Then, this person saw that the butler took out a bag and grabbed out a handful of... gold coins!

The new porter's eyes straightened all of a sudden.

With so many gold coins, he would have to move for several months to earn them!

"I heard that the ghost ship has been here, have you seen it?"

asked the butler.

Chapter 0086 Canyon navigation! Boiling merchant ship!

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the glass of the roof.

Ren opened his eyes.

Beside, Debra was still fast asleep.

Seemingly sensing Ren's gaze, she opened her eyes, and her big black pearl-like eyes were suddenly filled with shame.

"Morning, king!"

Debra said softly, a ray of sunlight hit her face, making it look very bright.

In her eyes, you can still see a small trace of happiness.

When Ryan walked out of Debra's hut, the banshees were already busy.

Some banshees are busy practicing in magic huts and training huts.

Some banshees are familiar with the usage of the banshee's horn hut, so that when Rennes is away, they can quickly manifest some powerful sea monsters to deter troublemakers.

"Morning, Wang, where's Debra?"

Here comes Nina.

After asking, she seemed to understand something, covered her mouth with a chuckle, and left.

It wasn't until noon that Debra came out of the banshee's hut, causing Nina to tease her softly.

And Ren once again used yesterday's gold coins to build two gates for the Banshee Canyon.

The two gates are located at the two ends of the Banshee Canyon.

This gate is not an ordinary gate.

Instead, there are four huge sculptures of banshee warriors, two at one end of Banshee Canyon.

Each sculpture is more than 100 meters high. Through systematic transformation, it is completely integrated with the mountain.

The banshees in these sculptures are wearing armor and helmets, some are holding spears, some are holding bows, and they look very impressive!

Among the panels of the system, such sculptures belong to landscape architecture, which are more ornamental than functional, so the price is not expensive. Four sculptures only cost 200,000 gold coins!

That's Rennes' income for a day!

If such a sculpture is carved by stonemasons from the mainland, it will take hundreds or even thousands of stonemasons a year or two to complete the sculpture.

If some earth magicians are asked to help, maybe the progress will be faster.

But it definitely costs a lot of gold coins.

Don't say two hundred thousand gold coins.

Two million gold coins may not be completed!

Once the sculpture is built, the next step can begin.

Ren sent a message to the mermaid girl Eve through the mermaid information hut.

Soon, five whale ships appeared in the Banshee Canyon through the underwater space gate.

"Hee hee, Wang, let me take you down!"

Nina said.

Beside, Debra blushed.

The ghost knows why she was so courageous last night.

But actually...

Originally, she just wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Wang...and look at the stars in the sky together.

Goodness behold, she really thought so.

Lying down with Wang, looking at the stars in the sky, chatting, it's romantic to think about it.

who knows……

Her king seems to have misunderstood...

Debra didn't complain at all, but was a little shy, and at the same time, there was actually a little joy in her heart.

However, when Nina teased her, she would blush a little.

In the end, Nina brought Rain to the Cetacean.

Immediately afterwards, the Whale Ship set sail and headed south.

Nina also set off with a few banshees.

Their mission is to find ships on the sea.

The flight of the banshees is not limited to the range of the ocean tree like the sea elves.

And they have an ability, that is, when flying, they have good concealment and are not easy to be noticed.

Of course, there are strengths and weaknesses. In close combat, fighting, archery, etc., they are not as good as sea elves, and their abilities are more in mental attack.

After only ten minutes, Nina found a merchant fleet.

To Ren's surprise, that merchant fleet was exactly the one that he encountered and traded with at sea last time.

This fleet belongs to the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce.

Last time, it was through this Chamber of Commerce that Ren sold the jewelry he got from the White Shark King.

Five cetus ships quickly sailed towards the merchant fleet.

When five cetus ships appeared around the merchant fleet, not surprisingly, all the crew members were alarmed again.

"Ghost ship, the ghost ship is here again!"

Although the ghost ship did not attack the merchant fleet last time, and seemed to have done something to their president, ordinary sailors and crews were still a little worried.

"Go and call the president."

Soon, the president of the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce came to the bow under the protection of several female soldiers.

Perhaps it was because the last transaction was very smooth and the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce also benefited a lot, Jingyue

The head of the Chamber of Commerce is not as afraid of ghost ships as ordinary crew members.

In her heart, she was more curious.

What she was curious about was the identity of the owner of the ghost ship and what kind of experience he had.

As for the origin of those jewels, she can guess.

After all, everyone knows that the ghost ship destroyed the White Shark King.

So naturally, most of the wealth of the White Shark King was also in the hands of the ghost ship.

Therefore, seeing that the ghost ship came up again, the president of the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce was not only not afraid, but looked forward to it.

I want to know what the other party plans this time.

Soon, a whale-shaped ship approached the ship where the president of the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce was.

On the Cetus ship, Renn in a cloak appeared.

The president of the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce smiled when she saw Ren, and she was going to say hello first.

But then, she found a problem.

She didn't know how to address each other.


The president of the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce adopted an omnipotent title.

"Sir, you can call me Jingyue. This chamber of commerce was founded by my grandfather under my name. The last time we had a good relationship with you, we made a lot of money. Jingyue is planning to find a chance to thank you."

The president of Jingyue Chamber of Commerce said in an extremely respectful tone.

"Are you ready to return?"

Ren spoke, but the voice was still hoarse after being magically processed, and it was difficult to be recognized by people.

"Yes, sir, are you planning to trade with us this time, sir?"

Jing Yue asked.

Ren said: "Not bad."

Jing Yue was refreshed when she heard Ren's words.

Trading with the famous ghost ship has too many benefits. It is only one aspect to make a profit. On the other hand, if you can build a good relationship with the ghost ship, you will be much safer at sea in the future, especially in this section of the sea.

There are no other pirates in this area now, and many people who run into the sea have already regarded it as the sphere of influence of the ghost ship.

In fact, since all the pirates have been scared away in this sea area recently, the number of merchant ships going out to sea has increased sharply recently, and some small chambers of commerce have also organized merchant ships to go out to sea one after another, which has become extremely busy.

"What do you need us to do, sir?"

Jing Yue hurriedly asked.

Ren pointed in the direction of the Banshee Canyon: "You guys, go from the Banshee Canyon."

"The Banshee Canyon?"

Hearing Ren's words, Jing Yue's expression changed.

After encountering Rennes last time, the fleet took a detour for several days before reaching Luburg City. After staying in Luburg City for a few days, the fleet set off again.

They are still ready to detour.

No, in fact, the normal route is to take a detour from the island.

Banshee Canyon has not been visited by merchant ships for decades.

But now, the ghost ship actually let them go to Banshee Canyon!

Isn't this letting them die?

Jing Yue never expected that this time the ghost ship's request was actually like this!

"Sir... Banshee Canyon is a nightmare for all merchant ships, we... dare not go!"

Jing Yue hurriedly said.

On the Cetacean ship, Ren's hoarse voice sounded again: "I have resolved the danger of the Banshee Canyon. You go through it and spread the news that the Banshee Canyon is accessible. From then on, the ships of your chamber of commerce will pass through the Banshee Canyon." It's free, that's what the deal is."

After speaking, Ren added another sentence: "You have no choice!"

After the last sentence, Ren disappeared into the whale ship.

Immediately afterwards, the whale ship on which Renn was riding sank into the water.

In several other directions, the whale ship also dived into the water.

Although it dived into the water, if you look carefully, the whale ship did not actually leave.

But the underwater whale ship is obviously more frightening to the ships, because no one knows where the whale ship will come out, whether it will suddenly emerge from the water, and sink their ship!

"President, what shall we do?"

Next to Jing Yue, a middle-aged woman dressed as a housekeeper said.

Jing Yue stood on the bow of the ship, looked at the whale ship in the distance, and said, "Let's go from Banshee Canyon!"

"President... Really go from the Banshee Canyon? That's too dangerous. The boat going from the Banshee Canyon will either disappear, or the people on it will be crazy and die. No one will be spared..."

The middle-aged woman said, her face full of worry.

"Needless to say."

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