Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 884 The fifth test twenty-seven

Remember in a second【】

Su Tang adjusted his posture slightly and made a very slight sound.


A seemingly sharp spider leg with sharp barbs cut off several vines in front of the protective cover, and stuck it straight in front of Su Tang.


Su Tang's eyes widened, and she quietly covered her mouth and nose, not daring to move.

The Godzilla outside had clearly felt the scent of prey here before, but when it got here, there was nothing, and the breath was gradually fading.

Godzilla was very angry. It roared loudly and destroyed several surrounding stone walls, but still no prey appeared.

Only then did he reluctantly continue chasing the prey in the distance.

After it's gone.

It was only in a daze that Su Tang realized that a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the stone wall on the right side behind him had been destroyed, broken into large pieces and stacked together.

After feeling the amazing destructive power of Godzilla, Su Tang didn't dare to act rashly.

He was in the safe house before, because he had never seen anything, and Cain and the others were not injured every time they came back, so Su Tang felt at ease, and even had a good sleep.

But since the experience just now, the heart that had been let go has been raised again.

I didn't close my eyes all night.

It wasn't until dawn that Su Tang heard Cain's call.

With a spirit, she quickly put away the protective cover, "A Yin, I am here!"

In the next second, the whole person fell into a cold embrace.

Su Tang also hugged Cain tightly, and if he didn't smell blood, it meant that he was not injured, "It's good that you're fine."

With the help of a bright color floating in the sky, Su Tang saw that Cain's eyes were obviously blue and black, and his heart ached again instantly.


He has been running around for a whole day and two nights, and he has no time to stop and rest. One can imagine how tired he is.

Cain's large over Thresh's small,

With a faint smile, "I'm not tired."

Su Tang's heart was sore and soft, she took a deep breath and withdrew from Cain's arms.

"Okay, take the satiated pill to adjust your breath, and wait for Xi by the way."

Cain didn't refuse either, he nodded, sat down cross-legged after taking the satiated pill, and took a short rest.

After a while, Xi also rushed over.

Without further ado, he sat down on the ground and began to adjust his breath, his eyes were also black and blue.

Wait until it's fully light.

The two opened their eyes one after the other.

"Let's go, keep going."

Su Tang leaned on Cain's back, and could clearly feel the speed of the two slowing down.

But she couldn't say much, time and danger were chasing them closely, and there was no way to stop.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, a safe house suddenly appeared in front of us.

Su Tang's eyes lit up instantly!

"Ayin, do you want to stop and rest? We can leave tomorrow."

This safe hut should only allow one person to enter.

However, Su Tang felt that if Cain could not worry about the future and handed over the protective shield to him, then they could greatly reduce their physical exertion.

She stayed outside last night. Although she was protected by a protective shield, in order to prevent Godzilla from hurting her, Yin must have led them out a long distance, and the physical exertion was also very large.

Cain stopped, but instead of putting down Su Tang, he looked sideways at Xi.

"Can you still persist? If we rest here, we may leave the maze a day later."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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