Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 829: The Fourth Test II

Remember in a second【】

Adam slapped his thigh.

"That's right! I think we have to find a way to figure out how many caves we have to go through to pass the test."

Su Tang stroked his chin and said, "This doesn't seem to be that important. Didn't the housekeeper say that you can return after you find all the correct caves. There is no need to care about the number of them."

Adam disapproved and wanted to refute, but Cain gave him a blank look.

"Idiot, the steward said that with our current strength, we will definitely not be able to survive the fourth wrong choice, which proves that there are at least four or more caves to choose from. Instead of worrying about how many caves we have to pass, we should worry about how many caves we have to pass." Select the correct cave from how many caves."

Adam smiled embarrassingly, and forced himself to defend himself, "Then, isn't it necessary to be mentally prepared to know the exact number?"

Cain didn't bother to talk to him, took Su Tang's hand and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Let's go."

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Find clues."

At the same time as they acted, the white sparrow team on the other side seemed to have discussed the countermeasures and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

The eyes of the two teams collided in mid-air, not as tit-for-tat as before.

It may be that Bai Que thinks that he needs Su Tang's help to exchange for the advanced cultivation method Volume 2, so he looked at everyone with a friendlier look.

He smiled, stopped, and nodded politely.

"You first?"

Cain glanced at him, and didn't show any politeness to him. He pulled Su Tang into the cave first.

Before entering the cave, Su Tang took a look at the mountain next to him. There was nothing on it, just ordinary stones.

Su Tang frowned slightly.

Could it be that she was blind before?

Suddenly entering a dark place from a bright place, Su Tang couldn't react for a while.

Clutching Cain's arm tightly, his steps were full of restraint.

It took a while before she slowly got used to the darkness around her.

It wasn't that dark in the cave either.

The walls of the cave are covered with creeper-like plants, and occasionally a small white flower with pale white light is dotted among the green leaves.

The light is very soft, like a small night light, which allows people to see the general scene around them, but it is not very clear.

Compared with the sea night mushroom in the sea, it is more than one grade worse.

None of them spoke, and walked straight along the cave.

After walking for a long time, I finally came to a slightly larger open space in the cave.

At the same time, six identical cave entrances appeared in front of them.

It's really the same, like a copy and paste, even the gap next to the cave mountain is the same.

"This... how to choose?"

Cain frowned and thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "See if you can find anything around here, and be careful not to go into those small caves."

Everyone nodded, spread out, and began to search carefully in this small space.

After a while, Bai Que and others also chased here.

Without saying a word, they also joined the team of searching for clues.

The space here is only half the size of the outside. The 12 people looked at every inch of the stone wall in the cave, and they didn't even find a hair.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, is the housekeeper lying to them?

Obviously this is impossible.

They must have not looked carefully enough.

Like me getting rich in the world of beasts

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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