Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 672: Leaving Sicily

Remember in a second【】

Jinse smiled wryly.

Although I knew in my heart that Zai Zai would leave sooner or later, but at this moment, I was still very reluctant!

Jin Se held Adam tightly, "Then you have to be careful and come back early, I'll be waiting for you in Taoyuan."

Adam hugged Jinse reassuringly, and his voice was muffled, "Well, don't worry, I will."

Knowing that they were going to leave overnight, Jinse couldn't bear to let them suffer, so she let them go back after lunch today.

Before leaving, Adam hesitated for a moment, but still whispered to Sauron.

"Our departure here may cause a stir, but don't worry, the Minglu orcs don't know that we have contacts, so you should not be involved."

Hearing what Adam said, Sauron already had a vague guess in his heart.

He nodded with a heavy face, "Be careful in everything!"

"I will!"

Adam took a deep look at Sauron and Jinse, and finally turned around and left.

He couldn't make out the sound of father and mother.


that night.

According to the original plan, Sean went to steal the wood spar, and the rest waited to meet him at the entrance of the canyon.

While waiting for Sean at the entrance of the misty canyon, Su Tang saw the cows again, and his eyes were too greedy!

She interrogates the system directly.

'Is there a prop that will allow me to put these cows into space? '

【Ding! I have found suitable items, do you want to spend 10 exchange points to check? 】

'yes! '

Pet Capsules: Capsules made of space compression and folding technology, easy for the owner to carry, equipped with advanced equipment such as temperature regulators, oxygen production, automatic feeders and automatic water feeding, it is bound to provide a comfortable resting environment for your pets !

Hui (big red mark thick): Don't buy 10,000 now,

Only 9999! Another pet food 100, pet drinking water 100.

Note: The pet capsule can accommodate up to 20 pets, and five pets need to consume 1 pet feed and 1 pet drinking water to stay in the capsule for one day.

Su Tang calculated it in her heart, that is to say, if she put 20 cows in the pet capsule, the free feed and drinking water can be fed for 25 days.

The pet feed and pet drinking water should also be purchased separately, and it should be no problem to refill when they run out.

Wouldn't it be a little less than just 20 cows?

Do you want to buy another one?

But a pet capsule is so expensive, it costs 10,000 exchange points, which is more than enough to buy a marrow washing pill!

Su Tang was a little tangled for a while.

Cruel-hearted, he gritted his teeth, and Su Tang bought a pet capsule.

Although the 20 heads are a little less, it would be nice to go back and raise them. The male, female, and cubs will all come to some, and they will make a fortune by relying on them!

After buying the capsule, a cylindrical capsule about five centimeters long appeared in Su Tang's heart. One end was red and the other end was yellow, which was an enlarged one.

After holding it in, the method of use automatically came to Su Tang's mind.

Instructions: Take the pet capsule in the capsule, and the other one touches the pet that you want to put into the capsule, and silently say a word to collect it. If it fails, please try again.

Su Tang was a little speechless looking at that repeated attempt, yes, very spiritual!

She dragged Cain to the side of the cow herd. The big and small cows huddled together to rest, and they didn't panic when they saw them approaching. They stared at them one by one.

Su Tang actually doesn't know how to distinguish between male and female, but according to common sense, bulls don't produce milk.

So she took a good look, and first took in a cow that had already started to produce milk, then took in a cow that seemed to be a male, and finally looked at the cubs for a long time, but she couldn't tell them apart, so she gave up and just casually Received 4 calves.

The disappearance of these cows made some cows in the herd commotion, but they forgot when they got up and turned their heads.

The male, female and four youngsters that Su Tang took away were nothing to the entire herd, and it was impossible to tell that there were fewer cattle here.

Su Tang nodded in satisfaction, this is what he wanted!

After finishing the work, he took Cain back to the entrance of the canyon and waited for Sean in peace.

After a while, they saw Sean walking towards them in a hurry.

Su Tang asked with concern, "Have you got it?"

Sean nodded, "Got it, let's go!"

Everyone swallowed the antidote pill Su Tang had prepared before, and stepped into the misty canyon together.

Not daring to stop all the way, everyone swallowed a pill every once in a while, and finally walked out of here before dawn.

Perhaps the plan was implemented too smoothly, until they left the foggy forest, Sean still couldn't believe it.

"Are we...really leaving?"

Sean looked at the forest behind him in a trance, feeling that everything around him was so unreal.

Adam stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, we have brought you out, can you give us the wood spar?"

Sean came back to his senses, he glanced at Adam, "Sure, but can you tell me, what do you need the wood spar for?"

Adam frowned in displeasure, "It has nothing to do with you, our deal is, we bring you out, and you hand over the wood spar to us. What? Could it be that Young Master Sean wants to go back on his word?"

Sean is indifferent

^0^ Remember in a second【】

shaking his head.

He took out the wood spar and handed it to Cain, "I will do what I promised you, and what you want to do with the wood spar has nothing to do with me."

Cain took the wooden spar, "Let's go, get out of here as soon as possible, I don't know when the orcs from the West Minglu tribe will catch up."

Several people nodded, and everyone walked in the direction of Wanshou Kingdom.

But after walking a certain distance, Sean still followed them without any haste.

Adam stopped first, turned around, and casually kicked up a stone and flew towards Sean.

The stone slammed into the tree trunk next to Sean, leaving a not deep and not shallow pit.

"Don't follow us anymore, or I won't be sure where the next stone will hit!"

Adam stared at Sean closely, his eyes full of naked threats.

Sean's face turned pale for a moment, and he argued weakly, "I didn't follow you either, I just dropped by."

Hearing this, Adam asked everyone to stop.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "In this case, you go first."

Sean pursed his lips, his feet remained motionless as if they had taken root.

Adam and the others didn't urge them, they just stood there quietly and looked at him.

Sean finally couldn't help but speak, he lowered his eyes slightly, his voice was hoarse, "I... don't know where to go, can I go with you?"

Adam refused without thinking, "No!"

Hearing the answer, Sean's breath became weaker again.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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