Under the huge impact force, the hull of the pirate ship's wooden shield couldn't stop the sharp horns from entering~

The pirates on the deck suddenly couldn't stand still, and were knocked out of the air~


Suddenly, there was a violent impact sound.

The pirate ship directly followed in the footsteps of the first pirate ship, and was hit in half by a whale ship!

After the broken hull fell to the sea surface, it began to sink rapidly.

After the whale ship finished off the second pirate ship, it flicked its tail again and rushed towards the third pirate ship.

"Hurry up!"

On that pirate ship, all the pirates panicked!

Some pirates had no idea that there were such terrifying steel behemoths in this area!

On that pirate ship, the sails had been completely bulged.

But how could the speed of this pirate ship be comparable to the speed of ancient whales.

In a blink of an eye, the whale ship had already caught up.


The pirates on the pirate ship kept firing arrows, and they even had powerful crossbow bolts.

However, whether it is an ordinary bow or crossbow, there is no good way to take the whale ship.

The pirates could only watch helplessly as the whale ship chased after them.

"It's over!"

Some pirates groaned in despair and helplessness!

They have always made others despair, but today they have realized what true despair is.

It's like a death row inmate waiting to be executed.

Fortunately, this time is not long.

In a blink of an eye, the whale ship rushed up and hit the pirate ship obliquely.


With the sound of the third impact, the pirate ship was hit in half again by the whale ship.

"Mom, run away!"

The pirate souls on the fourth pirate ship were frightened and ran away crazily.

This pirate ship is smaller, but also slightly faster.

The pirates above were scurrying around like ants on a hot pan.

"It's coming, hurry up~"

"It's too fast!"

"It's over, it's over..."



Some pirates couldn't bear to jump off the pirate ship.


In the next second, there was a violent impact sound, and this smaller pirate ship...was directly smashed into pieces by the whale ship!

The people on the merchant ship were also completely terrified. They watched the steel giant wipe out all four pirate ships in a short period of time, and they were also dumbfounded!

Chapter 0032 A lot of gold coins! The legend of the ghost ship!

"His Royal Highness, all the gold coins on this ship are here."

Under the sea, two mermaids moved out a lot of gold coins from a sunken ship.

Among them was the bag of gold coins given by the merchant ship.

After Ren put them into the system warehouse, he found that there were quite a few gold coins.

There are more than 10,000 gold coins used by merchant ships to buy pirates' lives.

The pirate ship carried more gold coins, more than 50,000 gold coins.

These gold coins are packed in different containers, and they seem to come from different places, and they are probably the harvest obtained by this pirate ship this time.

This shows that these pirate ships may have robbed more than one merchant ship this time.

Added up, the total amount of gold coins is almost 70,000.

"Look at the other ships!"

The Whale Ship swam towards the wreck of several other pirate ships.

When the whale ship crashed into several pirate ships, more than a dozen mermaids on it had already gone down. They tracked the location of the sunken ship and searched for the gold coins inside.

Rather than talking slowly with the pirates, Ren prefers to destroy all the pirate ships like this, and then let the mermaid search for gold coins.

Ren is very satisfied with the power of the whale ship.

Simply the king of water battles!

With the Whale Seaship, Ren didn't worry about being missed by the pirates after the Ocean Tree rushed out of the water.

"Let Eve summon a few ancient whales later, and build a few more whale ships."

Ryan thought.

If there are a few more such sharp weapons, the Ocean Tree will be foolproof.

The blueprint of the Whale Ship is still in the Mermaid Arms Hut, so it can still be built.

It just needs a lot of gold coins, 100,000 gold coins per car.

However, it's okay for these whale ships to act together. If they act separately, they need to cultivate some mermaids who can control them.

"I don't know if the Whale Whisperer's talent can be obtained through training, even if it's just simple communication, it should be enough."

Ryan said to himself.

After the ocean tree breaks out of the sea, sea elves can be born continuously, and the income that can be contributed every day will also be greatly increased.

Moreover, Mermaid Island and Whale Ranch are now earning a very high income, and can produce more than 20,000 gold coins every day.

For gold coins, it will gradually become looser.

Even with the accumulation of pasture output, five days is enough to build a whale ship.

Besides... tried it out

After seeing the power of the Whale Ship, Ren's confidence increased greatly. He can still rob some pirates as he is doing now.

He had heard from Leah that there were seven pirate kings in the Western Ocean. These seven pirate kings not only owned many ships, but also had a lot of wealth. They must be much richer than these little pirates, right?

While Ren was thinking about this, another mermaid brought up a box full of gold coins.

Some gold coins were also thrown out, but the mermaids all collected the gold coins again, and not many were left behind.

The seabed in this area is relatively flat.

After all the gold coins were collected, Ren made a count, and there were a total of 150,000 gold coins.

Compared with the last time, the pirates had much less gold coins.

But it is enough for Ren to upgrade the Ocean Tree, and he can also build a lot of defensive buildings.

"Ascension now."

Ryan thought.

The Cetacean ship began to return.

As for the merchant ship and the pirates who fell into the water, Rennes was not interested in it.

The merchant ship escaped, and the pirates would certainly not be bothered.

There are no small islands nearby, and there are still many sharks. These pirates will not survive much.

Ren guessed it right. After the recent shock, the merchant ship left there quickly, regardless of the life and death of the pirates.

And after the merchant ship landed, the news of a powerful and mysterious ghost ship appearing on the ocean, which came and went without a trace, began to spread rapidly.

Chapter 0033 Out into the sea! Huge canopy!

"Your Highness Ren, it's not difficult to just let them communicate with the ancient whales. They can learn it in a few days at most."

On the Cetus ship, the beautiful girl Eve said.

After talking to Eve, Ren understood.

Many mermaids have the ability to communicate with marine life, but they can't summon whales to fight for themselves on a large scale like her.

In fact, like Leah, she can also communicate with small groups of fish to find her way.

Even she can communicate with common whales.

Ancient whales are somewhat special, they belong to a kind of ferocious whale deep in the ocean, but after Eve's training, a few days are enough to communicate and control them alone.

After hearing Eve's words, Ren immediately decided to ask her to summon some ancient whales to build more whale ships!

Ren activated the island owner's blessing for Eve, and on the way back to the Ocean Tree, Eve blew a conch along the way.

After returning to the Ocean Tree, Renn looked at his total gold coins, and there were already more than 200,000.

"You can upgrade the Ocean Tree."

Ryan thought.

One hundred thousand gold coins were spent.

"The promotion is successful, and the promotion time is 1 hour."

The sound of the system sounds.

"Why so fast this time?"

Ren was a little surprised.

It took more than a day to grow from a larva to a mature body.

Unexpectedly, it only takes one hour to upgrade from a mature body to a full body?

However, short time is a good thing.

Ren cheered up and waited patiently.

After the sound of the system ended, the Ocean Tree began to jump up quickly.

Next to Ren, the sea elf girl Lan Sha looked at the rapidly growing ocean tree with joy on her face!

Such rapid growth, in the eyes of the sea elf Lansha, is no different from a miracle!

As soon as the sea elf Lansha was born, she already regarded Ren as her creator and her supreme god.

Now, seeing the rapid growth of the ocean tree, in the heart of the sea elf Lansha, Ren is simply incomparably great!

There has never been an ocean tree with such a growth rate in history!

In a short period of time, the crown of the Ocean Tree has already approached the surface of the sea.

Then, the Ocean Tree seemed to be brewing something, and stopped about one meter away from the sea surface. After ten minutes of brewing like this, the Ocean Tree rushed out of the sea!


On the canopy of the Ocean Tree, the sea water was pouring down, as if it was raining heavily!

After the Ocean Tree rushed out of the sea, it continued to climb upwards at an astonishing speed.

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