Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 860 The fifth test three

Remember in a second【】

Although the housekeeper said before that Godzilla would not appear during the day, but in an unknown and unfamiliar environment, it is better to be careful and vigilant.

Cain and his party remained on guard all the time, shuttling between different stone walls with serious faces.

The sun is scorching above the head, but everyone can't feel a trace of heat in the maze. Their hearts are always tugged and there is a faint sense of coolness, which even makes their foreheads form a layer of cold sweat.

There are many forked roads here, and there are countless dead ends. If it weren't for the compass on Su Tang's watch, they would have lost their way.

When they came in, they faced the entrance in the north, so Su Tang guessed that the exit should be in the south.

Because there is no clue, everyone can only go in the direction of guessing.

There is no set time limit for this round of trials, which means you can stay in it for as long as you want.

But the number of satiety pills they exchanged was limited, and on average, one person only had ten days' worth, so they had to find a way to leave the maze within ten days.

Not to mention that there is also Godzilla, the guardian beast of the labyrinth that will appear at night. The housekeeper said that Godzilla is invincible in the labyrinth.

From the moment they entered the maze, apart from stopping for a break to drink some water, Su Tang and the others kept exploring and detouring.

But even so, after marching for a full hour and a half, there was still nothing to gain. The good thing is that they didn't encounter any danger during the period.

"Where is this safe hut? We have been walking for so long, and we haven't seen any building that looks like a hut."

Su Tang's heart couldn't help becoming restless.

You know, they walked for hours without stopping!

I haven't seen the edge of the maze yet.


To be exact, they couldn't even see the edge of the fence when they first came in.

The compass can never make mistakes. It stands to reason that there is no problem with the direction they are traveling.

However, their current situation seems to be lost.

Cain patted Su Tang's head comfortingly,

"Don't worry, this is only the first day, we still have a lot of time, take your time."

Su Tang lowered his head feebly, and replied listlessly.

Qiu Mo thoughtfully congealed two small water balls and handed them to Su Tang's lips, "Tangtang, drink some water and take a rest."

He walked non-stop for an hour, during which time he had been highly concentrated. Now that he was relaxing, Su Tang felt that his calves were sore and soft.

Seeing this, Cain frowned slightly.

He raised his head and told Adam, "You stay here to guard them, and I will go ahead to explore the way."

As he spoke, Cain turned into a white tiger, flapped his wings, and flew to the top of the stone wall.

A little higher is an invisible and intangible barrier, which seems to be deliberately suppressing those orcs who have the ability to fly, but as long as the height is appropriate, there is no problem.

But if you can't fly to a certain height, it means you can't see the whole maze.

But there are also good places, at least it will not be blocked by the stone wall on the ground, and there is no need to go back and forth.

Cain only flew forward for a short distance, and when he saw a building that looked like a safe house, he immediately returned.

The maze is full of variables. If he flies too far, he can't guarantee whether he can return to his original position. After all, this maze is really big.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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