Without any hesitation, Rennes directly chose the second option.

That is to use the Sea God's curse on the Banshee Canyon for his own use!

This plan has many benefits.

Once Renn lifts the curse of the Banshee Canyon, he can control the Banshee Canyon and charge passing ships.

That would be a pretty big paycheck!

Ren himself certainly wouldn't stay here every day.

This matter can only be done by the banshees.

However, although the banshees are scary, the strength of the banshees now...isn't that strong!

The strongest ones are the third-order Debra and Nina.

Still can't hold back the scene a bit!


Over the years, there have been great nobles wanting to control the Banshee Canyon and turn it into a big gold mine!

It's just that there is no way to take the Sea God's curse.

Now that Rennes has opened up here, it is inevitable that some big nobles will start thinking again.

Once the big nobles come to attack at that time, it is not a good choice to let mermaids and sea elves take action.

If they show up, I'm afraid they will attract more coveted.

After all, whether it is a mermaid or a sea elf, they are all coveted by humans.

A mermaid can be sold for tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of gold coins in the human kingdom, and a sea elf can even be sold for millions of gold coins.

Before the strength is strong enough, Rennes doesn't want to make troubles.

Therefore, if the curse of the sea god can be used, the banshees will have an extra weapon.

The Sea God's curse... Actually, it can only take effect in the Banshee Canyon.

But enough is enough.

With the prestige of the ghost ship, it is enough to guard this canyon!

"The release was successful, and the completion time is 8 hours!"

After 2 million gold coins were put in, Ren heard a notification tone.

Ren looked at the gold coins in his hand, and there were more than one million.

"Let's build some huts for the banshees first!"

Ryan thought.

Thinking of this, Ren began to build.

Banshee huts are a little more expensive than mermaid huts, 50 gold coins each. In the system, they are not very functional, and huts with purely living functions are quite cheap.

Of course, the mermaid hut doesn't need to be upgraded, but the banshee hut... Ren is still planning to upgrade.

The reason for the upgrade is simple.

The mermaid hut is in the safe mermaid island, so there is no need to consider defense issues.

But the banshee hut needs to consider defense issues.

After asking Debra about the location of the Banshee's Hut, Ren started the construction.

Immediately, on the cliff, the banshee huts began to be built one by one.

These banshee huts are hung directly on the cliff, but the location is very clever.

The banshees can see the Banshee Canyon below from the banshee hut, but it is difficult for the boats below to see the banshee hut.

In addition, the banshee's hut is more integrated with the environment, and it is hard to see if you don't pay attention.

The banshees flew out one after another, watching this scene curiously.

After learning that it was their king's handwriting, every banshee showed a look of surprise.

The construction of the banshee hut only takes 1 hour.

The banshees also waited an hour.

An hour later, the banshee hut was officially completed.

"Choose one for yourself! There's something for everyone!"

Ryan said.

"Wow, Wang, was it built for us?"

A banshee looked at the banshee's hut, still a little unbelievable.

Ren nodded.

The banshee happily entered a banshee cabin.

The space inside is actually not small.

There is a bedroom, a small living room, and a bathroom.

The lighting is also quite good. Outside, there is a small balcony that blends in with the environment. There are some flowers on the balcony.

In addition, there are some caves connected to the back of the banshee's hut. These caves have also been remodeled, and there are flowers everywhere. These flowers are mainly blue and white, which are flowers of the cold attribute.

The energy that the banshees need is cold and dark, and even the banshees don't particularly like to bask in the sun.

Of course, banshees still love beauty and beautiful things.

"so perfect!"

All the banshees were amazed by the beauty of the banshee's cabin.

In the past, they were restricted by the curse and could not leave the Banshee Canyon too far. They could only live in the cave. Although they arranged it very warmly, how could it compare with the Banshee's Hut?

In the banshee's hut, exclamations kept ringing out.

Obviously, no matter which banshee it is, they are very satisfied with the banshee cabin!

And this satisfaction is not generally high!

"My lord, it's very windy here, go to my hut to take shelter from the wind."

After Nina chose her banshee hut, she flew out again and said to Ren.

At this time, Ren was standing by the cave where they lived before. Hearing Nina's words, he followed Nina into her banshee's hut, sat on a large soft chair in the small living room, and operated on the system panel. up.

After a while, Debra also came in.

Debra's Banshee Cabin is next to Nina

, the two huts are next to each other.

Renn forgot to build a hut for himself, after all, he spends more time in Mermaid Island.

After the banshee hut was built, Ren upgraded the banshee hut again.

The upgrade is mainly for the wall of the banshee hut, and has little effect on the interior of the hut.

After the upgrade, the walls of the Banshee House are made of better materials. These materials are not only good at sound insulation, but also quite powerful in defense, which is no worse than the defense of steel. More importantly, there are some magic patterns inside, which can Make the banshee's hut immune to common magic attacks.

"You have to upgrade to another level to withstand the bombardment of the magic cannon."

Ryan thought.

However, there will be more gold coins for one more upgrade, and more than one hundred at a time, Renn's gold coins are running out.

After thinking about it, Ren decided to upgrade after a while. Anyway, no one will attack the Banshee Canyon in a short time.

Nina and Debra were talking on the small balcony, while Ren continued to build.

Ren directly built the space gate between the ranch and the ranch.

For the location of the space door, Ren chose a relatively deep water bottom directly below the banshee's hut.

The reason for choosing to be underwater is because it is convenient for the whale ship to come over.

Whether it's a mermaid, a sea elf, or a banshee, they are all creatures that can move easily in sea water. Ren himself also has a second job as a sea warrior, so there is no problem building it underwater.

That space door is huge, with a width of tens of meters and a height of tens of meters. However, the water in that place is more than one hundred meters deep, so it has no effect on the ships passing by on the water.

Ren also built a small space door next to the big space door.

The large space gate is the space gate between the pasture and the pasture. Only one can be built in one pasture, and the price is quite expensive, requiring 500,000 gold coins for one.

Small space doors, like mermaid space huts, are used between ranches, and the price is not expensive, only a few thousand gold coins.

The small space door next to the large space door leads to the cave behind the banshee's hut, so that Ren can go directly to the cave every time he comes over.

After the space gate was built, Ren only had half a million gold coins in his hand.

"Flows so fast."

Ryan thought.

But five hundred thousand gold coins can already build a lot of buildings.

Ren directly built 10 banshee magic huts, 10 banshee meditation huts, and 10 banshee training huts, and only spent a total of 60,000 gold coins.

A rating of 1 star cannot be upgraded anyway.

Immediately afterwards, Ren built the Banshee Weapon Workshop and the Banshee Talent Cabin.

The current banshees don't have very good weapons.

Their means of attack are mainly mental attacks.

Mental attacks are quite difficult to defend against and difficult to deal with.

There are also banshees who can use bows and arrows.

In fact, the banshees can fly and are quite flexible. After matching them with some bows and arrows and matching them with their mental attacks, the effect will be quite good.

Ren discovered that the armor made for the banshees in the banshee weapon workshop was not made of iron, nor was it mithril or the wind pattern gold of the Smurfs.

Instead, it is mainly leather armor.

"The defensive power of leather armor is not as good as iron armor."

Ryan thought.

Immediately, Ren understood.

Not all leather armor is inferior to iron armor.

Depends on what kind of skin.

Ordinary leather armor is definitely not as good.

But like some monster skins, they are invulnerable, and it is difficult to pierce them without enchanted weapons, so that is a difficult one.

However, at the same level, leather armor's defense against physical attacks is still not as good as Mithril armor.

But after the leather armor is enchanted, the defense against magic is quite powerful.

"The banshees are more flexible, and come and go invisible, so they need leather armor."

Ren thought again.

With the flying speed of the banshees, it is difficult for ordinary physical attacks to hit them, but some area magic and negative magic, such as slowing and binding magic, pose a great threat to them.

In this case, the magic pattern on the leather armor is very important.

Ordinary leather armor is not enchanted, and the price is the same as ordinary iron armor, which is 100 gold coins a set.

The first upgrade is 1,000 gold coins, the second upgrade is 5,000 gold coins, and the third upgrade is 10,000 gold coins.

By the third time, there were three complete sets of magic lines on the leather armor. The leather armor with magic below the magic level can be taken down by force. Even the magic of the magic level can greatly reduce the damage and effect.

Ren pondered for a while, and only raised to the first level, which is a complete set of magic patterns.

A set including upgrade money, 1100 gold coins.

A complete set of leather armor, a bow and arrow, and a dagger are the contents of this set of equipment!

Hundreds of thousands of gold coins were spent.

It will take some time for the leather armor to be manufactured.

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