At this time, the sound of the system sounded.

"It's not the third official ranch. Do you need two 3-stars or one 4-star?"

Ren was a little surprised.

After Mermaid Island reached 3 stars, Rain got a second career opportunity!

"So, I can practice both magic and martial arts?"

Ryan couldn't help thinking.

There are many professions in this world.

And there are many sub-professions.

The growth rate and growth rate of each profession are different, but for Ren, after choosing a second profession, he can also directly use the experience gained from the main task to upgrade.

It's quite convenient.

Ren glanced at the system panel, and his eyes stayed on a profession.

"Sea Warrior."

Immediately afterwards, Ren saw the description of this occupation:

[The fighters specially trained by the Sea Clan are very good at underwater combat. After the host chooses, they will also have the ability to fight underwater, and will gradually have the physical strength of the Sea Clan fighters, but it will not change the host's human physical characteristics. . 】

"You are the one."

Ryan took a fancy to this career.

the reason is simple.

Rennes' system is a marine ranch system, and his future base camp will be in the ocean, so Rennes is preparing to equip himself with certain underwater combat capabilities.

It doesn't change his physical characteristics anyway.

Moreover, there is a second job, and there may be a third job in the future.

If you want something else, just wait for the third job to come and choose.

[Host: Ren (Marine Rancher)

Owned pastures: Mermaid Island, Whale Ranch, Ocean Tree

Occupation: Level 4 Magician (5208/20000), Sea Warrior (0/100)

Ranch Life: Mermaid, Whale, Sea Elf

Items: 80,000 gold coins, 3 whale ships]

Although it took more than half a month to develop, because Rennes built a lot of buildings, updated the equipment of mermaids and sea elves, and spent 100,000 gold coins to build 2 new whale ships, so Rennes now has Only 80,000 gold coins.

However, with Renn's current output of 100,000 gold coins, the gold coins came quite quickly.

"You can upgrade Mermaid Island."

Ryan thought.

"Main task, choose the upgrade direction of Mermaid Island, upgrade Mermaid Island, task reward: experience 300, gold coins 30,000."

The sound of the system sounds.

The main mission is here.

"Upgrade direction."

Ren opened the system panel.

There are several ways to upgrade Mermaid Island.

The first is to expand in situ, from the current 10 kilometers in diameter to 20 kilometers in diameter. The diameter has doubled, but the area has quadrupled.

The reef area will also expand accordingly.

In addition, the overall structure of Mermaid Island will become unstoppable, and the circle of rocks around the crater will become the hardest black rock that has been infused with some magical substances.

This upgrade plan is the cheapest, as long as 200,000 gold coins, two days of accumulation is enough.

The second is to turn Mermaid Island into a Mermaid Magic Island.

You can choose to expand the area, or you can choose not to expand.

After turning into a magic island, a large number of magic lines will be added to the short hills of Mermaid Island. These magic lines can be activated at critical times to form something similar to a protective cover. This protective cover can prevent Mermaid Island from being attacked by powerful monsters. Magic attack.

Or get attacked by things like magic cannons.

Although the range of the magic cannon made by the kingdom called Xiting is not half that of the magic crossbow, it is still quite safe with such a protective cover.

In addition, it can also prevent some powerful magicians who know space magic from directly entering through space magic.

Although I haven't encountered it yet.

But there must be magicians like that in this world.

In some legends, even "gods" are extremely unlikely to exist, and powerful magicians naturally exist.

Now Renn is still developing silently in one place, except for fighting three batches of pirates, it hasn't caused much movement yet.

So be prepared!

In addition, you can also build a mermaid magic tower as a hub.

Through this magic tower, the magic power of a magician can be increased, and the effect of practicing magic in it is better than that of the mermaid magic cottage.

In addition, there are many other special features, such as the growth of some beautiful magic plants, mermaids have lived here for a long time, even mermaids who are not talented enough in magic can more or less know some magic, etc. Wait.

This kind of plan is expensive. While upgrading the magic island, do not choose to expand the island, 800,000 gold coins, and it takes 8 days to accumulate gold coins.

Choose to expand the island, and add it to the gold coins of the first option, 1 million gold coins, it takes 10 days to accumulate gold coins.

Then there is the third one.

Turn Mermaid Island into a floating island that can move in the ocean.

This solution can also be upgraded together with the first two.

In other words, it can be expanded or turned into a magical floating island.

If it is purely a floating island, it will require 1 million gold coins, which will take 10 days to accumulate.

If it becomes a floating island and expands at the same time, it will be 1.2 million gold coins.

To become a floating island, to expand, and to become a magic island, just add up the gold coins of the three, that is 2 million gold coins!

Three upgrade options!

After Renn saw it, he quickly chose the third one, but combined it with the first and second ones.

That is, it expands again, becomes a magic island again, and becomes a floating island again, all three!

A little more gold coins is a little more!

Once and for all!

Chapter 0038 Let the pirates fear the ghost ship!

2 million gold coins, in Ryan's view, are not expensive.

After all, it has to expand and become a magic island with strong magic protection, and it has to become a floating island.

You get what you pay for.

For Rennes now, it takes 20 days to accumulate.

20 days is not long.

However, Ryan had a new idea.

That is to deal with pirates.

There seems to be a lot of pirates in this area.

Although I haven't seen pirates in the past month, it doesn't mean that pirates don't exist, it's just that they haven't passed by here.

Solving the pirates can also solve the hidden danger of the premature exposure of the Ocean Tree.

The current ocean tree can only be discovered if it is within 30 kilometers of the ocean tree.

On the 30-kilometer edge of the Ocean Tree, there are already more than one hundred killer whales and five ancient whales swimming around.

Ten mermaids in each of the two teams are also swimming around in control of two cetus ships.

There are also dozens of floating arrow towers with mermaids on duty in turn.

It can be said to be heavily defended.

Even if the pirates approached, they would be discovered immediately and eliminated.

However, there are still certain hidden dangers after all.

"The amount of ordinary pirate gold coins is not too much, so go directly to the Pirate King."

Ryan thought.

Hundreds of kilometers to the west of Mermaid Island, there are several shipping routes that often have merchant ships. The surrounding areas of those routes are also the places where pirates are most active. Around the long route from south to north, there are seven famous pirates active. king.

These pirate kings own a large number of ships and wealth, and some pirate kings are said to have connections with kingdoms on the mainland.

For example, when some kingdoms need these pirates to help them harass other kingdoms, they will give these pirates some benefits and information, which is one of the reasons why pirates are becoming more and more rampant.

It is said that there are also fleets of some kingdoms pretending to be pirates.

Ren didn't mean to do justice for the sky.

He purely wanted to rob the Pirate King and eliminate some hidden dangers by the way.

With the current defense of the Mermaid Island and the Ocean Tree, there is no need for Ren to be in charge, not to mention that Ren will not leave for too long.

Thinking of this, Ren confessed a few words to Mia, and after confessing a few words to the sea elf Lansha through the communication cabin on the tree of the ocean, he took Eve, Leah and 10 mermaids and set off excitedly. .

Wren's Cetus is still the original one.

After joining the whale ranch, this ancient whale grew significantly larger after nearly a month of growth.

Getting bigger is just a change in body shape.

Other changes are more obvious.

For example, this ancient whale is stronger and faster, its skin is thicker, and its defense is stronger.

In short, its strength has at least doubled compared to before!

The speed of the whale ship has already surpassed that of ordinary ships by several times.

At the speed of the whale ship, it only took a few hours to approach a route that often passes by merchant ships.

Not long after Ren arrived, he saw several merchant ships approaching from a distance. However, beside these merchant ships, there were several warships full of soldiers guarding them.

"Pirates will certainly not attack such a fleet."

Ryan thought.

Pirates are also bullying, and pirates don't come out every day.

Ren is not in a hurry.

Anyway, if you don't meet pirates, you have to accumulate 20 days of gold coins. Mermaid Island and Ocean Tree are not in any danger. There is also food and water in his system warehouse that can't be eaten for several years, so there is no need to rush.

Ren asked the whale ship to search around this route.

Naturally, the sea routes are not as narrow as the roads on land.

A route may mean an area hundreds of kilometers wide.

In the sea, in an area hundreds of kilometers wide, there are too many things that can be hidden.

And the number of small islands in this area is obviously more.

Such an environment is simply a paradise for pirates, because pirates can obtain supplies on small islands, and even use some small islands as bases.

Of course, unless it is a pirate king, ordinary pirates basically carry wealth with them, because they don't have enough strength to guard the place where the wealth is kept, and they don't trust those who keep the wealth for them.

There may also be some pirates who hide their wealth in secret caves and other places. When this pirate goes out and is destroyed, it is likely to leave treasure maps or the like...

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