Carrie's home is located in a remote part of the town.

Although there are many religious people in the United States, Carrie's mother, Ms. Margaret, is a famous fanatical believer.

Fanatics have always been known for being crazy and unable to listen to what others say.

No one likes this kind of person.

Because not only do they believe in crazy bigotry themselves, they even force others to accept their bigoted ideas.

The fact that Margaret has not been beaten for so long in the town is already the result of other people's kindness.

But that's all.

Thanks to her fanatical mother, Carrie was not liked by the townsfolk since she was a child.

Some groups provide a closed environment where members reinforce extremist ideas among each other and subsequently gradually lose their critical thinking abilities.

Eventually he became a "fanatic believer" in various fields.

This is how extremist people in religion and food circles emerge.

If it is not controlled, it is basically the same as a cult.

This kind of people are what Xu Wang hates the most.

Everyone said that Xu Wang was crazy.

But in Xu Wang's opinion, they are the crazy ones.

If it weren't for Carrie's sake, Xu Wang would just want to kill him with one blow.

"Then, I'll go in first. If I can persuade mom, you don't have to keep pretending to be an angel."

Carrie still tried her best to fight for it.

Xu Wang knew that some people always wanted to try something, so he didn't refuse.

Carrie nodded and returned home nervously.

It may be due to financial constraints, or it may be Margaret's resistance to modern technology.

Their home is a bit dark and feels gloomy.


The wooden door creaked, and Carrie walked into the house with slow steps.

She found that the wooden door of the storage room had been damaged.

Today, in order to attend the party, Carrie locked Margaret who stopped her in the storage room.

The closed and dark storage room was where Margaret usually punished Carrie and gave her confinement.

Because of this, Carrie suffered from claustrophobia.

By this time the wooden door had been destroyed.

This means that Margaret has run out on her own.

Carrie looked around for her mother and kept calling for her mother.

A great scene of a daughter coming home.

Because of the existence of Margaret, a crazy woman, it looks like a horror movie.

"Creak - creak -"

The wooden floor was loose and footsteps could be heard.

Carrie turned immediately.

He saw his mother standing behind him.

"Mom, listen to me..."


Carrie saw Margaret and immediately wanted to suggest taking her away from here.

But Margaret raised her index finger to tell Carrie to stop talking.


Carrie watched her mother approach her.

Although Margaret was expressionless and said nothing.

But the fear in Carrie's heart still spread involuntarily.

Margaret hugged Carrie gently.

Carrie was stunned for a moment, and then hugged Margaret in emotion.

"When he got me pregnant, I should have committed suicide... We were in the same bed, and our innocence was not insulted..."

Margaret hugged Carrie, but her eyes were a little vacant.

As if possessed, she began to talk about the past events between her and her husband more than ten years ago.

"Then one night, I saw him looking at me with burning eyes. We got down on one knee and asked for strength... That's when he took possession of me..."

The more Carrie listened, the more she felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

So she quickly shook her head: "No, Mom, I don't want to hear it."

"And I also like it very much..."

Margaret ignored Carrie and continued her story.

"No! Mom, stop talking."

Carrie let go of Margaret's arms and looked at her mother with a sad face.

Margaret gently touched Carrie's face with one hand and whispered: "When you were born, I should have dedicated you to God. But... I was weak, and I love you so much..."

After staring into Carrie's eyes for a moment, Margaret added, "Let's pray."

As usual, Carrie took Margaret's left hand in her hands, slowly knelt on the ground, and began to pray.

She did this just to hope that her mother would feel better.

"Our heavenly Father, may your name be hallowed, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on it is in heaven."

Margaret held Carrie, praying softly, and slowly raised the sharp knife hidden in her right hand.

Before Carrie could react, he stabbed her hard!

The sharp blade pierced Carrie's back!


Being attacked, my back hurts.

Carrie screamed instinctively!

The spiritual energy in his body exploded involuntarily, and while the sharp knife flew away, it also blew away Margaret in front of him!

Carrie herself slumped to the ground.

Margaret's knife completely made Carrie realize the reality.

Her mother, for the faith in her heart, would actually kill herself!

In Margaret's eyes, Carrie was born before she got married, which inherently represented uncleanness.

Now he has shown extraordinary abilities.

It even made Margaret regard Carrie as a devil.

Maybe she thought that by doing this, she was exorcising the devil righteously.

Outside the door, Xu Wang couldn't stand it anymore.

Faced with such a crazy mad woman, normal communication is impossible to use.

So Xu Wang, dressed as a fish-headed man and a little angel, pushed open the door and strode into the room!

Xu Wang came up, and in the shocked eyes of Margaret, without saying a word, he slapped her in the face!


Margaret, who had just stood up, was slapped to the ground by Xu Wang.

"You are guilty!"

Xu Wang pointed at Margaret's nose and cursed.

Margaret's eyes were full of stars.

Looking up at Xu Wang, who was looking down at her, her reason told her that this man was very strange.

But her cognition kept telling her that Xu Wang in front of her was a real angel!

Margaret had long been obsessed with religion, and she would be carried away by the slightest possibility.

Even if Xu Wang's perception attribute was only 8 now, it was very simple to change Margaret's cognition.

"Angel, how did you come in through the door?"

Margaret asked subconsciously.

Without saying a word, Xu Wang slapped her again!

"I'm a fucking angel! If I want to go through the door, I go through the door. If I want to climb through the window, I climb through the window! You can't stop me from going through the chimney or the sewer!"

Margaret was slapped twice, and her head was a little dizzy. But when she thought of the image of the angel in the Bible, she didn't match the person in front of her.

Reason made her timidly say: "You seem to be different from the angel in the Bible?"


Xu Wang slapped him again!

"Sinner! How dare you assume the appearance of an angel! You are so brave!"

"No, no, no! I don't! I really don't!"

After three personality correction palms, Xu Wang's image as an angel became more and more majestic in Margaret's cognition.


Xu Wang snorted coldly, and the whole person slowly floated up, staring down at Margaret from a condescending perspective: "In a few years, the Bible will be illegal. You still believe in the Bible. Do you have any brains?!"

"I tell you, angels just like to smoke, drink, perm their hair, and watch Deyun Club crosstalk. We are almost fed up with you praying and preaching all day long. You might as well make some comedy movies for us to watch."

"Look at you, you are lifeless all day long, and you don't believe in the bright and optimistic side of the Lord at all. You also regard our saint who came to the world as a devil! You want to assassinate her!"

"I think you are not a believer in the Lord at all! Tell me! Do you believe in Satan, so you keep torturing Carrie?!"

"Sinner! I question your impure faith!"

Xu Wang's head was shining with a flashlight.

Jason's hands lifted her armpits high, her feet off the ground, and looked down at Margaret with a majestic look!

Margaret's mind is now completely confused.

She only knows that her faith has been rejected by the angels.

This almost made her collapse!

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