In fact, Rennes can see the situation on the side of the early warning tower through the system, but there is no way to show these pictures.

"King, there are a lot of fish coming from the east."

After the alarm came, a mermaid hurried to report.

Ren took out the image from the warning tower and asked Eve next to him, "What kind of fish is this?"

In the image, an overwhelming school of fish is rushing towards the tree of the ocean. These fish are about 30 centimeters in length, with a rather large mouth full of teeth.

"Wang, this is a bigmouth fish. Bigmouth fish like to eat things rich in ocean energy. However, bigmouth fish rarely move around this area. It seems that they are attracted by the ocean tree."

Eve said.

Chapter 0047 Joint operations! Combat test! Blue Devil Shrimp!

There are a lot of big mouth fish.

They moved in groups, rushing out of the direction of the ocean tree overwhelmingly.

As far as the large mouth fish that Ren can see, the number is probably as high as tens of thousands. They are divided into many schools of fish, and they move in groups. The speed is not slow.

"Notify everyone, prepare to fight!"

Ren said to Eve.

Eve blows the mermaid horn.

The mermaid quickly entered the water and entered the floating arrow tower.

There are a hundred floating arrow towers built by Ren one after another. Calculated at 1,000 gold coins for each floating arrow tower, it cost Rennes 100,000 gold coins.

The Floating Arrow Tower Renn has not been upgraded yet.

The advantage of the floating arrow towers is that they can move within the range covered by the tree of the ocean, that is, their activity radius is within eight kilometers of the tree of the ocean.

These floating arrow towers moved quickly. Before the bigmouth fish arrived, 50 floating arrow towers moved to the east of the Ocean Tree. They would be the first line of defense.

These floating arrow towers are not on the same plane, but are located in different sea water depths, forming a three-dimensional line of defense.

Immediately afterwards, 200 fully armed mermaids also entered the water with weapons in hand, and more than 100 killer whales and whale ships were also in place.

On the tree of the ocean, more than two hundred sea elves also flew out, and the mermaids will solve the underwater threat.

Sea elves are more flexible because they can fly around the ocean tree, so they are equivalent to a support force that can move at any time, and support where the battle is fierce.

When all the sea elves and mermaids were in place, after another ten minutes, the overwhelming tortoises finally rushed within the range of the floating arrow tower.

Seeing those bigmouth fishes rushing over densely, 50 floating arrow towers attacked at the same time.

Immediately, 50 crossbow arrows rushed towards the school of bigmouth fish.

As soon as these crossbow arrows approached the bigmouth fish, the front part exploded violently, and a huge net spread out, carried by the strength of the crossbow arrows, and directly wiped out the bigmouth fish in a large area.

This is the "net crossbow" of the floating arrow tower. Sometimes marine life comes in a large group, and this kind of crossbow arrows attack quite powerfully.

The mermaid in the floating arrow tower quickly replaces the arrows.

There is only 1 mermaid operation in the floating arrow tower, but they also completed the operation in 10 seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the second wave of net crossbows attacked.

50 net crossbows immediately surrounded a large number of large mouth fish.

The school of largemouth fish did not panic, and was still firmly rushing towards the tree of the ocean.

The third wave of net crossbows was also launched.

The underwater shooting range of the floating arrow tower is as high as a thousand meters. Although the speed of the big mouth fish is fast underwater, the mermaids have completed four complete attacks.

After four waves of attacks, at least half of the bigmouth fish were knocked out.

But the underwater environment is complicated, so it's good to meet a small number of big fish. The floating arrow tower still can't stop all of these large mouth fish.

However, just after these bigmouth fish broke through the blockade of the floating arrow tower, more than a hundred killer whales and whale ships rushed up, opening their mouths and eating like crazy.

Especially the ancient whales, they just opened their mouths and plunged into the large mouth fish, and swallowed a large number of large mouth fish directly.

The original body length of killer whales is only more than ten meters at most, but they grow very fast in the whale ranch. The longest killer whales have already reached about fifteen meters in length. It is not too fast to swallow these small fish .

More than a hundred killer whales and ancient whales devoured large mouth fish that rushed through the floating arrow tower.

Bigmouth fish are also quite ferocious. Outside the floating arrow tower, a large number of bigmouth fish are constantly biting, but they can't bite.

Facing killer whales and ancient whales, the big mouth fish also rushed to bite.

But at this time, the mermaids joined the battlefield. The mermaids held a dagger in one hand and a dagger in the other, and quickly cleaned up the big mouth fish on the killer whale and the ancient whale.

Immediately afterwards, more sea elves rushed into the sea.

Sea elf Lansha cast a spell, and a large water arrow directly killed the bigmouth fish in an area.

The other sea elves used water magic one after another to keep cleaning the big mouth fish.

On a Cetus ship, Ren is in control of everything.

In this battle, the mermaids, sea elves, and whales fought together to completely block tens of thousands of fierce bigmouth fish from the defensive circle, and none of the bigmouth fish broke through the blockade.

After only ten minutes, all the bigmouth fish were all killed.

In Ren's view, this attack by Big Mouth Fish, on the contrary

Help yourself check out mermaids and sea elves, as well as whales.

"God, I caught this."

After the battle, the sea elf Lansha flew over with a water polo. Ren saw that what was imprisoned in the water polo was a crayfish that was tens of centimeters long!

"Blue Devil Shrimp?"

Renn saw someone raise this thing before crossing over.

It is said that there is also a sky blue magic shrimp. The name is awesome, but it is a freshwater shrimp, and its size is not so big.

"God, it can talk."

The sea elf blue gauze road.

Being able to speak... Of course, it does not mean being able to speak human language, but a language that can be understood by sea creatures such as mermaids and sea elves!

Chapter 0048 Wisdom fish! Companion vine!

"Big... big... people... really have nothing... to do with... me, I... I... After I saw the big mouth fish, I came over to have a look..."

In that water polo, the blue crayfish stammered.

Lan Sha translated his words.

"My lord, there are many kinds of life in the ocean. Most of the fish and shrimp don't have high intelligence, but occasionally some can give birth to certain intelligence. These fish and shrimp are called wisdom fish."

Next to Ren, Mia said.

In fact, life like mermaids are also a kind of intelligent fish in the eyes of human beings.

However, in the eyes of mermaids and sea elves, smart fish refers to marine life with certain intelligence born from ordinary fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, etc.

Mermaids are not the same kind of fish anymore.

Ren was not surprised.

After all, it is a magical world, even mermaids and sea elves exist, and a crayfish with certain wisdom is nothing.

However, what the blue crayfish said... Ren didn't believe it.

He walked to the low mountain area, picked up some dead branches and leaves, and lit a fire.

Then Ren took out a pliers, stretched out into the water polo, and clamped the blue crayfish.

Lan Sha cast a spell slightly, and the water ball burst directly, and Ren clamped the blue crayfish on top of the fire.

"What are you...what are you going to do...what are you going to do?"

The blue langoustine shrimp was broken.

"I haven't tasted such a big shrimp yet."

Ren said to himself.

After Lansha translated Rain's words to Blue Crawfish, Blue Crawfish broke down.

"Forgive me, don't eat me."

The blue crawfish screamed in panic.

Ren ignored it and grilled the blue crayfish over and over on the water.

The blue crayfish struggled desperately, but it couldn't move at all, and the blue color on its body also quickly faded, turning into a black shrimp shell.

"Became a black magic shrimp again?"

Ryan said.

"Wang, there is something wrong with this shrimp..."

Mia said.

No matter how many problems there are, they will be screamed by the fire.

In this way, after a few minutes, Ren got the answer he wanted.

The bigmouth fish's attack this time was indeed the work of the black crayfish.

The black crayfish happened to pass by the ocean tree more than ten days ago, and it became interested in the ocean tree, but it saw the mermaid in the water, so it ran to a distance to gather a lot of big mouth fish.

Its plan... is to wait for the big mouth fish to attack, sneak into the middle of the ocean tree from the bottom of the water, and keep eating, so that it can gnaw all the way to the heart of the ocean tree, where there is a place where all marine life All yearn for energy.

Those energies are also the energies that gave birth to sea elves.

"God, what the ocean tree is most afraid of is this kind of small marine life. The previous ocean tree had more or less parasites on it. If there are more of these parasites, it will bring great harm to the ocean tree. Impact."

Lan Sha whispered.

Ren nodded slightly.

There is so much life in the ocean.

Like some ships going out to sea, the bottom of the ship will be full of marine life every one or two years.

Even ships are like this, not to mention ocean trees.

And the tree of the ocean is too big, the underwater part is 2,000 meters high, and its diameter is more than 800 meters. If you don't do anything, it won't take long for such a thick tree to be covered with all kinds of small trees. biology.

"Got to figure out a way to fix that."

Ryan thought.

"Main quest, buy Ocean Tree's companion vine seeds and cultivate them to solve the problem of Ocean Tree's parasites. Task reward: experience 80, gold coins 8,000."

The sound of the system sounded.

"Companion vine?"

Ren cheered up and looked at the system.

Companion vine seeds are not expensive, only 1000 gold coins.

Ren bought one directly, and then asked Lan Sha to plant it on the seabed.

After Lan Sha left, Ren discovered that the lobster was cooked.

Ren sniffed it, and it was quite fragrant, but he didn't eat it indiscriminately, and directly let a mermaid take it to the open sea through the space cabin and throw it to the killer whale as food.

After the companion vines are planted, they are cultivated stage by stage, just like the ocean tree, but the cultivation time is much shorter than the ocean tree, and the consumption is much less.

In just one day, the companion vine rushed out of the sea.

Chapter 0049 Three Star Ocean Tree

! The White Shark King returns to his lair!

When the companion vine rushed out of the sea, the sea elves all flew out, and each of them showed great curiosity about the companion vine.

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