Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 855: Transition Five

Remember in a second【】

The white sparrow's face was so dark that it seemed to be dripping ink.

At this moment, all of them have consumed more than half of their powers. If they choose the wrong one again as the steward of Muxian Shenfu said, the number of long-toothed beasts that will appear will be eight.

By then, are they really capable of dealing with them?

Bai Que hesitated for a long time in front of No. 5 cave and No. 4 cave, and finally chose No. 5 cave.

Fortunately, his choice was correct.

But when six identical caves appeared in front of them, there were faint signs of cracks on everyone's faces.

Xuan Tian tilted his head and spat to the side, and said bitterly, "How many caves do we have to go through! It's so annoying!"

Xuan Shui, who has always been calm and calm, also collapsed at this moment, and he didn't have the energy to comfort Xuan Tian at all.

That's right, who can still laugh after two battles and continue to face unknown choices?

Xuan Shui took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, turned to look at Bai Que and asked.

"Young master, which cave shall we go to?"

Bai Que couldn't make up his mind, especially because he had made two wrong choices just now, which made him flustered.

After being silent for a long time, he said, "Take a rest at the same place, recover and let's go to No. 1 Cave to have a look."

Everyone sat down with tired faces and began to recover their powers.

It's just that the progress was really slow. After half an hour, Yuanli only recovered a little.

Everyone stood in front of the entrance of Haoshan Cave with serious faces, and no one dared to take the first step.

In order to relieve the tense atmosphere, Xuan Shui said with a smile, "Everyone, relax, thanks to the young master, we have never taken a detour before, and we are already far ahead of Cain and the others.

They made a wrong choice when they chose the cave for the first time, and they will definitely make mistakes in the future. Given the situation of their team, they may not be able to survive the second time they make a wrong choice, and they may have already been eliminated by now.

Unlike us, who have been through so much all right! What does this mean? It shows that our young master is favored by the Beast God, and the young master's choice must be correct! "

some words.

Said Baique was submissive and warm in heart, and said Xuantian was excited.

Although the leader beast soldier and Chi Shu looked very happy, they actually had their own ghosts in their hearts.

Bai Que smiled slightly, "Okay, what to do after talking so much, the business is to pass the test as soon as possible. Everyone be careful!"

While talking, Bai Que stepped into the No. 1 cave first.


When they came out again, there was no trace of Xuan Tian.

There were also a few shocking scars on Bai Que's body. The leading beast soldier and Xuan Shui were very pale, and seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries, and Chi Shu, who was unconscious, was also supported between the two.

They walked towards the No. 6 cave with a heavy heart.

In fact, one second after entering the numbered cave, Baique suddenly realized that the five caves in front corresponded to the number, and each time he chose six caves.

If his guess is correct, then the No. 6 cave, which has never been selected, is the correct cave.

It's a pity that by the time the white sparrow woke up, it was too late, and the No. 1 cave was already covered by a transparent barrier.

After a life-and-death struggle, Xuantian was seriously injured by the long-toothed beast, and at a critical moment he used the Wooden Immortal Token to escape.

And the four of them also exhausted their powers, were scarred, and were in very bad condition.

The white bird walked towards the No. 6 cave without the slightest hesitation.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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