Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 805 The third test thirty-eight

Remember in a second【】

But the Montenegrin old demon didn't come to ask him, but said in surprise.

"Oh, you have made so much progress. It seems that I should call my friends to come out to play with you."

Hearing this, the leading beast soldier felt bad.

Accompanied by a slight shaking of the sand, many familiar insects and beasts suddenly crawled out of the sand.

They don't know what's going on, each of them seems to have eaten a fattening agent, and their volume is at least twice as large as before.

If they were only as big as Su Tang's fist when they were rolled together, they are now at least as big as Su Tang's feet.

Note that it is a group.

Two thin and long creatures like snakes and centipedes are at least 1 meter long when straightened!

Seeing these magnified insects and beasts crawling out of the dust one by one, those red eyes seem to have already regarded them as dinner on the plate.

The calves of the leading beast soldier trembled immediately.

If it weren't for being unable to move because of the rules, he would now like to slap himself several times.

Seeing those worms and beasts getting closer and closer to him, the lead beast soldier almost peed!

He shouted loudly, "I want to ask questions, I want to ask questions!!"

The Montenegrin old demon spoke lazily.

"Well, the contestants who ran at the front, do you have any questions to ask me? It's only limited to the questions in the test."

The leading beast soldier could no longer remember what the question he wanted to ask was.

He just wanted to keep these worms as far away from him as possible.

Recalling the orc who was devoured by the worms and beasts before, there was not even a scum left.

The voice of the leading beast soldier was sharp and piercing, almost breaking the sound.

"How can I keep them from touching me and staying away from me!! Quick! Quick!"

The leading beast soldier screamed frantically, and the beasts crawled towards him methodically without being affected at all.

Seeing that the distance is getting closer.

The Montenegrin old demon spoke leisurely.

"My little friends are so cute, how can you be afraid of them? Hey... Since you ask, let me tell you, my friends like to eat holy husks but hate holy water."

The worm beast was a little closer to the lead beast soldier.

The lead beast soldier felt that he was about to be driven crazy, "Holy water?! Holy water is a magic horse?!"

But no matter how he roared, the Montenegrin old demon just ignored him.

Seeing that the worm beast had already climbed onto his instep, the tingling friction made the hair on the leader's body stand on end.

"Ah! Get out, get out of here, get out of here!"

He roared in despair, and could only watch helplessly as his body was covered with all kinds of insects and beasts.

He used supernatural powers to harden the skin all over his body, so that these insects could not bite him.

But this is not a long-term solution, because his ability will not last long.

"Ready? I'm going to start counting"

The Montenegrin old demon started to say this, which meant that they could move again.

The leading beast soldier hurriedly threw all the worms off his body.

Maybe the range of motion was a little too big, which caused some water to spill out of the kettle on his waist.

The lead beast soldier keenly noticed that where the water fell, the insects and beasts avoided it very fearfully.


Mose suddenly opened up!

Holy water, water.

The leader of the beast soldiers wept with joy. It turned out that the holy water was the water in the white beads they had collected.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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