The size of this shark is quite large, and its length is more than 30 meters long!

Next to this shark, there are several great white sharks that are seven or eight meters long!

"Mermaids, just be obedient and catch them, you are no match for whale sharks."

On the whale shark, the man said.

This man is the Shark Whisperer who has never shown up.

"Hahahaha, you really have a trick."

Seeing this, the pirate captain laughed.

"It's the whale shark and the great white shark! The shark whisperer has summoned all the whale sharks!"

Mermaid Eve's expression changed.

She is also in Attack of the Mermaids.

The whale shark, the largest shark, is about 30 meters long and is an authentic giant.

What's more, there are seven or eight extremely ferocious great white sharks around!

"Sisters, be careful!"

Eve quickly blew the conch and called the killer whale over.

However, the killer whale is still far away, and it is not so fast to come over.

"Hmph, don't you cry when you see the coffin?"

The shark whisperer snorted coldly.

He played again.

Immediately, the eight great white sharks surrounded them.

Seeing that those great white sharks were about to rush over, suddenly, from the depths of the seabed, a huge monster rushed out and swallowed a great white shark in one gulp.

"The ancient species, the ancient species is here!"

Eve is overjoyed!

The ancient whale she summoned finally came!

Moreover, the ferocity of this ancient species was beyond imagination, and it actually ate a great white shark in one bite!

The size of the ancient species is also quite terrifying, much larger than the whale shark.

As soon as it appeared, those great white sharks aimed at it one by one as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

On that whale shark, the shark whisperer blew a piccolo, and all the great white sharks turned around at the same time, besieging the ancient whale together.

Whale sharks also charge at ancient species.

But the ancient species was unusually strong, and even under siege, it still fiercely swallowed another great white shark.

At this time, the support of the mermaids also arrived.

Dozens of mermaids attacked the whale shark in batches. The whale shark was indeed ferocious, but the mermaids were too flexible. After a while, the whale shark had a lot of wounds.

The Shark Whisperer's face changed drastically. He never expected that the opponent's Whale Whisperer not only summoned the ancient species, but the key is that these mermaids are still so powerful!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Next to it, there are mermaids constantly attacking the boat.

"Run away!"

The pirate captain's face changed drastically, and he urged to escape!

"You can't escape!"

Mia chased after them with twenty mermaids, shooting arrows continuously.


The magician among the pirates was using magic to speed up the boat, and he was shot by an arrow without noticing it.

"Don't kill me, I'm..."

The magician shouted anxiously, but before his voice fell, he was shot by Mia with an arrow.

No matter who you are, on the battlefield, you are the enemy!

When the magician died, the pirate captain turned pale.

"I surrender……"

The captain who wanted to be the eighth Pirate King a moment ago, even wanted to be the Pirate King...surrendered!

"His Royal Highness Ren said that no prisoners will be taken!"

After Mia finished speaking, she let go of the bow and arrow in her hand!


More than twenty arrows shot the pirate captain into a hedgehog!

On the other side, the battle between the ancient species and the sharks is still going on.

This ancient species is too cruel.

In a short period of time, four great white sharks were killed by it, and the whale shark was also scarred under the attack of the mermaids!

"You actually summoned the ancient species!"

Shark Whisperer didn't expect Eve to be as powerful at all.

Seeing that the ancient species was so ferocious, and the strength of the mermaids was beyond expectations, the shark whisperer no longer wanted to fight, so the whale shark turned around and plunged into the water, trying to escape.

But... can you escape?

"We attack the great white shark!"

cried Eve.

The mermaids change targets, and Eve blows the conch.

The ancient species changed its target in an instant, rushed towards the whale shark, and bit off the tail of the whale shark with one bite.

Seeing this scene, the Shark Whisperer was so frightened that he lost his mind.

The ancient whale rushed straight up, took another bite, and swallowed the shark whisperer.

On the other side, the mermaids also dealt with four great white sharks.

So far, this team of powerful pirates, plus a shark whisperer, has been wiped out in one go!

Chapter 0021 Twenty boxes of gold coins! Great harvest! Build a Whale Ship!

All the pirates were killed.

After these pirates fell into the water, they were eaten by other sharks without even leaving their bodies due to the wounds on their bodies.

Instead, clean up the surrounding area of ​​Mermaid Island.

After the Shark Whisperer died, the surviving sharks were out of control.

These sharks themselves had no desire to attack the Mermaid Island, and immediately ran around one by one.

The ferocious ancient species began to drive these sharks away.


The mermaids came to the sunken ship of the six pirate ships and began to search for the treasures inside.

The wealth of the pirates is basically carried with the ship, and only some large pirate gangs will have special secret strongholds.

The mermaids quickly found a large number of boxes full of gold coins from the four pirate ships.

After the mermaids dragged these boxes back to the island, Ren counted that there were twenty boxes full of gold coins.

Each box contains a large number of gold coins.

After Ren threw them into the system warehouse, the system warehouse quickly gave the statistical results.

A total of nearly 300,000 gold coins!

This pirate team was indeed much richer than the previous pirate team with only one ship!

There are so many gold coins!

"The defense is successful, the main task is completed, the host gains 100 experience, and 10,000 gold coins."

The sound of the system also rang.

Defending against pirate attacks will naturally trigger the main quest, and the rewards are quite a lot.

Ren looked at his panel.

[Host: Ren (Marine Rancher)

Owned pastures: Mermaid Island, Whale Ranch, Ocean Tree (seed status)

Occupation: Level 3 Magician (2104/5000)

Ranch Life: Mermaids, Whales

Items: 380,000 gold coins, a design blueprint of the whale ship]

After diligently developing for so long, Ren has become a Tier 3 and Tier 1 magician!

The total number of gold coins also reached 380,000.

Of course, the gold coins obtained from pirates will still be discounted.

Ren didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Build the whale ship first, and then plant the ocean tree."

Ryan thought.

These pirates really like to be good and good.

If there were no pirates, Ren would still need to accumulate a few days of gold coins to build the whale ship.

But now, it can be built immediately.

In addition, once Renn plants the Ocean Tree, he can also use gold coins to accelerate the growth of the Ocean Tree!

"Main task, use the blueprint of the whale ship and the mermaid weapon workshop to build a whale ship, the task reward: experience 100, gold coins 10,000."

The sound of the system sounded again.

Ren came to the mermaid weapon workshop, opened the system panel, started the mermaid weapon workshop, and put the blueprint of the whale ship into it.

"It takes one hundred thousand gold coins to build a whale ship, do you want to build it?"

The system beeps.

Ryan clicked yes.

"Please ask the host to drop a drop of ancient whale's blood on the contract."

At this time, the system generates a contract.

Ren entrusted Eve with this matter.

Soon, Eve came back with the contract, and there was a drop of dried blood on the contract.

"Under construction...the construction time is 24 hours."

The sound of the system sounded again.

Too many gold coins are needed to accelerate, so Ren didn't choose to accelerate, but came to the building where the Mermaid Island was discussing, and looked down at the mermaids gathered there.

"We... have won!"

Ryan said.

The mermaids cheered.

This victory greatly encouraged their confidence.

In the past, when faced with vicious pirates of this scale, they could only hide and run for their lives.

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