also patted his chest with lingering fear, and pulled Cain, "Let's go, it's quite dangerous here, we have to leave early."

Cain didn't move, he was frowning and looking up at something.

Su Tang also stopped, and looked up curiously, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything.

Seeing that they didn't follow after walking two steps, Adam urged in a low voice, "Let's go, don't look, what's there to see when they're all trees?"

At this time, Cain gave Adam a meaningful look, and he suddenly said, "Yes, they are all trees."

No matter how you say it, the two are also partners who have worked together for many big seasons.

As soon as Adam heard it, he knew that there was something in Cain's words.

He raised his eyebrows, and also stopped and looked up.

The trees here are all tall, and the lush canopy covers the sky very tightly, only occasionally a ray of sunlight can be projected through the gap.

The distance between the trees is neither too far nor too close, and the thick branches are intertwined in all directions, like a huge maze, which makes people dizzy.

Adam suddenly had a flash of inspiration, he got what Cain meant, and looked at him with bright eyes, "You mean to go up?"

Cain nodded lightly, and he stretched out his hand to beat the big tree beside him, and he punched a hole in the trunk of the tree, but there was no tremor, which was enough to show that it was firmly rooted.

But this is just a look. As for whether it is stable or not, you have to try it before you know.

So Cain looked at Adam, "You go up and try, if there is no problem, we will go from above, it will save a lot of trouble."

Adam nodded, and climbed up the trunk with two or three hops, walked along the branches that spread out from the big tree, switched to other branches from time to time, and jumped a few more times.

Su Tang looked at it from below and was frightened, for fear that those bare branches would snap off suddenly.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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