Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 610: Two Clans Clash

Remember in a second【】

After Shengya had finished scolding enough and calmed down a little, Luyu said again, "Patriarch, we have found all the places on the plain, and now only the Tianhu clan has not been there... ...Do you think you will..."

Shengya stood up aggressively, eyes full of anger, "The Tianhu clan is too much! Follow me! I want to see what they want to do!"

Lu Yu didn't dare to say too much, she followed closely behind Shengya and walked straight towards the Tianhu family.

The distance between the West Minglu tribe and the Tianhu tribe is very close, and there is only a river between the two tribes. Specifically, it should be that the Tianhu tribe deliberately moved to live opposite them to disgust the West Minglu tribe.

So Shengya and the others quickly crossed the river and came to the territory of the Tianhu clan on the opposite side.

The orcs of the Tianhu clan who were in charge of standing guard saw them coming from a distance, and immediately went back to report, so when Shengya came to the front, Chi Yu, the current head of the Tianhu clan, also came out.

Chi Yu sneered, "Why did Patriarch Shengya come to our territory of the Tianhu Clan? I don't know who said that standing on the same land as us would be so disgusting that I couldn't breathe. Patriarch Shengya is really forgetful!"

Shengya stared at Chi Yu fiercely, and sneered, "Heh, if you hadn't kidnapped Sean because of your shamelessness, do you think I would come? Hand over Sean!"

Shengya's chest kept rising and falling, obviously he was very angry, but he didn't dare to fight Chiyu and others directly, as if he was worried about something.

And Chiyu seemed to have heard a huge joke, he plucked his ears in disbelief and asked again.

"What did you say? We kidnapped Sean shamelessly? Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, why did we kidnap Sean? Are we kidnapped to form a couple? Hahahaha..."


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Chi Yu laughed unscrupulously, and the surrounding Sky Fox Beastmen also laughed.

Shengya's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, her fists were tightly clenched, and the eyes almost burst into flames.

She growled in a low voice, "I'll ask you one last time! Was Sean kidnapped by you?!"

Chiyu's face also turned cold, and he said blankly, "Do you think our Tianhu orcs will be as shameless as your Minglu orcs? Do you still attack cubs?"

It's time for Sean to get married soon,

The cub certainly wasn't talking about him. So Chiyu brought up that incident again.

Yes, that's right, what happened back then was the fault of their Ximinglu clan, but the cause of the incident was not the fault of the Tianhu clan!

And after that incident happened, she also severely punished the clansmen who made mistakes, but the Tianhu clan has been holding on to this incident!

Shengya felt depressed and irritable, she was in a hurry to find Sean, and she was not in the mood to argue with Chiyu here.

"You better not lie to me. If I find out that you have captured Sean, I will definitely not let you go!"

Chiyu looked at Shengya with a half-smile, and said eccentrically, "Why? Patriarch Shengya can also feel the sadness of losing a cub? It's so ridiculous. I thought you had no heart, otherwise how could you be so cruel. How long has your cub been lost? I hope you never find it..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Shengya was almost driven mad by Chiyu.

He was such a vicious man to curse her that she would never find the cubs.

-----Off Topic-----

Chiyu was adopted by the little cutie in the book city

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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