Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 905 Silver Wolf Tribe

Remember in a second【】

The orcs in the Beastman Continent will hold a ritual ceremony after ten seasons. On the day of the ceremony, the orcs need to hunt a prey by themselves and hand it over to the priest for prayer.

Rumor has it that the stronger the hunted prey, the better the effect of the sacrificial prayer, and the higher the chance of the orc awakening.

In fact, this statement is not true in Su Tang's view.

If a strong prey can be hunted, it means that the orc itself is very strong, and the chance of awakening is correspondingly high.

But she just thought about it in her heart, because the priests of the beast world do have their own advantages, maybe their prayers are really useful?

Moreover, not all tribes have sacrifices. Generally speaking, only tribes with a relatively large scale and strong enough strength will have them.

Just like the winged tiger tribe in the wilderness before, when Cain hadn't rescued Adam, there had been no sacrifices in the tribe.

So from another perspective, the tribes that generally have sacrifices will not be inferior in strength.

This also made Su Tang feel a little relieved.

After all, compared with surviving alone in the forest, it is better to find a reliable tribe to live temporarily, which can better guarantee your own safety.

After a while, Yin Zhe took her out of the woods, and after walking not far, he saw a figure.

"Azhe, why did you come out so early? Huh? Where did the little female come from?"

Yin Zhe's face was a little stinky, "I picked it up in the forest, and said that it was lost with the tribe, so I brought her out."

Su Tang smiled faintly at those orcs, "Hello, I'm Su Tang, I lost my clansman and I want to stay in the noble for a while, I hope it's convenient."

The orcs looked older, all barefoot, with a tan hide around their waists.

The orc in the head looked Su Tang up and down, and when his eyes passed over her white fingers, he paused for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, my name is Yin Zhi, you come with me, I will take you to meet the patriarch."

Su Tang nodded, "Please wait for me a moment."

Turn around and walk to Yin Zhe in two steps, then hand the dagger in his hand to him,

"Thank you."

Yin Zhe held the dagger that was still warm in his hand, looked at Su Tang's back, scratched his head in a naive manner, then turned around and entered the forest again.

The Silver Wolf tribe is located on a cliff, and the cliff is covered with large and small caves. Next to the tribe is a relatively wide stream. At this time, many young females are cleaning animal skins by the stream.

After seeing Su Tang who was escorted back by Yin Zhi and others, many people stopped what they were doing and whispered to the people around them.

Because of the distance, Su Tang couldn't hear what they were saying, but her intuition was related to her.

There is a steep slope beside the cliff, with several branches scattered at different heights, all leading to various caves.

One of them was steep and straight to the big cave at the top of the cliff, Su Tang thought, that should be the cave of the chief of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Yin Zhi stopped and shouted respectfully into the cave, "Patriarch, Yin Zhi has something to see."

Not long after, a clear voice came out from inside, "Come in."

When I entered the cave, I found that the light inside was not as dim as I imagined, and I didn't know if it was because I had improved my physique.

Su Tang turned his attention to the orc sitting on the stone covered with yellow tiger skin.

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