Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 833 The Fourth Test Six

Remember in a second【】

The steward said that there were clues, but he didn't say where the clues were hidden. It was they who confined themselves in this big cave.

When the thoughts escaped from the inherent square formation, Su Tang felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter.

She nodded immediately, "Okay, let's find a cave and go in to check the situation."

Everyone stood up when they heard the words.

As soon as he stood up, he found that the white sparrow was also moving.

Bai Que smiled and asked, "It seems that you are planning to go in to find out the situation? We also have the same intention. I don't know which cave you plan to choose, but don't tell us to choose too hard."

Cain glanced at him indifferently, too lazy to expose the tricks in his words.

The group of them walked towards the second cave without looking sideways, ignoring the white bird at all.

Only when Sean passed the white sparrow, he smiled slightly.

Bai Que immediately returned the same friendly smile to Sean, "Brother, be careful in everything, it is really dangerous, don't try to be brave, you must use the Wood Immortal Order, life is the most important thing!"

Sean nodded heavily, "Okay, Brother Que, you too."

Seeing that they were about to step into the second cave.

The white bird raised its voice again, "Cain, let's go explore the last cave, maybe we can share information later."


What responded to him was the backs of Cain and the others without turning their heads.

It wasn't until the figures of all of them disappeared that the white bird smiled and raised the corners of its lips.

He raised his hand, hooked his fingers, and said to the orcs behind him, "Let's go, let's go in and find out what's going on."

While talking, the steps under his feet walked towards the third cave.

Xuan Tian was stunned for a moment, then stopped, "Young Master, you went wrong, the last cave is over there."

Bai Que sneered, and squinted at Xuan Tian, ​​"You idiot."

Xuan Tian felt very wronged.

He was just kindly reminding, and he was right, why scold him?

He opened his mouth, wanting to argue for himself, but he didn't want to be held back.

Xuan Shui immediately took a step forward and bowed his hands to the white sparrow, "Please forgive me, young master, Ah Tian definitely didn't mean it, let me explain to him."

The white bird glanced at Xuanshui again, snorted coldly, and walked towards the cave.

Xuan Shui let out a sigh of relief, pulled Xuan Tian to follow quickly, and explained to him in a low voice.

"The young master did this on purpose. He deliberately told them that we went to the last cave. Misleading them not to choose the last cave for now.

After we go out, we can tell them that the last cave is wrong. We choose the third cave again and let Cain and the others choose among the remaining two caves, which will make it easier for us to find the correct cave. "

Xuan Tian half-understood what he heard, and he scratched his hair a little annoyed.

"Then what if the cave they chose now is the right one?"

Xuan Shui slapped Xuan Tian on the back of the head with a slap that hated iron and steel, the force was very light.

"You, if you don't see them coming out for a long time, doesn't it mean that their cave is correct, and we can just go in when the time comes."

"Oh..." Xuan Tian nodded.

Seeing him like this, Xuan Shui was both helpless and angry.

I couldn't help itching, and gave him another slap, "Oh, what, can't you hope for something better? Maybe the cave we chose is the right one?"

Xuan Tian glanced at Xuan Shui silently, and obediently closed his mouth.

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