This scavenger was a bit stubborn. Xu Wang just wanted to ask him some common sense about the wasteland, but he refused to say a word.

In the end, Xu Wang had no choice but to stuff his boxer briefs back into his mouth and twisted them a few times.

After doing all this, Xu Wang stared at the scavenger for a while.

After finding that he couldn't spit out his boxer briefs again, he nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, the question Xu Wang wanted to ask this man was very simple.

This was what Xu Wang thought of when he was pumping water from the well.

Logically speaking, even if a nuclear war broke out all over the world 213 years ago.

But with the nuclear bomb reserves of mankind, it is impossible to really wash the entire surface of the earth without leaving any vacant space.

It is said to be a global bombing.

The last bombing should also be some large cities and important places.

Most of the areas that have not been bombed, after 213 years, the radiation level should not be that high.

Even near Chernobyl, after decades of cleaning and monitoring, some areas have lifted restrictions.

With the development capabilities of mankind.

There must be a lot of places that can be reclaimed and cultivated.

There is no reason why the wasteland is still in such a mess after 213 years.

Xu Wang has also seen the farm in Bing Town.

There are very few crops.

This is very unscientific.

And the so-called nuclear radiation can cause biological mutations, which is even more strange.

Xu Wang seriously doubts that these so-called nuclear radiations are not the kind of nuclear radiation he knows.

But think about it carefully.

These questions may be a bit profound.

Asking this wastelander may not get the answer.

Most people in the wasteland are still working hard to fill their stomachs. Perhaps only by finding similar scientists or scholars can Xu Wang's curiosity be satisfied.

After all, there are so many strange places in this wasteland world.

If there were not many places here that are different from the "Fallout" series of games, Xu Wang would have doubted whether he had come to the "Fallout" world.

But it is precisely because of this that this world seems more and more weird.

Since it is not the "Fallout" game world.

Why are there things related to the "Fallout" world here?

Xu Wang couldn't figure it out, and finally chose to give up thinking.

Anyway, he would know what he wanted to know after staying in the wasteland for a long time.

Before that, Xu Wang planned to tidy up the factory first.

Keep what he wanted and sell what he didn't want.

This would be his base outside Bing Town in the future.

Now that he had a free place to stay, he could save the money to buy or rent a house in Bing Town.

It took a whole morning.

Xu Wang cleaned up all the garbage in the factory.

Most of it was useless to Xu Wang, so he planned to sell it directly at Sanfan Tavern.

Xu Wang's waist bag had a storage limit.

It couldn't hold everything even when it was full.

In the end, he could only sew and modify the three small backpacks he found to make a dog backpack similar to a saddle bag.

This dog backpack is for Tiezhu.

After Tiezhu put it on, both sides of his body and his back could be stored.

Tiezhu's favorite dog bowl was also placed on the side of the backpack.

Now he doesn't have to hold the bowl all the time.

Tiezhu seemed very happy about this new equipment.

But it didn't stay happy for long, and soon it couldn't laugh anymore.

Xu Wang just regarded it as a useful laborer.

Soon the dog's backpack was filled with garbage, and Tiezhu felt the burden of making a living for the first time.


As a working dog, Husky behaved quite reliably when he had work.

After getting used to the burden on his body, Tiezhu soon became active again.

Not only Tiezhu.

Xu Wang also carried a big bag on his back, and even his hands were not idle.

After confirming that everything was taken, Xu Wang took Tiezhu out.

The factory building was in a forest near Bing Town.

It was not far from Bing Town.

It was less than one kilometer.

There was also a railway on the way.

Xu Wang specially checked this railway.

It was found that it was well maintained, indicating that there were still trains in use.

The forest where the factory building was located was relatively high, and there was a small river flowing next to it.

If it weren't for the high concentration of radiation in the river water, this would still be a good base.

Soon, Xu Wang and Tie Zhu returned to Bing Town again.

The second time, Xu Wang was undoubtedly more familiar with the road.

After entering the town, many people cast their eyes over.

After all, their large and small bags were too obvious.

Xu Wang didn't care. The creed of not showing off wealth was not valid for him at all.

Anyway, they wouldn't do it in the town.

They would definitely wait until he had dealt with the garbage, find a time and place with few people, and directly rob his coins.

Xu Wang was looking forward to it.

The robber would definitely hurt him.

If he died, he would become stronger and then travel through time.

When he came back, he could take revenge again.

Kill the robbers and take their property as compensation for his mental damages.

Then come to Bing Town to sell, get robbed again, and travel through time again!

Infinite cycle.

It's really a good way to make money.

Those who can be killed by him are all those greedy guys.

He can also handle the public security of Bing Town.

If the sheriff of Bing Town doesn't give me a banner, he will be sorry for his selfless contribution.

"Hey! Xu Wang!"

A familiar voice came from the edge of the city wall.

Xu Wang looked back and found that it was indeed Nick Young and his stall.

"I haven't seen you for more than a day, I thought you were dead!"

Nick Young was also outspoken.

Xu Wang smiled and waved his hand: "Thank you for your blessing! I died once, but the harvest was not bad."

"Hahaha! You are really a joker!"

Nick Young thought Xu Wang was joking.

He just looked at some malicious wastelanders next to him, and his expression was a little worried.

Xu Wang didn't talk much with Nick Young, and soon went to Sanfan Tavern to sell goods.

Most of the wastelanders didn't have much savings.

If there was something good, they would dispose of it almost as soon as they got it.

Therefore, the garbage of the six wastelanders in the factory was not much.

Xu Wang disposed of and sold the garbage that they usually used but Xu Wang didn't need.

For example, those unknown dried meats.

When selling, Xu Wang asked a question.

I learned from the tavern that most of these dried meats were animal dried meats.

Among them was the giant fly that Xu Wang had killed.

Perhaps because he could see what Xu Wang wanted to ask, the bartender kindly explained a few words: "You just came to the surface and don't know. Under normal circumstances, we don't easily eat human flesh."

"For some reason, that thing has a higher radiation level than anything else. Even after cooking, ordinary people will quickly deepen their radiation exposure after eating it."

"What is popular in the market is human eyes and organs. As for food, only radiated people and radiated corpses can eat it orally."

As he said, the bartender who was counting the bill paused.

He looked up at Xu Wang and said: "Of course, you shelter residents are different. Especially for people like you who have just entered the wasteland, your meat is clean, and many people will like it."

"Thank you, I already know the last one."

Xu Wang nodded politely.

Finally, the bill was settled.

Xu Wang sold the things he searched in the factory for a total of 187 coins.

It was much less than I thought.

Adding the 156 coins found from the six people in the factory, the total amount of coins harvested this time was 343.

At first glance, it seems okay?

But if you think about it carefully, this is the savings of six people, and it feels so little.

In any case, it has been a short time since I entered the wasteland.

I already have a huge sum of 571 coins.

Most of this money was sponsored by "kind people".

As expected, if you want to get rich quickly, you have to rely on "kind people".

Thinking of this, Xu Wang said goodbye to the bartender and left the Sanfan Tavern.

As soon as he left the tavern, the sensitive Xu Wang immediately found that the atmosphere around him was a little wrong.

No way?

These wastelanders are so bold?

So impatient to start in the town?

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