Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 825 Points Exchange Cabin 11

Remember in a second【】

The remaining rationality warned them to be calm, the orcs in front of them were very powerful, and they were no match at all.

Xuan Tian is impatient, he stared at the advanced cultivation method in Cain's hand with a face of reluctance.

Turning to look at Baique, "Young Master! That exercise..."

Bai Que didn't speak, and his eyes slid from Cain to Su Tang with a little haze.

This little female made him even more incomprehensible.

Obviously she was the least intimidating one among all the people present, but the ingenuity she showed made people feel threatened.

This little female can't stay!

The veins on Bai Que's forehead were twitching, and the eyes that looked at Su Tang seemed to be suddenly poisoned.

Cain felt the white bird's gaze, and stared at it very sharply.

Adam also realized that Baique was in a bad mood because he hadn't exchanged for advanced cultivation techniques.

He took the exercise from Cain, and waved it at Bai Que and the others, and then gave him a mean smile.

White Sparrow: "..."

My heart is even more blocked!

The white sparrow stood up abruptly.

Adam thought he was going to grab the exercises, so he quickly hid them behind his back.

When Bai Que saw it, he smiled mockingly, "Oh, a mighty warrior is so cowardly, I despise you."

I thought that Adam would be furious by him, or be choked speechless by him.


"Heh, a mighty warrior doesn't dare to come and grab the exercises, you are so timid, I look down on you!"

White Sparrow: "..."

What he said just now was returned in full.

This feeling really sucks.

It made the white sparrow, who was already walking on thin ice, even worse.

Su Tang helplessly shook his head,

"Okay, brother, stop making trouble, let's hurry up and go to the next round of tests."

After Adam handed back the exercises to Cain, he approached Bai Que and the others in awe.

"What's the hurry, they're still here anyway, I'd like to see what good things they can exchange for."

Cain was really too lazy to talk to Adam, and prepared to walk towards the whirlpool gate with Su Tang.

White Sparrow couldn't help clenching his fists and clenching his teeth. If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many of them, he really wanted to go up and punch Adam.

The white sparrow stopped talking to Adam and began to look at other props here.

He grabbed a light blue mask casually.

Seeing this, it really gave him hope!

Props: Advanced Cultivation Techniques Volume 1

Points: 600

Question: What is the next sentence of being a hero?

But when Bai Que finished reading the question, he fell into endless despair.

What the hell is this problem?

He hasn't even heard of it, how should he answer?

The white bird's breathing began to tremble, and a strong sense of unwillingness shrouded its body.

Seeing this, Adam squeezed forward very curiously, wanting to see what was in the mask that could make the white bird show this expression?

The white bird didn't notice it for a while, but it was really touched by Adam.

Adam's eyes widened in shock.

"Didn't it mean that there is only one rare prop and there will be no duplication? Why are there still advanced cultivation techniques here?!"

It was too late when the white sparrow wanted to stop, Adam's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it.

Cain was about to step into the vortex gate, but he also stopped there.

All eyes turned to the person in charge of the hut, Qiuqiu, waiting for it to give a reasonable explanation.

The ball flew to the front of the blue mask and turned around.

"This is a valuable item - Advanced Cultivation Technique Volume 1. You need to exchange it to Volume 2 to activate it."

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