Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 889 Final Chapter Test Four

Remember in a second【】

Seeing the bright smile on Su Tang's face, Bai Que's forehead couldn't help but twitch.

In fact, he also wanted to have the backbone to refuse.

But he can answer such a simple question wrong, and the time to exchange items is limited

Bai Que gritted his teeth, "Change!"

Su Tang didn't seem surprised at all, and smiled and handed the wooden fairy order forward, "pleasant cooperation"

Bai Que turned over the points with a black face, "What's the answer?"

Su Tang blinked, and looked eagerly at the point transfer card in Baique.

"Well, isn't your card useless, why don't you give it to me?"

Bai Que breathed out angrily, wanting to throw Lika on Su Tang's face.

He endured and endured, before restraining the impulse in his heart.

Sui threw the point transfer card into Su Tang's arms, "Can I talk now?"

Su Tang happily put away the points transfer card, "Of course, the answer is that there is no bird left."

The white sparrow's face suddenly darkened, and subconsciously felt that the little female was playing tricks on her.

Taking points but not doing things for him, even if he is not at fault for Cain, he still has to argue this matter.

Just as the white bird was about to get angry, Su Tang explained faintly, "I killed a bird, and the remaining birds are not fools, so of course they all flew away, so there is not a single bird on the tree. "

White Sparrow: ""

It seems that this is the case!

When hunting, if you are lucky enough to find a herd of beasts, you must be careful, because if any beast is disturbed, the rest of the beasts will panic and run away.

Even though it was such a simple question, he didn't respond.

After making trouble for a long time, the clown turned out to be himself.

After successfully converting to the second volume of the advanced cultivation method, Bai Que heaved a sigh of relief.

He raised his eyes and saw Su Tang still following him with a smile on his face.

Baique: "Why are you still here?"

Su Tang said with a smile, "Oh, just to see if I can earn some more points, after all, don't lose it and never come back again."

Bai Que looked at Su Tang, who was smiling more and more perverted, silently clutching Mu Xianling in his arms, and walked away from her calmly.

Sugar: ""

This time, the point exchange hut has new props, which seem to be specially prepared because they just passed the maze.

Props: Physical fitness pills

Points: 500

Efficacy: After taking it, a stick of incense can restore all trauma on the body.

Su Tang looked at the hideous scars on Cain and Xi's bodies. Although they were not as serious as Bai Que and the others, they still made people feel very distressed.

So Su Tang hurriedly asked the two of them to exchange for health-enhancing pills.

"How is it? Do you feel better?" Su Tang looked at Cain eagerly.

Cain laughed and said, "I just took it, um, now the wound feels a little itchy."

When Su Tang heard this, he was relieved.

Itching means the wound is healing.

It seems that the props produced by the Wood Immortal Divine Mansion are no worse than the system props.

If it wasn't for the high price of the health-enhancing pills, I should exchange some more and keep them for emergencies.

But although this cannot be changed, there are other good props.

For example, the Yuanli Pill, which can quickly restore Yuanli, is priced at the same price, only 20 points per pill!

Of course, there are also 10 points of satiety pills.

It's just that Cain feels that after going out, the effect of the Stomping Pill is not as great as that of the Yuanli Pill.

So their remaining points, together with the points Su Tang earned from Baique, were exchanged for a total of 16 Yuanli Pills.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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