Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 862 The Fifth Test Five

Remember in a second【】

But, is it really that simple?

Walking on the stone wall is indeed more than twice as fast as detouring below.

Seeing that the building that looks like a safe house is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, Su Tang slowed down.

"Do you smell anything?"

Adam: "Well, I smelled a burning smell of something burning."

Qiu Mo: "I smell it too."

Everyone looked around and found nothing suspicious.

Su Tang felt puzzled, but didn't take it to heart.

Several people continued to move forward.

After climbing over two stone walls, they will be able to reach the safe house without incident.

But at this time something went wrong

When Adam jumped from one stone wall to another, the sandals under his feet suddenly popped and caught fire.

Su Tang didn't panic when she saw it, but she couldn't figure out why the straw sandals caught fire.

And I don't know if it's a psychological effect, Su Tang also felt that the soles of his feet were getting hotter and hotter.

"Wow, it's so hot!"

Adam landed on the opposite stone wall, suddenly jumped a foot high, and jumped on the stone wall in a hurry, the movement was very joyful.

But at this moment, no one laughed at him because of his actions, because everyone felt the strangeness on the soles of their feet.

Cain immediately picked up Su Tang and flew down, and Xi also supported Qiu Mo to let her climb down the vine.

After Su Tang got off the ground, he looked helplessly towards Adam who was dancing and screaming on the stone wall next to him, "Brother, don't jump on it, come down quickly!"

Adam may have been burned, and he jumped directly from the stone wall 11 to 12 meters high. After landing, he unloaded and rolled, sitting on the ground hugging his feet and crying.

When weaving straw sandals, Adam felt that the soles were too thick to walk on.

Therefore, he strongly asked the female who wove straw sandals for him to make the soles thinner.

The female really only gave him one layer of soles, you know, Su Tang's soles had five layers of soles.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Su Tang suppressed a smile and stepped forward.

Speaking of which, she had to thank Adam, if it weren't for him, the rest of them wouldn't have noticed the strangeness so quickly and escaped unharmed.

Adam raised his head with resentment on his face, "Do you think I'm okay?"

The soles of his straw sandals had been burned away, the soles of his feet were burning red, and a part of the heel was even faintly scorched black.

Su Tang clenched his fist and put it on his lips, coughed twice to hide his smile.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem. It doesn't matter if the shoes are broken. I'll let Liu Ye make another pair for you when I get back."

Adam stared at the straw sandals on Su Tang's feet with a depressing expression, feeling remorse in his heart, if money is hard to buy, he should have known it earlier!

The straw sandals on the feet of the others had a five-layer base, they didn't burn so quickly, but they were also scorched black due to the high temperature on the wall, and they probably would be scrapped after wearing them for a long time.

Adam didn't prepare any other shoes when he went out. Su Tang took her and Cain's shoes, but Adam's feet were too big to fit, so there was nothing he could do.

Being the only barefoot fairy in the team, Adam felt extremely depressed.

"Hey, I thought I found a shortcut to get out of the maze, but I didn't expect that people already had countermeasures."

Listening to Su Tang's muttering, Cain suddenly remembered the time when he went to explore the road just now.

The longer the flight time, the more dizzy the mind seems to be, if Su Tang hadn't called him

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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