Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Seven hundred and ninetieth IX The third test thirty-two

Remember in a second【】

Cain's expression suddenly changed.

Su Tang also clasped his arms nervously, "It's brother's voice, is there something wrong with them, let's go back and see."

Cain nodded, he turned to look at Xi, "Go!"

With that said, he hugged Su Tang up and ran towards the small cave they had temporarily built.

As soon as they ran away, the other orcs thought something had happened.

They were all nervous, running fast behind them with serious expressions.

Because no one looked back, no one noticed that the insects and beasts who had crossed the barrier did not catch up.

One by one, they rushed towards the white broken shells hidden among the gravel with red eyes.


The surrounding sand dunes kept trembling, and it felt like a precursor to the imminent wrath of the mountain god when we were in the wild.

Adam's memory of that feeling is still fresh.

While Qiu Mo and Sean were still stumbling around curiously.

Adam had already dragged them out of the cave, and within a few seconds of coming out, the cave was swallowed up by quicksand.

Not only that, the surrounding sand dunes also began to sink gradually with a violent tremor.

The sand under their feet has also become extremely soft, and it is almost untenable.

Adam secretly thought that something was wrong, and hastily turned into a fiery red fox, rolled up Qiumo's tail and put her on his back, then rolled up Sean, scurrying back and forth in this quicksand land to find a way out.

But this area seemed to be affected, and it was not safe anywhere, so Adam had to lead them jumping here and there to avoid the quicksand.

Because of the weight of two people on his back, it seemed a little difficult to hide in the process of hiding.

Both Qiu Mo and Sean were also aware of the danger and did not dare to disturb them at all.

Fortunately, when the surrounding sand dunes slowly sank, the amplitude of the vibrations also decreased a lot.

Adam breathed a sigh of relief.

The originally tense nerves gradually relaxed.

But when they landed on a piece of sand, Adam's hind legs suddenly sank, and when he wanted to break free, an extremely strong suction pulled his hind legs and sucked him in a little more.

Adam was startled, he subconsciously threw Sean out to reduce the weight, then rolled up Qiu Mo on his back, and put her on the flat ground in front of him.

After this movement, its two hind legs were already tightly absorbed in the quicksand.

Qiu Mo exclaimed, "Your leg! Sean, come and help!"

Sean not far away got up and ran over in a hurry.

Seeing Adam absorbed by the quicksand, his heart sank slightly.

He squatted down, and Qiu Mo grabbed a fox's front paw, preparing to drag Adam out.

"I count to three and we push together."

"One, two, pull!"

Both of them exhausted all their strength, but they still couldn't pull Adam out.

Not only that, but there seemed to be some monster hidden in the sand that adsorbed Adam's hind legs. Whenever they exerted force, that monster seemed to be exerting force too, and the force was stronger than them!

They almost tore Adam's front paws off, but instead of pulling him out, they made him sink a little more.

Qiu Mo clutched Adam's fluffy paw with tears in his eyes, "What should I do? I can't move you, I'll call Tangtang and the others to come back!"

Adam gently grabbed Qiu Mo's clothes corner with his fox's mouth, and motioned her to sit here and not move.

Then he raised his head and let out a loud fox howl.

Like me getting rich in the world of beasts

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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