Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Nine hundred and eighty fifth chapter ending two

Remember in a second【】

Su Tang waved her hand indifferently like a scumbag, and her casual attitude was like a satiated nightmare beast.

This attitude made Big Tiger very dissatisfied, and white light flashed around him again.

Cain, who recovered into a human body, hugged Su Tang tightly and would not let go.

Su Tang struggled for a while and didn't break free. In order not to let Ye Qiao find out, he didn't dare to make too much noise.

He stretched out his hand and twisted the soft flesh around Cain's waist, and said in a low voice, "Then don't make trouble, sleep well, and leave early tomorrow, don't let your mother find out."

It was the age group of young blood, with soft fragrance and gentle jade in his arms, Cain's whole body was very stiff.

Since his ability was upgraded to level 7, his physique has taken a further leap forward, and Su Tang's strength in pinching him can't even be said to tickle him.

On the contrary, because of this vague provocation, the breathing of the whole person became a little rough.

Cain nodded indiscriminately, "Well, hurry up and sleep."

Su Tang closed his eyes in peace.

Cain kept his word, and slept with his arms around her very peacefully throughout the night, without any irregular behavior.

Have a good night's sleep.

When Su Tang opened his eyes again, there was no one beside him. He touched the cold bed, which proved that the other party had been away for a long time.


"Please come in."

With the sound of pushing the door, Ye Qiao walked in with a wedding dress, followed by Hongguo, Liuye, Qingguo and several other dexterous women who were familiar with Su Tang.

Seeing that Su Tang was still sitting on the bed in a daze, Ye Qiao pulled her out without any hesitation.

"You are getting married today, are you still sleeping? Hurry up and dress up, I guarantee that you will be the most beautiful boy in Taoyuan today!"

Su Tang was a little dumbfounded.

Yes, she is getting married today.

But I don't know why, but I don't feel anything at all.

It's the anticipation of getting married.

Excitement, novelty, none of it.

But if you ask her again if she is happy about marrying Cain, she will also feel very happy.

But it's just that I don't know where the problem is.

Su Tang guessed in her heart that maybe it was because since she came to the Beast World Continent, except for the two months when she was forced to separate, she stayed with Cain for the rest of the time.

They have been together for too long, and they are too familiar with each other, so gradually, there is no such freshness, and instead they form a kind of mutual dependence.

In fact, this is not bad.

Although there is no novelty, her sense of belonging to Cain, Taoyuan, and even Beast World Continent is getting stronger and stronger.

"Hey, the hair ornament is a little crooked, move it again!"

Ye Qiao's exclamation brought Su Tang back to his senses.

Su Tang looked at herself in the mirror with a smile on her face.

On the fair and slender neck is a string of round pearl necklaces, and the hair ornament on the head is also a combination of pearls and small shells, shining with a different kind of luster, which echoes the accessories around the neck and is extremely harmonious.

The only cosmetic is a lip balm extracted from a red flower. The red is enchanting, and it is very eye-catching and charming when applied on the lips.

But what needs to be careful is that this lip balm is pure natural and has no additives, so the durability is not good, it will fall off after a little rubbing, and it will last until the end of the wedding ceremony at most.

I don't know how long he was tossed about, Su Tang was a little drowsy.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and then, before she was fully awake, she was pushed to her feet and walked towards the door.

The sun was so dazzling today that Su Tang, who was fascinated, could barely open his eyes.

Like me getting rich in the world of beasts

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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