The pirates haven't come yet.

This night, the mermaids spontaneously took turns to be on guard.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, when the sun just came out, five or six large and small pirate ships appeared in the distance outside the Mermaid Island.

Pirates are coming!

Chapter 0018 Indiscriminate bombing!

There are six pirate ships in total.

Two large ships tens of meters long, plus four smaller ships.

Compared with the previous pirate ship, this pirate is obviously stronger!

Pirates with six ships are rare!

At this time, on the pirate ship, a pirate wearing a hat was holding a telescope-like object, looking at Mermaid Island from a distance.

The short hills outside Mermaid Island acted as a good line of sight shield, and the pirate couldn't see much.

However, the pirate could clearly see the arrow tower on the short hill.

"Captain, according to the boy from the White Shark King's family, the number of mermaids that entered this island is at least 200. Adding the original mermaids on this island, the number of mermaids is at least 300! Even if a mermaid is sold for only 100,000 gold coins , That's 30 million gold coins, 30 million gold coins, do you really want that kid to take the lead?"

Beside this pirate, another pirate asked.

The pirate captain glanced at the floating sharks around the pirate ship, and said, "Thirty million gold coins, even if we only account for 40%, it is still twelve million gold coins, so many gold coins, enough for us to buy them from the West Court Kingdom." There are a few big ships, and the seven pirate kings in the Western Ocean are famous, and if I win this deal, I can become the eighth pirate king! I can even establish a pirate kingdom!"

Speaking of this, the pirate captain's eyes flashed with fire: "Don't you want to build a powerful pirate kingdom with me?"

"I want to! Of course I want to!"

As soon as the pirate captain's voice fell, a large number of pirates cheered in the rear.

There are dozens of pirates on this pirate ship.

On the pirate ship next to it, some pirates also cheered!

"But, captain... why did that kid choose us to cooperate? The fleet under the White Shark King is not weak."

The pirate next to him hesitated.

"The wings are hard. I want to stand on my own. There are rumors that this kid has defected. Don't worry too much. This area is not the world of the White Shark King."

The pirate captain didn't care.

While speaking, several pirate ships had already approached Mermaid Island.

"Captain, there are reefs!"

A small pirate ship at the front.

"Sail down, stop the boat!"

Said the pirate captain.

The sails on several pirate ships lowered, and they stopped far away, lined up.

A boat has already been launched and went to the reef area to explore the way.

"Captain, there are many arrow towers on the island. There are so many reefs. Large ships cannot pass them. If a small boat lands, there will be many casualties. Unfortunately, we should buy a magic cannon from the Kingdom of Xiting and pull out these arrow towers. .”

A pirate road.

The pirate captain shook his head, and said: "The magic cannon of the Xiting Kingdom can only hit five kilometers. It's too far here, and the magic cannon can't reach it. Let the boy of the White Shark King's family let the shark attack first, but let the boy Control point, don't let the shark kill the mermaid."

"Yes, Captain."

The pirate ran away.


At the same time, on Mermaid Island, the pirate ships had lowered their sails, Ren said.

It was the right decision to wipe out that pirate ship last time. Now these pirates don't know that the crossbow tower on Mermaid Island can hit ten kilometers away.

After these pirate ships lowered their sails, it took time to raise them again, and it took even more time to escape.

And the time in between is enough for the Water Arrow Tower to launch several rounds of attacks.

In the southeast of Mermaid Island, there are more than 20 water arrow towers capable of hitting these pirate ships.

Rennes had already informed the mermaids before the war started. In order from left to right, four water arrow towers aimed at a pirate ship.

Moreover, Ren asked them to attack the deck with flaming crossbow bolts in the first round, which could cause panic and make the pirates panic!

In the second round, attack the hull with a crossbow bolt with a blasting effect!


After the pirate ships came to a complete standstill, Ren gave an order.

Next to it, Leah picked up the mermaid horn and blew it.

As soon as the mermaid's horn sounded, more than 20 water arrow towers in the southeast launched an attack at the same time!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

More than twenty crossbow arrows rushed towards the pirate ship at a terrifying speed!

After the first round of attacks, the mermaids quickly reloaded their arrows, drew their bows, and took aim!

They have gone through a lot of training and are already familiar with the whole process.

So, only ten seconds later, the second round of crossbow arrows rushed out again!

At this time, the first round of crossbow arrows had not yet arrived.

"Captain, crossbow arrows!"

When the first round of crossbow arrows flew out, someone on the pirate ship discovered it.

However, like the reaction of the pirates last time, none of the pirates thought that these crossbow bolts could hit them.

Even the pirate captain didn't care.

However, when those crossbow arrows flew halfway, the pirate captain finally felt something bad in his heart.

"Raise the sails first."

Said the pirate captain.

However, it is too late!

The sailors just walked under the mast when four crossbow bolts fell from the sky and hit the deck of the pirate ship.

"Bump, bump~"

There were four loud bangs in succession.

The deck of the pirate ship was directly shot through, and three unlucky ghosts were directly penetrated!


At the same time, a glass vial under the tip of the crossbow arrow exploded, and flames shot out in all directions.

An attack equivalent to four high-level fireballs instantly caused a fire on the deck.

The pirate ship suddenly fell into a panic!

Those sailors who were preparing to hoist the sails were in a mess in an instant!

"Bump, bump~"

Immediately afterwards, there were four loud bangs.

At the same time as the four loud bangs sounded, it was also accompanied by the sound of four explosions.

The second round of crossbow arrows has arrived!

"Sail quickly and get out of here!"

The pirate captain was completely dumbfounded, but as a captain, he did not forget the most important thing.

However, the sailors were in a panic, and no one cared about hoisting the sails.

And at this time, the third round of crossbow arrows arrived again!

"Welcome to an indiscriminate bombardment!"

On the Mermaid Island, Ren raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 0019 Sink! Typical of pit teammates!

"Bump, bump~"

The crossbow bolt with blasting effect hit the hull, and the effect was much better than last time.

The last time the crossbow pierced through the thick oak plank, at most a small hole was brought out.

But this time, when the crossbow bolt with blasting effect hit the hull, the explosion directly blasted the hull into holes with a diameter of more than 50 centimeters!

As soon as there are more holes like this, the speed of these pirate ships entering the water becomes quite fast!

Therefore, although the size of the pirate ship this time is obviously larger than the previous one, due to the better effect of the upgraded crossbow bolts, in a short period of time, the hulls of the six pirate ships began to flood the seawater with a few rounds of crossbow bolts!

"Quick! Raise the sails!"

The pirate captain himself ran up to the mainmast and hoisted the sail by the rope.

With the cooperation of several skilled sailors, the sails can be raised within a minute.

The strength of the pirate captain is not weak, he can pull the sail by himself, and the speed of raising the sail is not slow.

But when he raised the sails, the pirate ship seemed to have been attacked by crossbow arrows for seven or eight rounds. There were holes everywhere on the hull, and sea water poured in madly!

The pirate captain quickly tied the rope that fixed the sail, and looked at the deck. The fire had been extinguished by the sailors.

"Turn the rudder quickly and get out of the range of these crossbow arrows!"

The pirate captain shouted and wiped his sweat, but before he could heave a sigh of relief, a sailor beside him exclaimed:

"Captain, it's bad, the ship is sinking!"

When the pirate captain saw it, his heart suddenly became cold.

Because... the pirate ship is indeed sinking, and it's not sinking slowly.

"Bump, bump~"

There were four more loud noises, and four holes were opened again in the hull of this pirate ship.

It doesn't matter that the two holes are up there.

But there are two more holes below the waterline, and that's going to kill you. !

"Ah... ah..."

At this time, screams came.

The pirate captain took a look and saw that a small pirate ship next to him was even worse, half sunk.

Some crew members above accidentally fell into the water and were immediately attacked by sharks.

"No, Shark!"

The face of the pirate captain changed.

"What is that kid from the White Shark King's family doing? Why don't these sharks stop attacking?"

The pirate captain shouted loudly.

"Captain, that kid said that the shark can't be controlled when it sees blood, and there's nothing he can do about it."

A pirate road.

The pirate captain saw that indeed, many pirates who fell into the water were injured.

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