Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 858: The Fifth Test

Remember in a second【】

Su Tang raised his head and looked at the nearly 20-meter-high stone wall in front of him with a shocked face.

The stone wall presents a simple and heavy gray-black color, and the surface is mottled, and it is unknown how many years of wind and rain it has experienced.

This is the first time Su Tang has seen such a tall building since he came to the beast world.

The stone wall stretched for a long distance, at least as far as she could see.

"Welcome all contestants to the fifth round of the test, this test is called Survival Maze.

Let me explain the test rules to you

1. Finding the exit of the maze and leaving the maze is deemed as passing the test. The exit of the maze will open when the sun rises and close when the sun sets.

2. The guardian beast of the maze is named Godzilla. In the maze, Godzilla is an invincible existence. Godzilla starts hunting in the maze after the sun goes down.

, There is a safe cabin in the maze. When the sun goes down, the safe cabin can be opened, and the contestants in the safe cabin will not be attacked by Godzilla.

4. The way to obtain points in this test is the damage value of Godzilla. The higher the damage value, the higher the points obtained.

Hope all contestants continue to work hard, victory is just ahead! "

Sanduo's voice fell, without waiting for everyone to discuss.

The stone wall in front of them suddenly cracked rumblingly, and a passageway enough for ten people to walk in parallel appeared in front of their eyes.

Su Tang grasped Cain's sleeve subconsciously, she only hoped that the Godzilla in the butler's mouth was not the Godzilla she knew.

Cain didn't look back, instead, he wrapped his big palm around Su Tang's small, and held it tightly.

"Let's go."

While talking, the two of them walked towards the passage first.

Adam and the others followed closely.

Bai Que stood behind and looked at the backs of several people, his face changed again and again, and finally said, "Follow."

The aisle was wide enough for ten people to walk side by side, but the sparrows did not squeeze forward to join Cain and the others, but silently followed behind them.

The passage is not long,

It was only eight or nine meters long, so a few people walked out quickly.

The moment they all stepped out of the passage, there was another rumbling sound, and the passage began to close.

It is the kind of closure in the true sense, with a tight fit. Su Tangpa studied beside the stone wall for a long time but couldn't find a gap, as if the passage just now had never appeared.

Su Tang clicked his lips, exclaiming the magic of the maze.

Then everyone began to look at the scene in the maze again. It was still a tall and thick stone wall covered with vines. They walked along the road in front of them, and there were several forks in the road after a while.

Looking at it from a different perspective, you can only see a few stone walls with different heights and lengths, and nothing else.

Cain couldn't help frowning, and brought Su Tang to Adam, "Keep an eye on Tang Tang, I'll go up and see what's going on around me."

As he said that, white light flashed all over his body, and the majestic tiger spread its wings, leaped up with a kick of its limbs, and landed steadily on the top of the stone wall in front of them.

Seeing this, the white sparrow behind him also turned into a big crimson bird. He raised his wings slightly, whizzed up like a whirlwind, quickly passed Cain, and continued to sprint upwards.



Everyone looked around, the big crimson bird bumped into something, tilted its head and fell straight down.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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