Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 605 My Shield

Remember in a second【】

Qiu Mo herself was also very weak, she looked at Su Tang weakly, "Yes, Tang Tang, in case of danger, I can't protect you..."

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Adam also persuaded, "Don't be self-willed, sugar baby, it doesn't matter if we are slower, but we must not let you have an accident."

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Su Tang was a little dumbfounded.

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"I'm not willful. I just rationally analyzed which situation is best for us now, and since I choose to stay, it means that I am sure to protect my own safety."

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While talking, Su Tang fiddled with the very artificial flower on her head.

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Immediately afterwards, a transparent mask with a radius of half a meter enveloped Su Tang, Cain, and the calf.

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The little cow was grazing, but it bumped into the transparent mask. It was a little dazed and didn't know what happened.

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It continued to walk forward, but it bumped its head against the transparent mask, and it couldn't get out in a hurry.

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The people outside also gathered around very curiously, and patted the transparent mask. I don't know what material it is, but it is very strong.

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A look of pride flashed in Su Tang's eyes, and she raised her chin slightly, "My protective shield is very strong, no matter how much you hit it, it won't break it."

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Qiu Mo excitedly clapped, "Tangtang, you are so amazing!"

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"Small meaning, small meaning, now you can always believe that I have the ability to protect myself."

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Xi touched his chin thoughtfully,

A water thorn condensed in him, and he lifted it up to test the strength of the protective cover.

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After Su Tang saw it inadvertently, her heart almost stopped beating in fright, she exclaimed, "Shut up!"

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But it was still a step too late, Xi had already shot the stinger fiercely at the protective cover, and no accident, the protective cover shook twice and blocked the attack of the squirrel.

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Su Tang's exclamation startled everyone.

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Qiu Mo hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, Tangtang? Didn't you say you couldn't break it? Brother, did he hurt you?"

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Xi also became nervous, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, are you okay?"

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Su Tang had a mournful face, watching the solid value of the shield drop from 1000 to 999, she felt her heart was bleeding.

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She hastily put away the protective cover and waved it weakly, "It's okay, I'm fine, I just feel bad..."

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The little cow leaped vigorously, without the invisible cover, it jumped a long way, fell down on the lawn not far away, rolled around several times, stood up unsteadily and shook its head, blah blah Let's run back to the big cow.

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Facing the doubtful crowd, Su Tang briefly explained the firmness value of the shield, then sighed.

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"Okay, let's not waste any more time. Hurry up and find the traces of the West Minglu Clan and the Tianhu Clan. Momo and I are here waiting for you."

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Now that they are sure that there is no danger for them to stay here, the few of them no longer refuse, and everyone simply nodded.

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"Okay, you wait for me here, I'll be back soon, remember to open the protective cover in case of danger."

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"A Mo, wait for us here obediently, don't run around, follow Su Tang, you understand?"

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Su Tang and Qiu Mo promised in every possible way, and the talents turned into a light and shadow in each direction, and went to explore the way.

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Sean opened his eyes in a daze, and seeing the blue sky above his head, his brain died for a moment.

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what happened?

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Wasn't he swallowed by the poisonous miasma forest? How come back to the plains of Sicily?

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Is he dreaming?

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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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