The curse embodied by the black mist would have attacked the person who imagined it immediately, and then destroyed all ships and surrounding humans.

However, after the Sea God's curse was used by Ren, Ren, or the banshee who controlled these sea monsters through the horn hut, ordered them to attack, and whoever they would attack!

More than a hundred sea monsters rushed together, and the ground was trampled with a "rumbling" sound.

Among the armies of the Eight Great Nobles, the army in front watched so many sea monsters rushing over, and forgot to be afraid, and everyone was frightened stupid.

Even the viscounts among the eight nobles were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their minds went blank.


Master Allen's magic wand lit up again, and a powerful magic fell from the sky, blasting towards the sea monsters.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and fire!"

Earl Hawke's voice also sounded.

His heart couldn't bear to see so many huge sea monsters.

However, some sea monsters are just bigger and cannot withstand the bombardment of magic cannons at all. What's more, they also have Master Allen. Earl Huoke thinks that they may still be able to fight.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ten magic cannons roared out in unison.

In the army, other magicians also attacked one after another, and the thousands of archers inside finally reacted, drawing their bows and firing arrows non-stop.

Although these archers also use enchanted bows, they are completely incomparable with the bows and arrows of the banshees.

Even if a small amount of arrows can pierce the skin of some sea monsters, it will not help the world at all!

These sea monsters... don't know pain or fear at all. Even if they die, they will just turn into black mist again.

Immediately, they saw a black mass of sea monsters rushing over against the gunfire and arrow rain.

Even Master Allen's magic was only enough to kill a few weaker sea monsters.

The one-eyed sea monster that was just hit by Master Allen jumped and rushed to the front. Its target was obviously Master Allen.

"It-it-it...isn't dead!"

A viscount stammered when he saw the sea monster alive and well.

Master Allen narrowed his eyes. He never expected that this sea monster would not be seriously injured after receiving two rounds of bombardment from more than a dozen magic cannons and one of his magic spells!

"Could it be a seventh-order sea monster?"

This thought flashed in Master Allen's mind.

Sea monsters have various abilities, but powerful sea monsters all have one thing in common, that is, rough skin and thick flesh.

Tier 6 sea monsters are considered invulnerable. They are hard to hurt by ordinary bows and crossbows, and their defense against magic is also quite terrifying.

Seventh-order sea monsters are even more terrifying.

To be able to live alive after being hit by one of his spells, it is very likely to be a seventh-order sea monster!

Otherwise, even sea monsters of the same level, after being hit by one of his powerful spells, wouldn't be able to remain like this!

Thinking of this, Master Alan's eyes shrank.

Even if he is a magister, he has the intention to retreat at this time!

There are too many sea monsters.

And there are a few sea monsters inside that make Master Allen feel that his magic can't be moved at all!

Those dozens of magic cannons couldn't stop the sea monsters' charge at all!

"Huo Ke, let's retreat first!"

Seeing those sea monsters approaching, a viscount said with chattering teeth.

"They are here, run!"

Among the mercenaries, someone shouted something.

Immediately, the more than a thousand mercenaries hired by the eight nobles scattered.

As soon as these more than a thousand mercenaries dispersed, the hearts of the soldiers in the army of the eight great nobles rose violently!

This time, the troops conscripted by the eight nobles are all fighters with a strength above the first level, and there are also many knights.

Some powerful fighters are okay, but among the fighters whose strength is only one or two levels, many fighters' legs are starting to tremble!

Before Earl Huoke had time to speak, he saw Master Allen put away his wand suddenly, applied a magic such as acceleration to himself, and ran away directly!

"Hoke...Master away!"

Beside Earl Hoke, the Viscount who had spoken earlier stammered.

Earl Huoke's face changed drastically, and he was about to speak when he saw screams coming from ahead.

The one-eyed sea monster took the lead and rushed into a battle formation of thousands of people. The powerful fighters in front of the fighters could not stop it at all under its impact!


More sea monsters rushed over.

"Run away~"

Some soldiers completely disregarded the glory of the soldiers. After shouting, they turned and ran.

Someone took the lead, and under the fluctuating hearts, the soldiers in the rear no longer had the will to fight.

Even if some fighters of the third and fourth ranks see other fighters running, they can only follow them!

If you don't run...they can't beat them either!


Earl Huoke said with an ugly face in the rear.

It's just that they only want to withdraw now, it's too late!

The speed of the sea monsters is quite fast, even the fastest war horses can't match it.

Moreover, more than a hundred sea monsters have been killed by Master Alan so far, and less than ten of them have been killed.

That's all, more than a dozen magic cannons added up, can only kill a fifth-order sea monster!

This can't be blamed for the lack of power of the magic cannon. Who told them to bring most of the magic cannons with negative effects!

In a blink of an eye, a large number of soldiers were chased by sea monsters.

Suddenly, there was a scream!

"Whoosh whoosh~"

At this time, in the sky, sharp arrows shot continuously.

Some powerful fighters who escaped quickly were targeted by the banshees.

The banshees are chasing in the sky, which is simply too advantageous.

As for their air-forbidden enchantment, it is just a fixed enchantment, which is often used when setting up a camp to cover the range of a camp!

During the war, there is not so much time to arrange the air-forbidden barrier, and the area of ​​the air-forbidden barrier cannot be too large.

Even if it could be arranged, under the impact of the sea monsters, it was directly smashed to pieces!

In fact, even if the banshees don't make a move, there won't be too many fighters who can escape.

The sea monster is too fast.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred sea monsters plowed past the fleeing warriors.

Immediately, it was a meal that turned people on their backs!


At the forefront of these fighters, Master Allen's carriage rushed out of the peninsula at high speed.


But at this time, more than a dozen sharp arrows shot down from the sky.


Immediately afterwards, in front of the carriage, several magic cannons roared at the same time.

In the carriage, a bright light lit up, instantly covering the carriage.

The magic bullets of several magic cannons bombarded the light curtain emitted by the bright light, and was immediately blocked by the light curtain!

The magic bullets from the ice magic cannon still completely frozen the space around the carriage!


But immediately, the light flashed again, and all the ice was shattered in an instant.


But in the sky, a huge fireball has rushed down.

On the carriage, Master Allen's hand just touched the fireball.

Under this touch, the fireball changed direction and hit the ground.

But the direction of the fireball had just changed, and a huge sea monster suddenly rushed up from behind, and its huge claws directly crushed the carriage into pieces of paper!

Master Allen never expected that he, a majestic magister, would hang in this place in such a way.

Of course, dying under the claws of a seventh-order sea monster is also worthy of his status.

In fact, if it weren't for the sudden appearance of this seventh-level sea monster, Ren's second magic light strike technique would have dealt a fatal blow to Master Allen!

At the same time that Master Alan died, there was nothing left of the armies of the eight nobles on this peninsula!

In the distance, the spies sent by some forces were dumbfounded!

These spies never expected that this battle would end in such a way!

The army formed by the eight nobles came aggressively, but after the official start of the battle, they couldn't even hold on for ten minutes, and were completely crushed by the sea monster that suddenly appeared, and they were completely defeated!

Not even Magister Allen could escape!

Chapter 0091 ten million ransom! Shock! Everyone was scared!

"My lord, these nobles are all here except Earl Huoke who was killed by a sea monster."

About half an hour later, in the sky, Debra pointed to the trembling seven nobles surrounded by a bunch of sea monsters.

These seven nobles, two earls, three viscounts, and two barons!

Three in the West Court Kingdom and four in the Iron Castle Kingdom.

The dead Earl Huoke was the earl of the Kingdom of Xiting, exactly half of a kingdom.

These seven guys were surrounded by more than a hundred huge sea monsters, everyone was filled with fear, for fear that those sea monsters would catch them to death with one claw.

"My lord, I've made it clear. Earl Huoke was the one leading the operation this time. In addition, there are still a few ships sent by these nobles in the canyon, and they have all been resolved!"

Nina also said.

Ren wore his cloak and walked towards the seven nobles step by step.

The sea monsters surrounding the seven nobles immediately gave way.

All the sea monsters also lowered their heads to Rennes at the same time.

The seven nobles looked at the sea monster and bowed their heads to the sudden appearance of Ren, with shock in their eyes!

"The Caped Man of the Ghost Ship!"

These seven nobles naturally knew about the ghost ship before.

It is known that the owner of the ghost ship is an extremely mysterious cloaked man!

It's just that these seven nobles never thought that this group of powerful sea monsters was actually driven by this mysterious cloaked man!

Their hearts were full of shock, fear and endless regret at this moment!

If they had known that there were so many sea monsters in the Banshee Canyon, they would never have come to attack the Banshee Canyon anyway!

Moreover, the ghost ship owner is actually able to drive sea monsters!

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