Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 836 The Fourth Test Nine

Remember in a second【】

Everyone followed his movements and followed the trend.

There were two cracks at the tiger's mouth in Cain's palm, bloodshot gurgling out.

It is precisely because when the spider leg was cut just now, it used too much force.

Now there is no need for Cain to say anything, everyone understands.

Although he looked very relaxed when he chopped off the spider's leg, in fact, the strength he used was beyond what other people thought.

"It's not that simple. The knife I just used almost injected half of its energy into it, so it was not defeated. Otherwise, it would be hard to say to that spider leg."

Cain frowned and shook his head.

The long-toothed beasts with broken legs on the ground were still struggling, and the chopped spider legs of different lengths couldn't support their bodies at all.

After finally struggling to get up, they slammed into the dark green sticky blood again with a 'bang', and splashed a lot, just sticking to Adam's back who was facing them.

Adam: "..."

Everyone took a few steps back in unison, pulling a safe distance away from the long-toothed beasts.

Su Tang took out the medicine that Cain had given her before taking it out of the Wooden Immortal Order, and put on the medicine for golden sores, and took Cain's hand to give him the medicine.

Cain flinched subconsciously, "It's not an injury, don't worry about it, it will be fine in a while."

Su Tang had a straight face and a very tough attitude, "No!"

Cain couldn't resist her, so he sighed and had no choice but to let her go.

The customs clearance props rewarded by the first place are really effective.

The moment the medicine powder touched the wound, the bleeding had already stopped, and the effect was not very good.

Su Tang looked around Cain carefully again, and took back the golden sore medicine after confirming that there were no other wounds on his body.

On the other side, with the assistance of Xi and Qiumo, Adam cleaned up the mucus on his body.

He patted the water droplets on his body, and walked over with a look of disgust, "It's really disgusting, quickly look for their weaknesses, and see if there are any clues in the cave.

If not, go out earlier and think of other ways. "

So everyone stood at the edge of the cave, looking at the two long-toothed beasts struggling desperately in the middle of the cave with probing expressions.

In fact, the structure of this long-toothed beast is very simple. Its head is covered with large and small eyes, its mouth is densely packed with fangs shining coldly, and its body is the same color as the spider's legs.

"Well, I think we'll just have to try its eyes first."

Xi's expression looked a little helpless.

no way.

From head to toe, the long-toothed beast has its eyes as the only weak point.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Xi raised his hand to condense an ice cube, and threw it towards the eyes of the long-toothed beast.

The ice cube hit the long-toothed beast's eyes, and bounced away quickly. There seemed to be a protective film on the outside of its eyes.

The long-toothed beast hissed twice in pain, but didn't respond much.

Unwilling to give up, Xi threw several ice cubes one after another, hitting different parts of its body, but it was still useless.

"Hiss..." Adam gasped when he saw this, "It shouldn't be invincible."

Everyone could not help but frown.

You know, if they choose the wrong cave next time, they will face four long-toothed beasts.

Now, although these two long-toothed beasts did not cause them too much damage, in fact, their energy consumption has exceeded half.

Can't afford the next attack at all.

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