Nancy went on talking.

As she narrated, the mermaids kept exclaiming, and every mermaid's eyes showed a look of yearning.

Beautiful and rich island, perfect defense, accompanied by ocean trees, and a handsome and sunny king!

Such a mermaid island is indeed a paradise in the eyes of mermaids!

Especially for mermaids who have been imprisoned by sea monsters and have been digging mines on the seabed for decades.

Princess Nancy didn't say too much at once, for example, she didn't say that Mermaid Island is a floating island.

She felt that what she said could impress the mermaids.

As for the others, after the mermaids arrive at Mermaid Island, they will witness it with their own eyes, and they will be even more shocked!

At that time, even if they are driven away, they probably won't want to leave!

"His Royal Highness is willing to do his best to rescue you, and is willing to accept you to join Mermaid Island. His Royal Highness is a very good person. Even the Ocean Fountain has been restored by His Royal Highness!"

Princess Nancy said again.

"His Royal Highness restored the Ocean Fountain?"

Hearing this news, the mermaid queen was taken aback.

Princess Nancy said: "Yes, mother, the current Ocean Spring can give birth to 240 new mermaids every month."

"so much!"

There was obvious surprise in the eyes of the mermaid queen.

When Ocean Spring was in the mermaid kingdom, it could only give birth to 10 to 20 mermaids a month.

This gap is not generally large.

It's more than twenty times!

"The Fountain of the Ocean... is rumored to be a gift from the Goddess of the Sea, and His Highness Ren can restore it... Nancy, if His Highness Ren can really save us, we are willing to join the Mermaid Island with our family. However, among the sea monster group Some sea monsters are about to reach the eighth level."

Chapter 0095 Rescue plan! Get ready! Head to the Queen of Mermaid Island!

"A sea monster at the peak of the seventh step!"

Princess Nancy was also a little surprised when she heard the news!

"Yes, Nancy, and there may be more than one seventh-level sea monster, and other sea monsters are also quite powerful, and there are so many giant shrimp soldiers... The strength of this sea monster group has already surpassed that in the ocean. They are quite powerful, and it is estimated that only the eight royal families and a small number of big families can deal with them."

The mermaid queen said worriedly.

Obviously, over the past few decades, the strength of this sea monster group has become much stronger!

Decades ago, this sea monster group already had a seventh-order sea monster.

The strength of a single life, the higher it goes, the more terrifying it is.

Tier 6 is already quite terrifying.

A magician of the sixth rank, one person can be equivalent to an army!

For example, in the Battle of the Banshee Canyon, the number of sea monsters killed by the sixth-level magister Master Allen was more than that killed by the noble army!

Not to mention the seventh and eighth ranks!

Princess Nancy looked at the mermaid queen and said, "Mother, how is your strength now?"

The mermaid queen said: "There is not much energy we need in the trench, and our food has not been particularly sufficient in the past few decades, so I am still at the sixth level, but I am about to reach the peak of the sixth level!"

After finishing speaking, the mermaid queen looked at Princess Nancy: "Nancy, the strength of this sea monster group is too strong, you can take Martha back, although we are suffering a bit, but there is no threat to life, there is no need for His Royal Highness Ren Take such a big risk!"

Princess Nancy pondered for a moment, and then cast a water magic.

Suddenly, an area without seawater appeared.

"I'll report the situation to Wang first."

Princess Nancy said.

She stretched her upper body into the area where there was no sea water, then took out the magic letter transceiver, took out a piece of magic letter paper, and started writing in a swish.

Around, other mermaids looked at her curiously.

Many mermaids have never seen a magic letter.

The mermaid queen also showed a hint of curiosity.

In the past, they didn't have a large range of activities, and they all communicated with mermaid horns, and they never used human magic letters.

"Queen, this is a magic letter, and the message can be sent no matter how far apart it is."

Martha explained on the sidelines.

Princess Nancy wrote in great detail, describing everything about thousands of mermaids.

Including the strength of the sea monster group, the number of giant shrimp soldiers and so on.

After writing for half an hour, Princess Nancy finished writing.

On that page of magic letter paper, she had written all over it in beautiful small characters.

Then she took out a red stone from the interspatial bag, rubbed it lightly, and fire burst out from it. Princess Nancy lit the magic letter and put it in the magic letter transceiver.

At the same time, in the Mermaid Communication Cabin on Mermaid Island, a notification sounded.

"King, there is a magic letter!"

A mermaid hurriedly found Rain.

Ren took the magic letter from the mermaid and read it.

"Hey, did you find it?"

Seeing Princess Nancy's magic letter, Ryan was refreshed!

Ren did not expect that this time Princess Nancy went to sea and found those thousands of mermaids!

Originally, Ren didn't expect to find the mermaids in a short time.


Really important!

Ren's luck is getting better and better!

Ren continued to watch.

However, after watching for a while, Ren frowned slightly.

It is of course a good thing to find these mermaids now.

However, there is also a problem.

That is, the most high-end combat power of the three ranches in Rennes... is still the rancher in Rennes!

The first profession, the sixth-level magister!

The second profession, the sixth-level sea warrior!

Even if you count the sixth-level Mermaid Queen, there are only two sixth-levels!

Among the current group of sea monsters, the most powerful sea monster has already reached the peak of the seventh rank, and is about to reach the eighth rank!

In terms of peak combat power, there is a big difference!

In fact, if it takes more than a year to find those mermaids according to Ryan's previous estimation, the combat power he possesses will definitely be able to easily crush that group of sea monsters!

However, if it is found now, as long as it is successfully rescued, the benefits will be huge.

The growth rate of Mermaid Island's strength will be greatly accelerated, reaching a new level.

Ren closed Nancy's magic letter, sat on the beach chair, and thought about countermeasures.

Giant Shrimp Soldiers...not too much of a threat.

The magic cannon is not very effective against such a guy whose individual strength is not too strong.

Even if there are millions of giant shrimp soldiers... In Ryan's view, there is nothing to fear.

On the mainland, wars between some kingdoms rarely use crowd tactics.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, ordinary people... basically don't go to the battlefield!

Only those above the apprentice level are eligible to go to the battlefield!

the reason is simple.

Although this world is dominated by cold weapons, it is a world of magic. All major kingdoms are vigorously cultivating magicians, knights, warriors, etc.

The major kingdoms are also vigorously developing weapons related to magic.

Such as magic cannon, enchanted bow, enchanted crossbow, enchanted knife and so on.

In other words, this world has developed a unique magic technology tree!

Compared with pure technology, magic technology is more magical.

Under these powerful weapons, ordinary people would not have much effect even if they put on armor.

For sharp weapons like magic cannons, even the worst ice-type magic cannons, once shot down, the surrounding tens of meters will be frozen into ice, which is quite effective against giant shrimp soldiers who are not strong individually.

Not to mention the magic cannons in Ryan's hands that have been upgraded by the system.

Of course, on the mainland, the magic cannon is fired with money, thousands of gold coins per cannon.

For Ren, the cost is much lower. With Ren's current gold coins, he can completely open the bomb.

So giant shrimp soldiers... not a problem!

Although the giant shrimp soldiers were not a problem, the threat of sea monsters had to be ignored.

"A sea monster at the peak of the seventh level... there is likely to be another sea monster that has just reached the seventh level, and there are probably a few sea monsters at the sixth level, and the number of sea monsters at the fifth level is likely to exceed double digits, or even Reaching three digits... this group of sea monsters... is very strong!"

Ryan thought.

"A magic cannon with 500,000 gold coins is a big threat to sea monsters of the sixth level. A magic cannon with 200,000 gold coins is enough to deal with sea monsters of the fifth level. However, sea monsters of the seventh level are especially dangerous. It is a sea monster at the peak of the seventh rank, and it is estimated that even if the magic cannon with 500,000 gold coins is upgraded to another rank, it may not be a threat!"

Ryan calculated.

The magic cannons in the system, the lowest level, cost 50,000 gold coins each. Unless the number of such magic cannons increases, it will be difficult to threaten the fifth-level sea monsters.

After upgrading to a level, a magic cannon with 200,000 gold coins can threaten the existence of the fifth level.

Just like the last time it bombarded the fifth-order sea snake, it directly blasted the sea snake into ice!

However, in order to threaten the sixth-level sea monster, it needs to be upgraded to a magic cannon with 500,000 gold coins each!

However, the seventh-order sea monster is much stronger than the sixth-order sea monster.

Like in the Battle of the Banshee Canyon, the one-eyed sea monster that was manifested by the black mist, under the bombardment of more than a dozen magic cannons, and the magic attack of the magister Master Allen, still rushed over fiercely, which shows that The seventh-order sea monster is terrifying.

Their skin is so tough!

What's more, in that sea monster group, there is also a sea monster at the peak of the seventh order.

Ren estimated that even if he was promoted to another level, he would be a little bit in suspense.

The most important thing is that the level of the magic cannon is also related to the rating of the ranch, and cannot be raised casually.

A magic cannon of 50,000 gold coins can be manufactured in the weapon hut in the one-star ranch, which is equivalent to a one-star magic cannon.

The magic cannon with 200,000 gold coins needs a weapon cabin in the two-star ranch to manufacture. Of course, this weapon cabin must also be upgraded to two stars, which is equivalent to a two-star magic cannon.

The magic cannon with 500,000 gold coins needs to be manufactured in the weapon hut in the three-star ranch. It is a three-star magic cannon.

Going up further, you need 1.5 million gold coins per door, and the weapons in the four-star ranch are small enough to manufacture, that is, the four-star magic cannon.

Ren estimated that the four-star magic cannon poses a certain threat to sea monsters who have just entered the seventh level, but they need to be bombarded with enough magic.

But it may not be effective against sea monsters at the peak of the seventh order.

from princess nancy

In the Fa letter, Ren also knew the general strength of those thousands of mermaids.

The strongest is still the mermaid queen, she has the strength of the sixth level, and is almost at the peak of the sixth level.

She is the only mermaid of the sixth rank.

Among the remaining mermaids, there are eight fifth-level mermaids, dozens of fourth-level mermaids, hundreds of third-level mermaids, and the remaining mermaids are all below the second level.

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