Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 886 Final Chapter Test

Remember in a second【】

Sugar: ""

Come on, no effort, no rewards.

She looked at Cain with some lack of interest, "What did you reward?"

Cain: "629 reward points, no reward items."

Su Tang turned his gaze to Xi again.

Xi: "I have 592 reward points, but no reward items."

Su Tang nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that, as the butler said, the source of points for this round of tests is the damage to Godzilla. She did not cause damage to Godzilla, so there are no points.

Looking at the colorful fog vortex gate not far away, Su Tang hesitated.

"Then shall we leave now?"

Cain nodded, "Well, there should be a point exchange cabin at the back, go and see what good things are there."


When people came to the door of the vortex and were still a step away from the door, there was an invisible resistance that prevented them from moving forward.

Su Tang frowned, "What's going on?"

In the next second, Sanduo's voice sounded, and everyone could hear it.

"Participants who have passed the test, please take a break and wait for other participants to complete the test or quit the test.

The Points Redemption Cabin is a limited-time mode, and participants need to enter together. At the same time, the Points Redemption Cabin will be opened for the last time.

Sando reminds everyone here again that the items redeemed by the points cabin can be taken away from the test. I hope that all contestants can use the points in the points reasonably. Once the items are exchanged, the points will not be refunded. "

Hearing Sanduo's last sentence, the slogan that resembles the special offer of Blue Star Supermarket, once sold, will not be returned or exchanged, Su Tang is actually used to it.

Xi stroked his chin thoughtfully, "Aren't Baique and the others eliminated yet? After the last round of trials, their points should not be much more than ours. If they exchange according to our ratio, the fullness pills in their It should only last for two days."

Cain sat down cross-legged with a calm face.

Now that he knew he had to wait for someone to come out, there was no need to waste energy standing up.

Su Tang happily sat down beside Cain, "Wait, just like you said, we can't wait for long. It would be better if he doesn't come out, so that no one will argue with us."

Xi felt that it made sense, so he also sat down cross-legged, and began to circulate Yuanli to recover his physical strength.

Su Tang sat for a while and felt bored, so she wandered around near the exit of the maze, staring at the inside of the maze, and kept praying in her heart to the Bodhisattva Buddha, the Jade Emperor, not to let the white sparrows come out.

But it's a pity.

There is no Bodhisattva Buddha Jade Emperor in the Beastman Continent, they couldn't hear Su Tang's prayers, it might be because Su Tang worshiped too much and was not sincere.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the stone walls on both sides of the exit of the maze began to move slowly, making loud rumbling noises.

Su Tang's heart jumped for joy, and the excitement on his face couldn't be restrained.

If the white sparrows were still alive, they must be not far from the exit of the maze. If they stayed in the maze for one more night, the chances of being eliminated would be greatly increased.

Thinking of this, Su Tang raised a gradually abnormal smile at the corner of his mouth.

But in the next second.

A bloody figure suddenly appeared at the exit of the maze.

Then came the second way, the first way.

This figure was covered in blood, Su Tang couldn't tell who they were, but it didn't prevent her from knowing the identity of the person.

There were only four of them who entered the maze, but now only the burly leader beast soldier was missing.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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