"The ghost ship is coming~"

"Run, the ghost ship is coming~"

"My God, how did the ghost ship come here?"


The people on the merchant ship that was closer to the whale ship were scared out of their wits, and quickly raised their magic sails to stay away.

Magic sails can make a ship a lot faster. If you are willing to use magic stones, it can be several times faster, but ordinary merchant ships will not be willing to use magic sails.

The function of the magic sail is generally used to escape when encountering pirates.

Usually sailing can rely on wind and ocean currents.

Soon, news of the arrival of the ghost ship spread in Lubao City.

On the sea, the ships moved away one after another, like frightened birds.

In the city, many people were also scared, but because the ghost ship was in the sea, and these people were not as afraid of the ghost ship as they were in the sea on land, so although they were afraid, a large number of people still ran to the beach to watch the legendary ghost ship. the ghost ship.

"Look, that's the ghost ship. It's really just like the legend. There's a steel fortress on it. It looks so scary."

On the beach, someone whispered.

"Yeah, I don't know if there are real ghosts inside the ghost ship."


More and more people come to the beach.

Ren only let the whale ship he was riding surface to the surface, and the other three ships were still underwater.

When he came to Luburg City this time, Ren didn't plan to hide it.

He came here to deal with the jewels obtained from pirates, and there was nothing wrong with this purpose.

With the current strength of the whale ship, as well as the strength of Ren himself and the mermaids, no one has dared to attack Ren.

Only by letting the reputation of the ghost ship spread farther can pirates or ordinary ships dare not enter the waters of Mermaid Island for activities!

Moreover, Ren didn't know the grandfather of the woman from the Chamber of Commerce, and he didn't bother to go ashore to find her. If she came here with such fanfare, the other party would naturally come to him if she knew about it.

Under Ren's order, the whale ship moved towards the port, and soon, the whale ship came to the port.

At this time, the ships in this port had already escaped cleanly.

All the ships were frightened.

Even the City Guards of the city were alarmed.

When the whale ship finally stopped in the water of the port, a city guard army of thousands of people also drove over.

"My lord, it's not good for the ghost ship to visit and stop there."

The leader of the city guard was a little worried.

Although there are many of them, the ghost ship is in the sea, and they can't do anything to each other.

And if the ghost ship wants to destroy it, it will have a great impact on Lubao City's maritime trade.

The city guards quickly sent a clerk to inquire, wanting to see what the ghost ship was going to do.

The clerk tremblingly stepped forward, and after asking the question, the ghost ship did not give any response.

"Observe first, see what it is going to do, don't act rashly, so as not to anger the other party!"

The lord of Lubao City also came.

"Yes, my lord."

The leader of the city guard said.

Thousands of city guards, the city lord of Lubao City, and a large number of officials were waiting there.


At this time, a huge convoy drove over, and beside this convoy, there were hundreds of heavily armed mercenaries guarding it.

"It's people from Jingyue Chamber of Commerce, Norman Chamber of Commerce, and Vernon. What are they planning to do with so many mercenaries?"

Among the onlookers, many people recognized the people in the convoy.

Then they saw that the people from the three chambers of commerce drove the convoy directly to a building in the port.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the ghost ship sailed into the building through the water and disappeared.

About a few minutes later, the ghost ship sailed out of the building again, plunged directly into the water, and went to nowhere.


Many people were puzzled.

Some merchants faintly felt that there might be some kind of deal between the ghost ship and the three chamber of commerce.

"Fifteen million gold coins."

In the Whale ship, Ren looked into the system warehouse.

The jewels obtained from the pirates were sold for a total of over ten million gold coins.

The jewels obtained from the banshee were sold for more than four million gold coins.

The total amount is actually less than 15 million gold coins. However, in order to establish a good relationship with the "ghost ship", the three chambers of commerce directly gave an integer.

In other words, in this transaction, Rennes won a total of 15 million gold coins.

The woman on the merchant ship guessed right, her grandfather really couldn't eat so much jewelry, so her grandfather wisely chose to bring in two more large chambers of commerce.

This saved Ryan a lot of trouble.

Ren didn't want to be too troublesome.

Being able to process quickly is best.

Moreover, the other party did not lower the price, but paid a premium.

"A round of major construction can be carried out."

Ryan thought.

Counting the gold coins in Ryan's hands, the total amount of gold coins in Ryan's current total is nearly 17 million gold coins!

With so many gold coins, it is enough to carry out a round of large-scale construction and expansion.

"The number of mermaids is not so easy to increase...then let's raise the Ocean Tree to a 4-star rating first."

Ryan thought.

Even after the Ocean Spring is restored, the speed at which the Ocean Spring can breed mermaids is at most similar to that of the Ocean Tree, maybe even slower.

The number of mermaids still needs time to accumulate.

Therefore, Rennes decided to upgrade the Ocean Tree to a 4-star rating first.

In a few days, the number of sea elves will exceed 1,000. If they are upgraded to a 4-star rating, the number should be sufficient.

To raise the Ocean Tree to a 4-star rating, some functional buildings need to be built.

On the current Ocean Tree, apart from the huts where the sea elves live, there are already quite a few functional buildings.

Sea elf training hut, sea elf magic hut, sea elf space hut, sea elf talent hut, sea elf weapon workshop, sea elf food workshop, sea elf communication hut, sea elf meditation hut, etc.

However, with the increase in the number of sea elves, the training hut and the magic hut are not enough.

Therefore, Ren built another 50 sea elf magic houses at one time, each costing 2,000 gold coins, and spent a total of 100,000 gold coins...

But Renn has been upgraded 2 times, the first upgrade is 5,000 gold coins, and the second upgrade is 10,000 gold coins.

In total, a total of 850,000 gold coins were spent.

Immediately afterwards, Ren built 50 more sea elf training huts. The price was about the same as that of the magic hut, and with two upgrades, it also cost 850,000 gold coins.

Whether it is a magic hut or a training hut, it is quite necessary.

Rennes also added 20 magic huts and training huts to Mermaid Island, which were also upgraded, spending a total of 680,000 gold coins.

In this way, more than two million gold coins were spent.

Renn gained nearly 3,000 experience through successive mainline quests.

Immediately afterwards, Ren added 10 space huts, upgraded the weapon workshop, and expanded the number of meditation huts.

With the space above the canopy of the Ocean Tree, these buildings are not crowded at all.

Now the treetop of the Ocean Tree has a diameter of more than 10 kilometers, and a thickness of almost 800 meters. With such a large space, including the huts where the Shanghai elves live, there are only more than a thousand buildings, which is too sparse!

Immediately afterwards, Rennes also built a large number of enchantment towers on the top floor of the canopy of the Ocean Tree.

These enchantment towers are quite beautifully designed, as if they were grown out of ocean trees.

Their functions are similar to those of the magic patterns outside the Mermaid Island. Ren has built a total of 200 enchantment towers. In case of war, these 200 enchantment towers can also be placed above the canopy of the ocean tree. , forming a barrier like a protective shield, which can prevent the enemy from destroying the ocean tree with powerful magic.

This cost Rennes another two million gold coins.

Although the gold coins are spent, the experience is still quite rich.

After the enchantment tower is built, the Ocean Tree's defense will be more comprehensive, and it will no longer be afraid of powerful magic attacks descending from the sky.

Next, Ren made a complete set of equipment for the six hundred sea elves and all the remaining mermaids!

Mermaid or Mithril equipment.

Sea elves are equipped with wind pattern gold.

All are enchanted equipment, 10,000 gold coins a set.

This step directly reduced the gold coins in Ryan's hand by nine million.

"Once back to the feeling before liberation."

Ryan thought.

Now, the gold coins in his hand are only about three million.

Ryan realized what it means to spend money like water.

However, it is quite worth spending so much money!

Ren's strength has skyrocketed again!

After doing all this, Ren lay comfortably in Leah's arms and fell asleep.

Next, wait until the construction is completed this time to see if the rating of the Ocean Tree can be raised to four stars.

With so many armors, it will take a week or two to build them all.

The amount of gold coins required is too large, and Rennes will definitely not choose to speed up.

This is why Rennes promised the banshee the fastest one week and the slowest one month.

More than an hour later, the Banshee Canyon arrived, and the banshees all came out.

After Ren stayed in Banshee Canyon for a while, he set off again.

This time, he fell asleep in Liya's arms with peace of mind.

But to Ren's surprise, he actually dreamed of something embarrassing with the banshee Debra.


It is indeed a stunner.

This sleep made Ren a little angry.

Being surrounded by flowers every day, it is impossible to say that Ren is not tempted.

However, mermaids with less than sixth-order legs are more harmful.

As for the sea elves...

Maybe it's because they were born not long ago, Ren always felt that they were too young...and a bit too much to handle.

However, the banshee doesn't seem to have these restrictions, which is probably why Renn had some kind of dream.

Of course, another reason may be related to the fact that the Banshee is indeed too enchanting.

When Ren fell asleep, Mermaid Island also arrived.

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