Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 864 The Fifth Test Seven

Remember in a second【】

Adam stared at Sean for a moment, then silently stepped aside to let Sean walk in.


A roar came from the front, and everyone's expressions changed.

Su Tang was even more anxious, "Come in!"

Adam remained motionless.

Not only him, but Cain and Xi also looked at the direction of the roaring sound, their eyes gleaming eagerly.

Seeing them like this, Su Tang suddenly had an epiphany, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"You didn't intend to come in from the beginning, did you?"

Cain looked at Su Tang, but did not directly respond to her question, "Let's go ahead to explore the way, and we will be back soon, obediently wait for me here."

A wave of anger shot straight into the sky, dizziness came from the brain, and the heart seemed to have been pumped with a lot of energy, as if it could burst at any time.

Su Tang closed her eyes slightly, and forced herself to take deep breaths. When she calmed down a little, she raised her eyes to look at Cain, trying to force a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here, come back early and be safe."

Cain heaved a sigh of relief that was barely visible to the naked eye, and he quickly nodded in response. Afterwards, he quickly disappeared around the corner of the stone wall.

inside the safe house

Su Tang's complexion suddenly collapsed, and she sat alone by the window with her knees folded in silence.

From the outside, the safe hut has only one stone door and is hidden among the vines, but in fact, the safe hut has a large space inside, more than ten square meters.

There are no facilities in the house, but there is a huge "french window".

I have to say that the maze is a very magical place. This "floor-to-ceiling window" is like a one-way mirror in Lanxing's time. You can see the outside scene from the inside, but you can't see the contents of the house from the outside.

Normally, Su Tang would be very curious to study the structure of this stone, but right now she is really not in the mood.

Qiu Mo and Sean looked at each other.

Restraint and helplessness were written on the faces of the two of them.

Then the two carefully moved to Su Tang's side, Qiu Mo poked Su Tang's arm, "Tangtang, are you okay?"


Qiu Mo looked at Sean begging for help, his facial features twisted together in a tangled state.

Sean nodded vigorously to Qiu Mo, and gave her a cheer, you can do it! Firm eyes.

Qiu Mo cleared his throat and squatted beside Su Tang, "Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Cain and the others are very powerful. If they encounter any danger, even if they can't beat them, they can run away. And when Cain leaves Didn't I say, they'll be back soon."

"Ok, I know."

Su Tang responded softly.

She knows everything.

Compared with Cain, she was actually more angry with herself.

With the ability of Cain and the others, the journey in the morning was nothing to them at all, and they could have continued on.

But considering her physical strength and safety, she compromised and stayed in the first safe cabin she found.

With her safety guaranteed, he can let go without any worries.

Or to put it simply, she is like a burden to the entire team, with no effect at all, but needs constant protection from others.

This feeling is really too bad.

Su Tang took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Get stronger!

To be able to protect yourself, you must also be able to protect others.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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