Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 877: The Fifth Test Twenty

Remember in a second【】

Because of his poor decision-making, they lost a man in one night.

Cain blamed himself all the time for this.

What if this is not a test, but a real battle?

Then Adam and the others had no chance of opting out.

So on the way to the safe hut and when he arrived at the safe hut, Cain was extraordinarily silent.

Su Tang understood where his depression was, so she tried to enlighten him.

"This matter is not your fault alone. Traveling at night is a decision made after discussion among all of us, and each of us is responsible."

Cain said nothing.

He knew the matter was deliberated.

But before that, he had clearly noticed the abnormality, but chose to ignore it because he couldn't figure it out for a while, which eventually led to this result.

In the end, it was because he himself was not vigilant enough.

Su Tang continued to persuade, "Don't think too much, in fact, it's good to have such a thing happen once, at least it can raise our vigilance to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

What we have to do now is to adjust our state, find the exit of the maze as quickly as possible, pass the test, and obtain the right to inherit the Wood Immortal Divine Mansion, what do you think? "

Cain hugged Su Tang tightly, buried his head in the crescent of her neck, took a deep breath, his nose was filled with the unique faint fragrance of Su Tang.

The depression and irritability that enveloped his heart dissipated for a while.

"Hmm." He responded lightly.

Su Tang smiled slightly, stretched and smoothed his hair, "Take a break quickly, we will continue on our way tomorrow."

Cain seemed to be coquettish and arched into Su Tang's arms again.

Accidentally touched Su Tang's itchy flesh, which made her giggle, "itch, don't make trouble"

Cain pretended not to hear, and continued to sneak into Su Tang's arms.

Xi, who was on the side, watched the two of them fighting like no one else, feeling extremely depressed.

Xi: "" What the hell!

Over the next few days,

People go at full speed.

Count the time from the moment you see the first safe hut.

For example, when they arrive at a new safe house at one o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still six hours before it gets dark at night, they will continue to drive for another hour. Go back, if you meet a new safe house, then start counting time again.

After making a reasonable plan for the time, they never encountered a critical situation and could always reach the safe house before dark.

After Cain and Xi have settled in Su Tang, they will look around the safe house to see if they can meet Godzilla.

If you encounter it, you can fight it if you can, and you can go back to the safe house if you can't.

In addition, Su Tang divided all the white beads equally between the two. Although the white beads did little damage to Godzilla, they played a very good blocking role when they couldn't beat and run away.

So for several days in a row, the two of them didn't even have a broken skin.

There are pros and cons to this way of proceeding.

The advantage is that the chances of them encountering danger are greatly reduced, but the disadvantage is that they have to take too many detours and waste time.

No, after walking for so many days, there is still nothing to gain.

Sometimes Su Tang couldn't help wondering if the compass on his watch was wrong. They were actually lost in the maze?

But right now, there is nothing to do but continue to follow the direction of the compass.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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